
What should parents do in the face of children crying and causing trouble in public?

What should parents do in the face of children crying and causing trouble in public?

We should educate our children not to cause trouble, let them study seriously, and protect their healthy growth, which is the ultimate goal of parents. Because of the problem of learning tasks, almost every parent who takes his child out of the house has encountered his child's constant distress in public. However, the more in public, the more children love to cause trouble. Usually in this case, the more the parents use various yelling, frightening, and pleading methods to prevent the child from making trouble, the more fierce the child becomes.

What should parents do in the face of children crying and causing trouble in public?

Many new parents are overwhelmed by this. Over time, parents feel that their children's temper is getting bigger and bigger, and their children feel that they have been wronged. So, what should be done to be the really fast, effective and correct way?

What should parents do in the face of children crying and causing trouble in public?

1. Let go of the burden of idols, often hear some parents reprimand their children. If your child cries but soon stops crying, he knows that crying is disturbing others, or he accuses the child because he cares about the eyes of those around him. Some children say to others that they like to cry too much. In fact, no one likes to cry. Every child cries for a reason. Even adults cry when they feel uncomfortable, let alone children. Such parents seem to be cursing their children, but in fact they are worried from the bottom of their hearts that their children will disturb others.

What should parents do in the face of children crying and causing trouble in public?

That said, telling someone is not the most effective way to solve the problem. When the child cries non-stop, parents must first adjust their mentality, let go of the pride of their idol baggage, truly look at the child's crying behavior from the child's point of view, and further seek effective solutions.

What should parents do in the face of children crying and causing trouble in public?

2. Find out why your child is crying. There's a reason a child suddenly cries. It may be physical discomfort, such as falling down, stomach pain and falling down.

What should parents do in the face of children crying and causing trouble in public?

I just didn't get my psychological needs. But I was very aggrieved and wanted my mother to hug me, but I didn't realize that I wanted a toy, and my mother didn't buy it. When these causes occur, the child needs to cry and find a way to balance himself. Finding the real reason for the child's crying is the first step to unlocking this festival, and simply not letting the child cry will only be counterproductive. Third, hugging is the best antidote. Generally speaking, when a child cries loudly, it is when he feels sad and wronged. Although many reasons are not worth mentioning in the eyes of adults, the world of children is much simpler.

What should parents do in the face of children crying and causing trouble in public?

At this time, don't rush to dissuade him, don't rush to reason, and don't rush to reprimand. All you need to do is stay with him, focus and seriously soothe his emotions, emotional child. I know you're sad. Mom is with you. It is recommended that parents can hold their children at this time, gently pat their children's backs, and let them have a sense of security, which is the solution to children's crying. The best antidote.

What should parents do in the face of children crying and causing trouble in public?

Sixth, firmly point out the child's mistakes, wait until the child is no longer crying, and quiet down. At this time, it is time to start reasoning and education, and then take care of the situation first, and help the child understand what he has done wrong. For example, crying loudly in public, guiding children to establish good behavior habits and expressing parents' good expectations of their children.

What should parents do in the face of children crying and causing trouble in public?

For example, I hope that my child will learn to manage his emotions in the future. When they encounter something unhappy, they can express it verbally and in other ways. At the same time, they can help the child to ease the mood and guide the child to find a solution. For example, when you encounter difficulties, you can actively seek help from adults.

What should parents do in the face of children crying and causing trouble in public?

Fifth, spiritual encouragement is more effective than material gratification. When some children cry, parents will give them snacks and toys to stop crying. But material satisfaction will never solve the problem. Over time, the child will find that as long as he cries, there are good things. It has a negative reinforcing effect on the child's bad behavior. For children, such cajoling is tantamount to drinking and quenching thirst.

What should parents do in the face of children crying and causing trouble in public?

Message: What they actually need more is security and love. Therefore, the best way to help children grow up healthily is to make full use of spiritual encouragement, such as praising children's good things and strengthening children's good behavior in time.

What should parents do in the face of children crying and causing trouble in public?

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