
The child's height is 7 points by genetics, 3 points by the day after tomorrow, and these points are used to seize the "golden period" of spring growth.

Cover news reporter Zhou Jiayi

In the blink of an eye, the Spring Festival holiday ended unconsciously. If there is anything more anxious than going to work, it is the evaluation of dolls by relatives during the Spring Festival!

"Your doll looks a little short, her cousin is at least two heads taller when she's so old!"

"Thin, definitely thin, is your mother playing cards every day, didn't give you the whole delicious food?"

"Short is a little shorter, but it is estimated that you, like your father, belong to the late-long type, and in two years you will be up."


In the face of relatives and friends, you sentence by sentence to my evaluation of the children at home, many parents are helpless and also wonder: is the height of the doll normal compared with the same age? What if you're already "dwarven"?

On February 8, before the arrival of the golden age of children's height growth in the spring, the cover news reporter consulted Suna, an attending physician of the Department of Pediatric Genetics and Endocrinology metabolism of Chengdu Women and Children's Central Hospital, to talk about the height of the doll and help parents bypass various "pits" on the road of children's growth.

Is your child's height normal?

First of all, the height of the children in the family is not normal, the seven aunts and eight aunts said that it is definitely not counted, parents can first compare this table:

The child's height is 7 points by genetics, 3 points by the day after tomorrow, and these points are used to seize the "golden period" of spring growth.

Dr. Suna introduced that if the height of the children is above the same age and gender short value, and the ultra-high value is below, parents and friends do not have to worry too much, as long as they ensure follow-up nutrition, exercise and sleep, and wait for the children to grow naturally.

If the height of the child is not in range, do not panic, the reasons for the height lag are manifold.

Children's height is not entirely genetic

Genetic genes affect the height of children account for 70%, and the remaining 30% depend on the living environment of children. In a word, it is summed up: 7 points are destined for heaven, and 3 points depend on the environment.

See here parents do not be pessimistic, although the parents' genes account for the majority, but does not mean that both parents are short and small children are not tall.

Similarly, the fact that both parents are tall does not mean that the child is tall, because the acquired environmental factors are also very important for the growth and development of the child.

If you provide a good acquired growth environment for children, there is still a lot of room for growth. Therefore, before the golden period of children growing tall in the spring, parents should do these points and fill the "environmental points" first.

Do these three points to get full environmental points

1. Eat a balanced diet

Some children have the habit of picky eating, but if the doll wants to grow up, nutrition must keep up. Therefore, for the height of children, parents should be cruel when they should be cruel, and they can't get used to picky eating problems. Chicken, duck, fish, melon, fruit and vegetables can not be less.

Of course, parents can not let children eat sea plugs all day long, if there is excess nutrition, it may cause children to be obese, and it will also affect normal growth and development.

Therefore, in addition to holidays, parents should usually mix their diet reasonably, achieve nutritional balance, and do not blindly supplement various types of nutrition for their children.

A table of preschool children's dietary pagodas is also attached here, and parents can reasonably match according to this table.

The child's height is 7 points by genetics, 3 points by the day after tomorrow, and these points are used to seize the "golden period" of spring growth.

Source: Chinese Nutrition Society

2. Exercise appropriately

Studies have shown that children who love sports are 3-6cm taller than children who do not exercise much.

Therefore, usually parents accompany children to go out to exercise, run, kick and kick football are beneficial, especially in the winter vacation, how can children stay at home, all kinds of sports arrangements!

3. Get enough sleep

The secretion of growth hormone can only reach its peak under the deep sleep of children, and if children want to grow tall, parents should pay more attention to the sleep quality of dolls.

Here we also provide a sleep schedule, parents can refer to whether the doll usually sleeps enough:

The child's height is 7 points by genetics, 3 points by the day after tomorrow, and these points are used to seize the "golden period" of spring growth.

Dolls sleep poorly, in addition to individual factors, but also because of environmental factors. The light and noise stimulation of the outside world are common reasons for dolls to sleep lightly and wake up at night. Therefore, parents should do a good job of light and sound insulation, ensure indoor air circulation, and create a good sleeping environment for dolls.

Don't step on these "pits" parents

Some parents believe that when the doll is small, it is normal to be short, and it can naturally "bubble" up after adolescence.

In fact, the height development of children has a certain stage, each stage is crucial to the subsequent growth and development, if there is a problem at a certain stage and there is no timely intervention, it will affect the final height of the doll. So don't take any chances, don't be careless!

In addition, some parents see that the height of the doll lags behind their peers, so they quickly buy some heightening products for the doll to take. As everyone knows, some products contain estrogens or steroid hormones, and children eating too much will cause precocious puberty, resulting in the early closure of the bone line, and it will be difficult to grow taller later.

Dr. Suna suggested that if the children are behind in height, they must be taken to the hospital for examination, usually the reason for the lack of growth hormone, hypothyroidism, pituitary stalk blockade and other endocrine diseases. For specific reasons, the doctor will analyze it through some professional examinations, and then carry out scientific intervention, and parents must remember not to feed the children indiscriminately.

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