
【Medical Q&A】Does the small uterus have a big impact on fertility?

The uterus is the "hotbed" for the development and growth of the fertilized egg, if the uterine environment is not good, the embryo is uncomfortable, which is easy to cause fetal stoppage, miscarriage and so on. Does that little uterus affect pregnancy?

The uterus is located in the center of the pelvis, with the bladder in front and rectum in the back, with a lower end to the vagina, and flanked by fallopian tubes and ovaries. The uterus is slightly flattened inverted pear shape and weighs about 50-70 g. In general, the normal uterus has a longitudinal diameter of 5.5-7.5 cm, anterior and posterior diameter of 3.0-4.0 cm, a transverse diameter of 4.5-5.5 cm, and a cervix length of 2.5-3.0 cm. Under normal uterus conditions, the sum of the three values is 12. "Small uterus" means that the uterus is still smaller than normal after puberty, also known as "uterine dysplasia".

If it is close to the normal size, you don't have to worry too much, you can still conceive naturally. It should be noted that the uterus is too small often has poor reproductive function, which is easy to cause menstrual disorders, abnormal ovarian function, endocrine abnormalities, etc., which is not conducive to the implantation development of fertilized eggs and needs timely treatment. In the case of not harming the normal germline tissue of women, it is possible to successfully conceive by appropriately expanding the uterine content and restoring normal morphology and physiological functions.

In addition, the naïve uterus and the small uterus are not the same thing. Naïve uterus refers to the phenomenon of uterine dysplasia or undeveloped uterus, most of which is without endometrium, which definitely affects pregnancy, but the small size of the uterus does not necessarily affect fertility.

【Medical Q&A】Does the small uterus have a big impact on fertility?

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