
"Mom, I have pressure money to buy one", at this time, the parents' reaction is very important

"Mom, I have pressure money to buy one", at this time, the parents' reaction is very important

"Mom, I have pressure money to buy one", at this time, the parents' reaction is very important

Properly satisfying a child's wishes is not a doting on a child

Rather, it is to respect the inner needs of children, and parents must not only care about suppressing children and finally causing psychological harm to children

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The other day, I took my sister's children to the mall

As a result, this little guy looked at a very beautiful car model, and I looked straight at the child's small eyes

Obviously I liked it very much, so I said

"Uncle help you buy, take it quickly"

But the little guy replied sensibly

"I don't want it, this is too expensive"

"Mom, I have pressure money to buy one", at this time, the parents' reaction is very important

The child is only 4 years old, and I was really surprised by such a performance

So I went home and told my sister about it and asked her

"Xiao Bao is so sensible now?"

My sister told me that recently, just after the New Year, the child himself had a pressure on the old age

So she and her brother-in-law were afraid of what the child wanted, so they discussed that they must reject the child fiercely

Just a few days ago, the little nephew asked his sister

"Mom, I can buy a model car with the money I can use."

As a result, his sister rejected him without saying a word, and told him that the car model was too expensive for children to buy

"Mom, I have pressure money to buy one", at this time, the parents' reaction is very important

Thinking about my nephew's eager but pretentiously strong eyes at that time, my heart instantly became very sour

Seriously, the holidays are a great opportunity for children to fulfill their wishes

So when the child wants to buy something, but is ruthlessly rejected by the parents

It will not only hurt their feelings, but also leave them with psychological shadows

As parents, we must understand

When your child has shopping needs, your attitude has a huge impact on your child's physical and mental health

The following 3 points, I hope all parents can take a look

"Mom, I have pressure money to buy one", at this time, the parents' reaction is very important


Today you reject children

Tomorrow the child will make up for it with a lifetime

Not long ago, I saw such a question on the Zhihu Network

"What I lacked when I was a child, now I desperately want to make up for myself, am I sick?"

According to this netizen, her parents have been very harsh on her since she was a child, and they like to make it up when they dress

He often said to her: "It won't take long to buy it, you will grow up immediately"

So her clothes are often worn by relatives and children around her, and even her socks are often patched

This led to her feeling very inferior, and when she grew up, her favorite thing to buy was socks

It had even reached the point of madness, but no matter how much she bought, every time she went out, she was still afraid of others looking at her feet

"Mom, I have pressure money to buy one", at this time, the parents' reaction is very important

The feeling of embarrassment caused by a hole in her socks in her childhood has always plagued her

The netizen's experience has resonated with many people, and many people have left messages to answer

"I too, I couldn't get it when I was a kid, and when I grew up, I desperately tried to make up for myself"

"When I was a child, I wanted a dress, but my mother didn't buy it, and when I grew up, I really bought a skirt when I saw it, and I bought a lot of wardrobes."

Indeed, in life

We also often see some people, who are already very old next year, but still like to buy all kinds of small toys and gadgets

In fact, it is because they did not get it when they were young

"Mom, I have pressure money to buy one", at this time, the parents' reaction is very important

Psychology defines such behavior as "childhood retaliatory compensation", which means that a person's childhood is not satisfied

When they grow up, they will become obsessed with their hearts and will continue to make up for themselves

As a parent, within the scope of your ability, you must learn to respect your child's ideas and needs, and try to let him be satisfied

If the conditions do not allow it, it is also necessary to explain it to the child

And don't rudely choose to refuse


Today you blindly satisfy the child

Tomorrow the child's life will become a bottomless black hole

It's too much to say

Always reject the child, the child is prone to psychological deficiencies

"Mom, I have pressure money to buy one", at this time, the parents' reaction is very important

On the contrary, if you always satisfy the child, it will actually cause a bad impact on the child

When parents educate their children, they must pay attention to grasping the measure

I have a relative who was very old and married

He was in his forties when he gave birth to his son, so although his life was not rich

But for children, it is obedient

The child liked the balance car, and he immediately went to the supermarket to buy the best one

The kid wants a drone, and he immediately goes online to order one of the coolest ones

Not to mention the children's usual food and clothing, it must be to buy the best and most expensive for the child

As a result, the child is now a teenager and doesn't even tie his shoelaces

The most I talked to my parents was to ask for money to buy things

"Mom, I have pressure money to buy one", at this time, the parents' reaction is very important

Some people say that the best way to ruin a child is actually very simple, that is, you give what he wants

I have seen such a news on the Internet

A pair of parents who bought a house for their son and got married not only spent their life savings

It also carried an additional loan of 300,000 yuan

However, a few days before the marriage, the woman suddenly asked for more than 60,000 yuan

At this time, the old two mouths really can't take it out

And their son actually said to his parents at this time

"If you can't come up with the money, you'll die."

"Mom, I have pressure money to buy one", at this time, the parents' reaction is very important

In the end, the desperate mother really chose to jump off the building

Obviously, he is a child who has been pampered and raised in every way, but when he grows up, he does not know how to sympathize with his parents at all

He even forced his parents to die for his own selfish desires

Raising such a child, it is really better to buy a piece of "char siu"

Professor Li Meijin, a famous parenting expert, once said that if you continue to obey your children from a young age

Then their desires will become bigger and bigger, and at the age of 3, they may only cry for things

When they are in their teens and twenties, they will argue with you and even do something

In the end, not only ruin your child's life, but also your own family

Remember that parents' needs for their children must be met according to their ability

"Mom, I have pressure money to buy one", at this time, the parents' reaction is very important

Don't spoil your child too much


When children have a need to shop, parents are right to do so

The great painter Mr. Feng Zikai once said

Children are always emotionally rich, but not much sanity

They have all kinds of desires, but they can't control themselves very well

Therefore, as a parent, at this time, you must know how to guide your children

When your child has shopping needs, parents must pay attention to the following 2 points

Embrace your child's needs and make good rules

It's that people will have what they want

"Mom, I have pressure money to buy one", at this time, the parents' reaction is very important

Children are naturally no exception, as parents, we must learn to accept the various needs of children and face them squarely

In addition, make good rules for your child

For example, make a shopping list in advance

In "Peppa Pig", every time Mother Pig takes Paige and George to the supermarket, she will make a shopping list in advance

So after arriving at the supermarket, the kids wanted something extra

Mom would justifiably reject them

And children will not be hurt by this

Money education, cultivate children's consumption concept

Many parents always feel that their children are still young, and they are reluctant to raise money to their children

"Mom, I have pressure money to buy one", at this time, the parents' reaction is very important

As a result, children will lack concept of money, and thus become extravagant and unrestrained when spending money

In fact, parents should educate their children about money from an early age

Let the child know where the money comes from, so as to help the child establish a rational view of consumption from an early age

Well, that's it for today, see you next time.

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