
How should I "eat" during childbirth?

Childbirth is the most important moment in a woman's life, and the process of childbirth involves great pain and consumes a lot of physical strength.

The entire labor journey of the first mother takes more than ten hours, and the expectant mother should eat during the interval of contractions to ensure balanced nutrition and mainly light semi-liquid food. This stage is also the best time to replenish your physical strength. When you first feel contractions, expectant mothers will inevitably feel a little nervous, uncomfortable, or unwilling to eat, and even have nausea and vomiting.

How should I "eat" during childbirth?

Expectant mothers should choose to eat between contractions, and can consume some light and nutritious semi-liquid diets such as eggs, yogurt, bread, cereals, biscuits, porridge, noodles and various fruits, and some people like to eat some chocolate during childbirth to replenish energy.

How should I "eat" during childbirth?
How should I "eat" during childbirth?
How should I "eat" during childbirth?
How should I "eat" during childbirth?

Childbirth is a time-consuming and physical work, if the diet during childbirth is properly arranged, not only can supplement the physical needs, but also increase the reserve of energy and physical fitness, maintain a good mental state of the expectant mother, which is conducive to the progress of labor, lay a good foundation for smooth delivery, and meet the baby faster in a good state.

Contributed by 丨Hu Yanling

Editor 丨 Wu Jiaheng

Review and approval 丨Sun Yuanyuan

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