
#why Chinese don't like to buy insurance # This has much to do with the bad faith of some domestic insurance companies. In order to expand their performance, domestic insurance companies are very good at drawing big cakes, plus insurance salesmen

author:Donald Duck 138603000

#why Chinese don't like to buy insurance# This has much to do with the bad faith of some domestic insurance companies.

In order to expand the performance of domestic insurance companies, they are very good at drawing a big pie, plus insurance salesmen with three inches of non-rotten tongue, very good at fooling consumers, after the unknown people are hooked, with a format contract to think that this, it will sit back and relax.

In fact, once there is a claim requirement, when the insurance company is required to accept, it is still good to push three or four, the key is that the deductible clause is often written in the most secret place, and the salesman does not positively remind the sloppy eye, so that the insured has a great negative impact on the credibility of the insurance company.

Such a phenomenon has been often, and the insurance company has not corrected it in time, passing on ten or ten hundred, and the negative image is known to everyone, and it has become a dishonest unit despised by the Chinese people.

Chinese insurance companies should make the Chinese people willing to buy insurance, must be honest and trustworthy, focus on the future, establish a good positive image, usually increase the positive publicity of the benefits of buying insurance, and at the same time, they must communicate frankly with consumers, absolutely abandon those who kill chickens and eggs to fool people's methods, integrity has, people who buy insurance will be more!

#why Chinese don't like to buy insurance # This has much to do with the bad faith of some domestic insurance companies. In order to expand their performance, domestic insurance companies are very good at drawing big cakes, plus insurance salesmen

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