
Will parents be eccentric?

A girl in Henan suspects that her parents are eccentric, and she calls the police to change her parents, and her parents' eccentricity will make the child very disappointed. Now many families will have this phenomenon, have two children, and then either the eccentric large, or the eccentric small. But the child who is hurt will leave a shadow in his heart, because from childhood to adulthood, they will remember the bad side of their parents. Even if some parents treat their two children the same, but some behaviors are beyond the scope of equality, they will think that their parents are particularly eccentric. Although I grew up, I was a little relieved, but the injuries I had suffered were still indelible.

Will parents be eccentric?

Therefore, the most important thing for parents to do is to treat their children equally, because both children are the flesh that fell from their own bodies. If even you have a biased view, then it is understandable that the child will hate his parents in his heart. And this girl is still very distressing, a small age to experience the eccentricity of her parents, then there may be more accidents after growing up.

Will parents be eccentric?

Talk to your child

Everyone should understand that whether it is a boy or a girl, whether it is a big child or a small child, in fact, they have the right to be loved. Don't feel that your selfish thoughts are just loving your children, because their real thoughts are not understood by adults. Only by communicating with the child and understanding the child's true thoughts can the child be defined. To grow up with children, rather than forcing children to grow, I believe that while having a deep understanding of children, they can also let children re-communicate with their parents.

Will parents be eccentric?

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