
Children's soft pornography is all over the Internet, "sunbathing" is risky, these photos must not be sent!

Since the birth of the baby, mom and dad have become photographers, the mobile phone has thousands of children's photos and videos, how to take not enough, many parents also like to share their own cute baby daily life on the Internet.

Children's soft pornography is all over the Internet, "sunbathing" is risky, these photos must not be sent!

On some live broadcast and short video platforms, many children who are only three or four years old have become the protagonists in front of the camera, and many "net red children" accounts have appeared.

However, as the public aesthetic gradually fatigued, many accounts began to "find another way", and there were strange images of 3-year-old children eating broadcasts and 5-year-old children introducing "pure desire" makeup.

In the face of great interests, the shots originally used to convey happiness and happiness are distorted and flavored, and the children who have been robbed of their innocence cannot resist.

Deformed sunbathing

Children become money-making tools

Watching children eat well is originally a very healing thing.

However, the 3-year-old child became the food broadcast anchor in front of the camera, but was fed 70 pounds by his biological parents in the name of fun.

Little Peggy is overeating every day, a bottle of drink, half a chicken, a bowl of powder, six buns plugged between her teeth, and a small age to buy plus-size custom women's clothing...

Children's soft pornography is all over the Internet, "sunbathing" is risky, these photos must not be sent!

I couldn't eat it, and her parents kept feeding her despite Little Peggy's begging.

After the weight surge, Peggy was forced to eat more high-calorie foods such as fried chicken, French fries, and cakes.

Children's soft pornography is all over the Internet, "sunbathing" is risky, these photos must not be sent!

If the child keeps eating, the parents can receive a steady stream of tips, until the audience can't watch it, but the parents of little Paige still have no regrets.

Incompetent parents cry out for poverty, while young children pay the price for their health, enduring exploitation and "abuse" from their loved ones.

Children's soft pornography is all over the Internet, "sunbathing" is risky, these photos must not be sent!

Children's physical health has become unworthy in the face of interests, and mental health has been trampled underfoot.

Before the network platforms also appeared a number of young Internet celebrities, behind the operation team under the banner of "the smallest beauty blogger in the whole network" and "follow the cute baby to learn makeup", let the children who are only a few years old teach makeup, try products, live streaming with goods.

The children in the video use skillful makeup techniques to smear on the childish faces, and some videos even appear in adult content such as "green tea" and "pure desire" and soft pornographic words.

Children's soft pornography is all over the Internet, "sunbathing" is risky, these photos must not be sent!

A 5-year-old girl skillfully introduced makeup to everyone, "just after the 5th birthday, put on a pure peach makeup", such a way, behind the obvious adult operation.

Children have become "eye-catching" and "gold-sucking" tools, they are ignorant and at the mercy of others in front of the camera, and parents and institutions behind the camera make a lot of money.

Such a baby, ask yourself, is it really out of love for children?

Love children, should have guarded them. To guard them is to guard our future.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism has issued a document to strengthen the protection of minors in the online cultural market and strictly prohibit the use of Internet celebrity children for profit.

If we find this type of content, we can immediately report it to the relevant department.

Children's soft pornography is all over the Internet, "sunbathing" is risky, these photos must not be sent!

Before the baby

There are some things to be aware of

Today, when the Internet is so developed, we may be loyal viewers of Internet celebrities and happy parents who are addicted to The Baby.

Watching children grow day by day, the joy of wanting to share is worth understanding.

However, every time we want to pick up the phone to dry the baby, we must be a little more rational and vigilant.

1. Beware of children's photos being maliciously exploited

Photos of children are posted on various social platforms, and the original intention is only to share innocent and cute children's faces, but it is difficult to imagine how these photos will be used by others.

I believe that many people's memes will use cute babies, but when the child's face is paired with words such as "driving" and "seduction", in the eyes of people with ulterior motives, this is not a cute joke.

Tiger and wolf words are packaged as fairy tales, lust is disguised as cute, children's soft pornography memes are very widespread, and even packaged and sold on multiple online platforms.

Children's soft pornography is all over the Internet, "sunbathing" is risky, these photos must not be sent!

These memes are made not out of simple love for children, but the secret humanity revealed by some people's lack of sex education, or the diversion means for some micro-businessmen to make profits.

Children's soft pornography is all over the Internet, "sunbathing" is risky, these photos must not be sent!

Professor He Ting, executive director of the Juvenile Prosecution Research Center of Beijing Normal University, believes that such soft pornographic memes violate the personality rights of these children.

Cute child pornography, no matter how it is spread and packaged, has reached the legal and moral bottom line.

In July 2021, the Cyberspace Administration of China launched the "Qinglang Summer Minors Online Environment Improvement" special action, which mentioned: in-depth cleaning of soft pornographic memes made using children's images.

Although difficult, the protection of minors is the responsibility of all of us.

Before you are a baby, you must remember that the Internet is not a family photo album, nor is it a diary, and do not underestimate the complexity and darkness of human nature behind the Internet.

2. Beware of leaking your child's privacy

According to a British survey, only 12% of parents ask for their consent to upload a photo of their children, and about 33% of parents admit that their children have prevented them from uploading a certain photo.

Children's soft pornography is all over the Internet, "sunbathing" is risky, these photos must not be sent!

Children don't always want to be the protagonists in their parents' social media photo albums, and their lives may even be targeted by human traffickers after their lives are exposed online.

In the data released by the 2019 National Cyber Security Publicity Week, the circle of friends has become the "hardest hit area" of sensitive information leakage.

Children's soft pornography is all over the Internet, "sunbathing" is risky, these photos must not be sent!

Are we invisibly leaking too much information about our children? Give the outlaws an opportunity?

Some parents have canvassed for their children in the circle of friends, resulting in their daughters being almost abducted. What the canvassing content exposes is the most critical privacy information of the child.

Children's soft pornography is all over the Internet, "sunbathing" is risky, these photos must not be sent!

This information can make strangers easily say the child's name, class or even home address, and disguise a mature person to abduct the child, which is not terrible enough?

Love is restraint

Be cautious and be vigilant

For the safety of children, while snubbing, we must learn to protect children.

Sending a circle of friends does not expose the positioning

If you want to protect your child, it is best to turn off the positioning function by sending a circle of friends. Especially the routes of children's daily play, such as frequent parks, walking places, supermarkets and restaurants, etc., do not mark.

Criminals will even make precise positioning based on these locations and photos, which will invisibly bring danger to themselves and their children.

Children's soft pornography is all over the Internet, "sunbathing" is risky, these photos must not be sent!

We will not disclose personal information

When parents are posting their children, do not disclose the child's name, age, school, class and other private information, pay attention to the key information code, and try not to mention their names and their families in the circle of friends.

Criminals will also impersonate the child's relatives, colleagues, etc., to gain the child's trust and achieve their own illegal goals.

Circle of friends for privacy settings

It is best to set the privacy of your circle of friends, for example, you can't add WeChat privately through group chat, set strangers invisible, allow you to view the range of your circle of friends, etc.

Set up groups when posting, so that only your close relatives can see it.

Children's soft pornography is all over the Internet, "sunbathing" is risky, these photos must not be sent!

Try to dry your child's back, sides, etc

It is not recommended to post frontal and close-up photos of children, and more back shadows and sides.

In this way, it can not only record the moments of children's growth, but also protect them very well.

Respect your child's wishes

Avoid exposing your child's private parts when they are still unable to express their thoughts.

When your child has enough autonomy, please ask your child's opinion before deciding whether to post your child's photo on social media.

Children's soft pornography is all over the Internet, "sunbathing" is risky, these photos must not be sent!

Finally, I appeal to everyone, please think twice before she is a baby.

Children are not our appendages, they have the right to refuse to be victims of profit, the right to refuse to be exposed to our social media.

They have the right to choose how much food to eat, the right to choose their favorite dress style.

They are independent and unique beings, and they do not do it for showmanship, not to pander and please, not for money and data traffic.

Children's childhood should return to authenticity and freedom, and children's safety should be firmly protected by everyone!

Finally, I would like to ask you, will you post photos after your child's consent?

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