
According to statistics, 25% to 40% of the processing fee is handling costs; 70% to 80% of the process time is handling and stopping time; work

author:Fun reviews

According to statistics, 25% to 40% of the processing fee is the handling fee; 70% to 80% of the process time is the time of handling and stopping; and 85% of the factory safety operation incidents occur during the handling process. To improve handling, it is necessary to optimize the handling, and improve the number of handling, the handling space, and the handling time.

First, reduce the number of handling and the number of handling;

Second, shorten the handling distance as much as possible in the handling space, reduce the handling route and the number of times;

Third, in the handling time to shorten and reduce the number of times; in the method should pay attention to management coordination, try to consider ergonomics, the use of non-dynamic such as the use of gravity on the slope or on the conveyor belt handling.

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