
Doubts from mothers: Why do children call "mother" first when they encounter things?

The first "mother" is a gift from the child, which makes many mothers cry with joy. But then, "Mom" became a shackle, which plagued the lives of many mothers.

Doubts from mothers: Why do children call "mother" first when they encounter things?

"Mom, I think..."

"Mom, I want to..."


Once in a while, I called "Daddy" first, and I actually said, "Daddy, where is Mommy?" ”

Such a scene, I believe that the mothers are not strangers, and are even being troubled by this. Even if it is a small thing, the child will ask the mother for instructions and express his thoughts tirelessly. Obviously, the father was also standing next to him, but the child never mentioned it.

Doubts from mothers: Why do children call "mother" first when they encounter things?

There are many mothers around me who say bluntly: the cries of children have become their biggest nightmare. Sometimes even dreams are the child's "mother", which can be awakened in an instant. Calling out to your mother hundreds of times a day, no matter how patient you are, you must be a little irritable.

What puzzles mothers the most is why there are only mothers in the child's world.

In fact, the person the child blurted out is the person he trusts and loves the most. To put it another way, moms should feel happy, and that's how children express their love.

Doubts from mothers: Why do children call "mother" first when they encounter things?

Time goes back to the stage when children learn to speak, do mothers go out of their way to teach them to speak? For the sake of a "mother", Taught countless times, the process can be described as both happy and sweet. So when a child calls out to his mother, he is confirming this sense of intimacy and security.

In this instant, the child is always eager for the response of the mother. From childhood to adulthood, children's demand for maternal love has not decreased, but it has been strictly ignored by adults. Being responded to gives children more satisfaction and more peace of mind.

Even after adulthood, children encounter many difficulties, and subconsciously they will think of their mother first. Because when he grew up, the response given by his mother became his spiritual strength, urging him to move forward step by step.

Doubts from mothers: Why do children call "mother" first when they encounter things?

Of course, behind the call to the mother, there are also many secrets hidden

1, insecure

If you carefully recall the time to call your mother, you will find that there is no time limit from morning to night. Especially when the child is sick, wronged, or in trouble and extremely unhappy, the first thing that comes to mind is the mother. This shows that the child is particularly insecure at this time, and may be able to say "mother" more happiness.

2, want to be noticed

Of course, there are also many children who like to call their mothers. The reason is simple: I just feel like I've been "abandoned" and want more attention. The child's idea is simple, and he always feels that as long as he calls his mother, he can attract her attention and then get more attention.

Doubts from mothers: Why do children call "mother" first when they encounter things?

3. Ask for help

Adults always want to exercise children, let them be independent and self-reliant from an early age, and then start to "throw their hands and keep the cabinet". But in fact, children are not as brave and strong as adults think, they will also be afraid, they will encounter difficulties, and they hope to be helped. Therefore, when you feel that you are not capable, you will call your mother to get help.

Before I felt that the child only called his mother all day long, I really couldn't accept it. But understanding the reasons behind it, I suddenly found that I had not paid attention to the inner world of children for a long time. In this way, it is the mother who is really unqualified, not the young child.

Doubts from mothers: Why do children call "mother" first when they encounter things?

In their hearts, mom is the "safe base", a "god"-like existence. You know, the time for children to always call out to their mothers is also limited, and at most it will not exceed the second grade. This is because children aged three to five are in a sensitive period of emotional expression and are constantly running in.

When the children really grow up, they will have their own world, and the mother will not be so important. Therefore, we should cherish their young age, give their children more companionship, and water their hearts with love. Only in this way can we cultivate children with excellent emotional intelligence and not be afraid of any suffering.

Doubts from mothers: Why do children call "mother" first when they encounter things?

Of course, educating children is not something that mothers alone can operate. That is to say, on the road to growth, dad and mom are as important and indispensable. Mom is good, but she still has flaws; Dad is incompetent and has many advantages worth learning.

Therefore, the father is invited to join in the growth and education of the child. The easiest way to do this is to give dad clear instructions on how to help educate his child. Because there are too many fathers, they usually do not pay attention to details, always feel that they are busy with work, children and families should be taken care of by the mother.

With the participation of the father, it can not only reduce the burden on the mother, but also inject new elements into the child's life. What fathers teach children is bravery, responsibility, and responsibility. And these are the most precious assets of children, so that they can live a worry-free life.

Doubts from mothers: Why do children call "mother" first when they encounter things?

Written at the end: There is no such thing as a "perfect mom," but there are moms who are willing to adjust and change. When children call out to their mothers without scruples, please do not skimp on your love, and respond to them seriously and patiently.

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