
The child's self-discipline stems from the self-discipline of the parents

author:Miracle heart li

The child's self-discipline stems from the self-discipline of the parents

Miracle Heart Li Miracle Heart Li

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A child's lack of self-discipline is not necessarily because his parents do not discipline him strictly. The reality is that in many families, children may often be severely scolded and corporal punishment, even if it is only a small fault, the parents will be angry, such as abuse, threats, intimidation, slaps, etc., a variety of tricks. The child's mind is very fragile, and such an educational method will only have a negative effect, because it has violated the principle of self-discipline. Discipline without the principle of self-discipline as a backing will not play any positive role. If even parents do not abide by the principle of self-discipline, then how can they be an example for their children? At best, it can only be counted as a negative teaching material. In other words, if parents know self-discipline, self-control, and self-esteem, and live an orderly life, children will take this life for granted.

The child's self-discipline stems from the self-discipline of the parents

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