
After the holidays, the child's stool is so painful! These foods help children easily

During the New Year, the children's diet is irregular, it is difficult to pull the stool, and it is difficult to pull the old mother's heart.

Every poop is a barometer of mother's mood: good poop is sunny, bad poop is cloudy, rainy, smogy...

But do you really know what good poop is and what is bad poop?

How can I help my child adjust his diet and pull out a lump of poop?

Senior nutritionist Mr. Jammeh has come to solve the puzzle for everyone!

After the holidays, the child's stool is so painful! These foods help children easily

Good poop, look like this

After three meals regularly, the baby's stools have a famous "Bristol classification" (pictured below).

It figuratively classifies stools of different traits:

After the holidays, the child's stool is so painful! These foods help children easily

The nature of bad poop

Peanut bean-shaped, grape bunch-shaped, and corn on the cob -- stool (1-3 in the image above) are all drier stools, and babies are likely to be constipated.

Egg soup is generally what we often call watery stool (7 in the figure above), which has basically no solid components or contains whole pieces of undigested food and milk flaps, which can be accompanied by mucus, and is more common in diarrhea caused by various causes.

The nature of good poop

The ideal large stool is a small sausage-shaped stool (4 in the picture above), smooth, soft and moist;

The shape of fried chicken nuggets (5 in the picture above) is also a relatively normal stool;

Tahini-shaped stools are not formed, showing a relatively viscous paste, which is more common in infants and young children and adults with poor digestive function before the addition of complementary foods.

These foods

Let your baby pull out the poop

During the holidays, due to irregular diet, reduced water intake, and reduced exercise, children may have difficulty defecating, and the stool may be relatively dry and hard.

In addition to regulating the intestinal flora, you can also give your baby more fiber-rich foods -

After the holidays, the child's stool is so painful! These foods help children easily
After the holidays, the child's stool is so painful! These foods help children easily
After the holidays, the child's stool is so painful! These foods help children easily

The above foods can be appropriately added to the child's complementary food to help the child increase fiber.

Pull out the poop

A little more effort is needed

Vegetables and fruits are eaten, why is it still bad poop?

In general, the amount of water for small babies mainly comes from milk and a small amount of water between meals.

Vegetables and fruits can only provide part of the water, relatively speaking, can provide some dietary fiber, but the amount of infant fruits and vegetables is not much, and will not provide a lot of water and dietary fiber.

If the drinking water is guaranteed, or the stool is dry, you can try to increase the fat in the food, which can not only improve the problem of dry stool, but also help to increase the energy density of the food.

In addition, pay attention to whether calcium supplementation is too much, if calcium intake is too much, vitamin D is insufficient, calcium that cannot be absorbed will bind to fat in the intestine to form calcium soap, which is a common cause of dry stools.

If you develop these habits, you can also pull out a good poop

Develop the habit of regular bowel movements.

Make it a habit to drink water at any time.

Appropriately increase your child's physical activity.

Increase the variety of meals, appropriately increase the fat, yogurt, fruits and vegetables (dietary fiber) in the diet.

I wish the babies all the perfect poop!

The food table in the text is also suitable for large babies of about 300 months, take it away!

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