
The wise and transparent old lady of the original "Know It or Not", why the marriage is not happy, deserves our vigilance

My favorite in "Know It or Not" is Mrs. Sheng. She is transparent and wise, has three views, and teaches Sheng Minglan a lot of principles for doing things.

Mrs. Sheng hurt Sheng Minglan the most, planned for her future, found a suitable husband for her, and only wanted her marriage to be happy and happy, not to follow her old path.

Mrs. Sheng and Mrs. Sheng also had a happy time, but unfortunately, within a few years, the relationship between the two had already turned against each other.

Why such a wise old lady Sheng, the marriage will not be happy, there are the following 3 reasons.


For the sake of love, Mrs. Sheng did not hesitate to turn against her parents and chose to marry low.

Old Lady Sheng was the Marquis of Yongyi, the only daughter of a concubine, how delicate. She has been the pearl in the palm of her parents since she was a child, and she is afraid of falling in her mouth and being afraid of melting in her mouth.

When Mrs. Sheng was young, she secretly saw the freshly baked Tanhua Lang Sheng old lady on the hairpin feast, listened to his two verses, and became angry on the spot.

Mrs. Sheng's father was a shangjia family, and was looked down upon in the era at that time, mrs. Sheng's father was a red person around the emperor at that time, and mrs. Sheng was still raised in the palace for a period of time.

The disparity in the status of the two families is not a star but a world of difference. Mrs. Sheng and Mrs. Sheng were not in the right place, and she suffered serious opposition from her parents.

Her parents opposed her marriage, she simply could not listen to it, was overwhelmed by love, and would rather break off relations with the family than marry Mrs. Sheng.

Her parents couldn't screw her up and had to obey.

Mrs. Sheng has a lot of dowry, and she will eat and drink all her life. She only wanted a lot of love, and she thought that marrying low could be exchanged for the favor of Mrs. Sheng.

Mrs. Sheng's low marriage did not make the other party feel cherished, but thought that she had the ability.

A marriage that is not blessed by her parents is not right, the other party does not know how to cherish, and her life is not happy at all.

The wise and transparent old lady of the original "Know It or Not", why the marriage is not happy, deserves our vigilance


Mrs. Sheng has no dust in her eyes, and when there is a problem in the marriage, she will not think of making up for it, but choose to give up directly.

She also knifed and tofu heart, let the villain secretly calculate, and lost the only child.

The love that Mrs. Sheng wants is a lifetime of one couple, and there is no room for others. Old Lady Sheng is not a dedicated person, spoiling the concubine, which makes Old Lady Sheng sad.

The concubine said bad things about her in front of Old Lady Sheng, and alienated her feelings with Old Lady Sheng. She is also a person who can't tolerate sand in her eyes, and she doesn't explain or think about how to save this relationship, and deal with it coldly and violently.

Old Lady Sheng looked cruel on the surface, but she only shouted in her mouth, but in fact she was extremely kind. She talked about beating and killing the concubines, but in fact she couldn't do anything at all.

The concubines had hatred for her, and before Mrs. Sheng could strike, she had already laid down her first, and her children had also died of poison.

The child's death made Mrs. Sheng completely disheartened, and she only hated Mrs. Sheng and directly turned against him.

Old Lady Sheng wanted Sheng Minglan to marry He Hongwen. He Hongwen was greatly annoyed by his cousin's affairs, and persuaded Sheng Minglan to find a good family for her.

At that time, Sheng Minglan said a paragraph, which made Mrs. Sheng feel shocked.

Sheng Minglan said that in this life, people will always encounter some uneven obstacles, and they can't always go around at a glance at the potholes.

If Mrs. Sheng finds that there is a problem in the marriage, she thinks about how to make up for it, instead of letting her feelings deteriorate, or even becoming an enemy.

The wise and transparent old lady of the original "Know It or Not", why the marriage is not happy, deserves our vigilance


Mrs. Sheng was disappointed in the marriage and did not want to remarry.

Old Mrs. Sheng was killed by an illness at a young age. Mrs. Sheng was in her early 20s at the time, and her family had already helped her choose the right other half.

He was a two-ranked jinshi, Tang Annian who was the inspector of Fujian and Zhejiang at the time, although he was a little older, but there were only two concubines and one concubine in front of him, as long as Mrs. Sheng nodded and married, her life would be happy.

Mrs. Sheng chose to stay in the Sheng family and never marry again for life. She was in perfect condition to remarry, and she would marry well.

She would rather die alone than marry again.

Mrs. Sheng was extremely disappointed in the marriage, did not want to experience another marriage, did not want to be disappointed again.

Marriage was a graveyard of pain for her, and she didn't want to step into it again. She had been hurt once and didn't want to be sad again.

Mrs. Sheng is also a person who loves the face of the door, the husband who originally vowed to marry, the life is not good, and the old lady Sheng died early, which has become a joke.

The wise and transparent old lady of the original "Know It or Not", why the marriage is not happy, deserves our vigilance

Old Lady Sheng ate a long and wise, and the detour she took did not want Sheng Minglan to go again

The unhappiness of Mrs. Sheng's marriage made her cautious about Sheng Minglan's marriage. She didn't want her favorite granddaughter to fall behind in marriage, so she chose to find the right person for her.

For the sake of love, Mrs. Sheng did not hesitate to turn against her parents and chose to marry low. She has no dust in her eyes, and when there is a problem in the marriage, she will not think of making up for it, but choose to give up.

Mrs. Sheng was disappointed in the marriage, did not want to remarry, did not want to hurt again.

Marriages where the door is not right and the parents are strongly opposed, we must be cautious. If there is a problem in the marriage, think of a way to solve it, rather than giving up directly.

Even if the first marriage fails, it does not mean that the future marriage is unhappy.

I am a April dolphin, about mrs. Sheng, what do you think, welcome to leave a message in the comment area.

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