
Is it because the single stick has more bride price? What is the reason? It is difficult for a rural boy to marry a wife

Some people complain that the dowry is high and it is too difficult to marry a daughter-in-law. Some people also say that there are too many single sticks, so the bride price is high. Some people say that they can't marry a daughter-in-law with a strange bride price? Some people say, blame you for not being capable, you can marry a daughter-in-law without a bride price? Even if you don't want to marry a daughter-in-law in a bride price, some people don't know how to cherish, as long as you have the ability, I will give you a backward paste, unless you grow into a model figure. They all have their own logic, each has its own words, then, today we focus on analyzing the real reasons why rural guys are difficult to marry wives, there are 3 points that can be explained, you come to see if there is any reason in the end?

Is it because the single stick has more bride price? What is the reason? It is difficult for a rural boy to marry a wife

The first reason is that things are rare and expensive, now there are fewer and fewer rural girls, more and more rural single sticks, just because there are more and more rural single sticks, the value of rural girls is rising, their requirements are also high, either there is a car and a house, or a sky-high bride price, even so, people are not willing to look at you, but also look at your family atmosphere, your personal qualities and personality, if it is in line with the woman's side, there is an eye rim, maybe people may reduce your bride price, in a word, choose the best and the fittest, why not?

Is it because the single stick has more bride price? What is the reason? It is difficult for a rural boy to marry a wife

The second reason is that there is an imbalance between men and women, and the outflow of rural girls, why? Due to the preference for sons over daughters in rural areas, the proportion of men and women is imbalanced. In recent years, with the rapid development of the mainland's industrial economy, the development of the agricultural economy is relatively lagging behind, the rural young and middle-aged people see the dividends brought about by the development of the industrial economy, put down the hoe and leave the countryside to work, come to the big cities on the southeast coast, all walks of life are everywhere, our rural girls are now highly educated, work hard, life is independent, in the end, home are young men, some rural girls stay in big cities, work places, find objects, marry the city boys, because rural girls have the ability, and virtuous, Got the like of the city guys, life is happy and happy, so that the rural guys choose a mate space is greatly reduced, and it is too difficult for the rural guys to marry their wives.

Is it because the single stick has more bride price? What is the reason? It is difficult for a rural boy to marry a wife

The third reason is that the competition is relatively large, and the family economic conditions are poor, why? Even if some rural girls go home to find a partner, it is also a lion's mouth, because rural girls go out to work, they have also seen the world, and there is no ambiguity in asking for a car and a house, which is too difficult for an ordinary rural family. But who wants to marry their girl to a family with bad conditions to farm? I think most parents want their girls to marry a good family, therefore, some families with bad family conditions ask relatives, and the general woman's family wants a sky-high bride price, just to use Microsoft methods to reject each other, some men's families have not yet understood, shouting sky-high bride price. In fact, now the rural girl is also very smart, see a potential rural guy, the bride price is only a little bit, the meaning of the line, as if it is not a dowry problem, what do you think?

Is it because the single stick has more bride price? What is the reason? It is difficult for a rural boy to marry a wife

All in all: the scarcity of rural girls, is a real problem, we should change the concept of thinking, no more preference for sons and daughters, and do not go against the sky, rural girls now choose a large space, this is an era, rural guys to see the situation, work hard, make themselves more excellent, only have the capital to compete with others, even if it is really too difficult to marry a wife in the countryside, you can also choose a foreign daughter-in-law, for example, Vietnam, Africa, Russia, Syria, Belarus and other countries, Chinese rural men labor dispatch to work abroad Isn't it also a very good life for people to marry a foreign daughter-in-law? I heard that the bride price is not high, I still hope that the same family economic conditions in rural China, the bride price is almost on the line, and it is not worthy of the grace of the woman's parents! What do you think? Deficiencies please point out more to add, remember to give Angelica Village new nongge comment message plus attention, thank you!

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