
Female uterine dysplasia, how to make a plan to get pregnant well!

Naïve uterus, also known as uterine dysplasia, refers to the normal structure and morphology of the uterus, but the size is small, the cervix is relatively long, is an important reason for hindering normal conception, clinically common naïve uterus has two types: one is a juvenile uterus, more common, the ratio of the uterine cavity to the cervical canal is about 1:1; the other is a juvenile type, the ratio of the uterine cavity to the cervical canal is about 1:2, and often accompanied by ovarian hypoplasia.

If the female uterus is stunted, symptoms such as delayed menarche with rare menstruation, dysmenorrhea, and even amenorrhea often occur. Therefore, it is necessary to first understand whether the size of the uterus and other endocrine systems are normal, such as whether there are abnormalities or dysfunctions in organs such as the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and ovaries, and whether there is ovulation disorder. Normally, after a woman matures, the uterus becomes fertile. If abnormalities occur in the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, ovaries and other organs, resulting in endocrine dysfunction, uterine development will be delayed, and in severe cases, infertility.

Female uterine dysplasia, how to make a plan to get pregnant well!

Therefore, for women with a naïve uterus, a plan needs to be developed to get pregnant!

1. First adjust and improve the internal environment and then transplant to improve the implantation rate

For women with naïve uterus, experts first conduct a detailed examination, through the B ultrasound examination to understand the size of the uterus and the internal environment, and use this as a basis to develop a suitable diagnosis and treatment plan. If the symptoms of naïve uterus are mild and stable, slightly smaller than the normal uterus, but the endometrium is rich in blood circulation, cell division is good, the texture is soft and the endocrine level is balanced, and there are no other uterine diseases (such as fibroids, polyps, adenomyosis, etc.), then the woman can try to conceive on her own.

Shenzhen Zhongshan exogenitation reminder: Usually, before and after transplantation, the ivy tube doctor will first adjust it, improve the intrauterine environment, and inject an appropriate amount of progesterone or HCG according to the actual situation, promote progesal cell proliferation, progesterone synthesis and secretion, support luteal function, help increase uterine tolerance, improve embryo implantation rate, and provide a superior growth environment for fetal development and maintain pregnancy.

2. Carry out auxiliary examination and treatment to ensure the pregnancy rate

For women with severe uterine dysplasia, endocrine dysfunction and systemic diseases are often combined. Then in addition to routine ultrasonography, the doctor will also perform hysteroscopy for in-depth examination, assess the specific conditions of the uterus, if it fails to return to the ideal transplant state after diagnosis and adjustment, then in order to successfully implant and gestate in order to ensure the smoothness of the entire diagnosis and treatment cycle and pregnancy, until full-term delivery.

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