
Remember to send messages, people don't send them back if they don't return, people who want to pay attention to you, no matter how busy they are, they will come back, don't bother a person who doesn't want to pay attention to you, because in his heart, you are not the most

author:Heart-piercing copywriting sharing

Remember to send messages, people don't send them back if they don't return, people who want to pay attention to you, no matter how busy they will come back, don't bother a person who doesn't want to pay attention to you, because in his heart, you are not the most important person

When the freshness fades, true love begins to emerge, and if you can't even be single-minded, you can never escape the dead cycle of freshness

Trust can narrow the distance, sincerity can enter the heart, no matter how the world changes, how chaotic the society, sincerity is always the most precious, kindness will never expire!

No matter how good the mouth says, no action is deception, no words are not said, silent action is true love, a person is unreliable, not to listen to what he says, but to see what he does!

After getting along for a long time, you will find that the biggest attraction between people is not your appearance, not your aura, but the warmth and steadfastness, sincerity and kindness you pass on to each other!

Life is never what you want, just give, good or bad, cold and warm, real and false, all have to experience one by one, there are sour and sweet, there are sad and happy, there are laughs and classes, you have to slowly taste

Words are beautiful, it is better to win people's hearts than to act! Handling things: No matter how sweet and stupid the mouth is, the kindness of the heart is the cost; no matter whether you can say or do it, the brightness is the key.

Don't bother with a person who doesn't care about you, he can bear not to contact you, that means that you are dispensable, are mobile phones do not leave the hand of the person, what else do you not understand!

Maybe one day, when you learn to cherish, some things are no longer there. No matter how much you miss the past, there is no future for you

In this era, there is no shortage of jokes and truths; in this era, there is no lack of feelings and true feelings. May the road ahead be treated like you, hurt you to the bone, and be deeply affectionate.

In fact, in this life, it may be easier to meet people who are good to you, but it is difficult to meet people who always treat you as you always

Only those who have you in their hearts are willing to take care of your emotions; only those who regard you as very important can stand with you, and rejoice with you

Knowing a person depends on fate, understanding a person depends on patience, getting along harmoniously depends on tolerance, it is easy to see the same, the difficulty is to come to Japan for a long time...

If you want to have a future with me, you will have ten thousand ways, if you do not want to have a future with me, you will have countless reasons...

What makes a woman die is never money and appearance, it is responsibility, responsibility, preference, intention, gentleness, stability, sincerity, three views, and details

The person who really has you in his heart must be the one who is willing to chat with you, reply to your every message seriously, not perfunctory or indifferent, and regard you as the most important person

The people who eventually drive you crazy are the people who say they are good to you, the people who ultimately make you distrust the most, the people you trust the most in the beginning, and the people who eventually make you metamorphose, are the people you gamble with your life

The heart is a very expensive thing, giving it to the right person is priceless, giving it to the wrong person is worthless. Like with kindness can be free, but by no means cheap...

The world is not the people you care about, will care about you; not the people you treat well, will treat you kindly; some things after seeing, don't have expectations, just be silent!

Don't seek to be pampered by the whole world, just hope that this life is a person's exception and preference, no matter how many people like you, it is not as good as the person you like just like you.

Only those who have you in their hearts are willing to take care of your emotions; only those who regard you as very important can stand with you, and rejoice with you!

The person who really has you in his heart must be the one who is willing to chat with you, reply to your every message seriously, not perfunctory or indifferent, and regard you as the most important person!

At this age, we long for stability in our hearts, but we are not willing to be mediocre in our bones. I don't like to be alone, but I like to be alone

What can conquer people's hearts forever is not cleverness, but kindness. What moves people's hearts is never words, but actions. What can be consistent is never a disguise, but sincerity.

It is the dream of angels not to make mistakes; it is the criterion of man to make mistakes as little as possible; mistakes are like the gravity of the earth, and everything in the world inevitably makes mistakes

Initial interaction to see politeness, long-term exchanges to see temper, a lifetime of interaction to see the character, time is a good thing, see through the hearts of the people, witness the character

Between people, what makes people comfortable at the beginning must be words, and then what makes people comfortable must be character, life is not all about interests and competition, but more about mutual achievement and mutual warmth

Later, I did not have any ambiguity with anyone, and even chatted with no interest, in the new love and old love, I chose to love myself first, clean up, live a good life...

No matter what kind of life you live, some people say that we only come once in this world, eat the meal we want to eat, meet the people you like, see the scenery you like, and do what you like!

When you are alone, there is really a moment when the whole person suddenly collapses, suddenly sad, suddenly sad, suddenly find that you have been so bad

Remember to send messages, people don't send them back if they don't return, people who want to pay attention to you, no matter how busy they are, they will come back, don't bother a person who doesn't want to pay attention to you, because in his heart, you are not the most

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