
Cherish everyone and everything you meet, and don't presuppose positions about anyone and everything. For a long time, I didn't like my colleague at the next desk because she always looked like a condescending person


Cherish everyone and everything you meet, and don't presuppose positions about anyone and everything.

For a long time, I didn't like my colleague at the next desk because she always looked like a princess on high and liked to nitpick, so I never took the initiative to say hello to her. But on the first day of work years later, her actions changed my mind. On that day, the snow was heavy, and my shoes and pants were wet and I could only bear it. Without a word, she handed me a new pair of socks and said Happy New Year to me. Although a pair of socks does not do much for a pair of wet shoes, at that moment, my heart was touched, very warm and warm.

In fact, many things happen that we can't expect, and even sometimes they will start in some unimaginable ways, don't easily predict anything, the heavens will always surprise us! #成长 #

Cherish everyone and everything you meet, and don't presuppose positions about anyone and everything. For a long time, I didn't like my colleague at the next desk because she always looked like a condescending person

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