
If there is a disease in the uterus that affects normal fertility, can I IVF be performed in such a situation?

The womb is very important for women, because it is the "home" for pregnant new life, it is a place where the seeds of new life can take root and sprout, and once there is a problem with the womb, having a healthy baby may become a distant dream.

A small womb can have big problems!

1, uterine malformations - difficult to conceive

Whether uterine malformations affect fertility depends on the type and extent of the malformations. Most of these patients do not have obvious self-conscious symptoms, but due to the influence of the implantation of fertilized eggs, they often cause infertility. Even if you are pregnant, because the uterine cavity cannot be enlarged, miscarriage and premature birth are prone.

2. Uterine fibroids - affecting conception

Uterine fibroids are very common tumors in women, according to the relationship between fibroids and the myometrium, divided into inter-myoidal fibroids, subserous and submucosal fibroids. The degree to which fibroids affect conception is related to the location, size, and number of fibroids.

3, uterine dysplasia - the hope of fertility is small

Uterine dysplasia, also known as naïve uterus, generally refers to the uterus is still smaller than normal after puberty. A simple small uterus is not necessarily a direct cause of infertility. If the ovaries are stunted at the same time, there is little hope of fertility.

If there is a disease in the uterus that affects normal fertility, can I IVF be performed in such a situation?

4. Endometritis - killing sperm

Clinical manifestations are increased vaginal discharge, irregular bleeding of the uterus, waist acid and bloating, often during menstruation.

In the acute phase, it is manifested by fever, with a foul smell of vaginal purulent discharge; Uterine tenderness; White blood cells rise, and if not treated in time and thoroughly, gradually become chronic.

When there is inflammation, the endometrium does not provide sufficient nutrition for implantation of the pregnant egg, and the inflammatory exudate also has a sperm-killing effect, causing infertility.

5. Thin endometrium - the embryo is not easy to implant

Thin endometrium can cause the egg to implant well and thus not conceive as planned.

The causes of thin endometrium are systemic, common reasons are low estrogen levels, insufficient progesterone levels and the presence of ovulation disorders and lack of growth hormone, etc., there are also local causes, such as endometrial damage, adhesions and losses, etc. Some patients have not recovered the endometrium after artificial abortion, which will also lead to thin endometrium.

6. Thickness of the endometrium - abnormal bleeding of the uterus

If a woman's hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis is disordered at one point, or if it is affected by a disease such as polycystic ovary syndrome, it may cause the endometrium to be subjected to estrogen for a longer period of time, resulting in non-ovulation.

In this case, the endometrium is in a state of hyperplasia for a long time, resulting in abnormal endometrial hyperplasia.

So can uterine infertility do IVF?

Shenzhen Zhongshan exogenitation reminder: Of course, it is possible, but female friends have problems such as uterine defects, uterine dysplasia or serious damage to the uterus, which will also affect the success rate of IVF fertility.

It is recommended that the majority of patient friends, before the IVF fertility, both husband and wife should first go to the hospital to do a detailed physiological examination, and the professional fertility doctor will formulate a detailed IVF fertility plan according to the test results and the specific situation of the patient to maximize the pregnancy rate of IVF.

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