
When the child asks," does our family have money?" This dad's answer shocked countless parents

When the child asks," does our family have money?" This dad's answer shocked countless parents

An American kid asked his dad, "Do we have any money?" Dad replied, "I have money, you don't." My money is what I have worked hard to get, and in the future you can also get money through your efforts. ”

A Chinese kid asked his dad, "Do we have any money?" Dad replied, "Our family has a lot of money, and in the future it will be yours." ”

When the child asks," does our family have money?" This dad's answer shocked countless parents

Different answers determine different educations, and different educations determine different lives.

Obviously, the answer of the American father can help a child establish a correct view of wealth and life, making it a self-supporting doer, while the Answer of the Chinese father can only make the child a weak and incompetent "nibbling old man".

When the child asks," does our family have money?" This dad's answer shocked countless parents

"Yes, boy, I have money, but you don't."

Parents and children are equal. Parents are not the babysitters of their children, nor are they the gods of their children, and they are not obliged to give everything for their children, nor do they have the right to arrange everything for their children.

Parents and children are independent individuals. Children's futures, on their own to find, on their own creation, they are not the parasite of their parents. Parents should live for themselves, not be vassals of their children.

When the child asks," does our family have money?" This dad's answer shocked countless parents

Don't be too spoiled for your child, that is actually a disguised "hurt".

The selfless and unrepentant efforts of parents will only lead to the child's ruthlessness and incompetence, and doting and giving will only make the child know how to take, but do not know how to return. As a parent, we must learn to let go, let the child understand their responsibilities and obligations, and grow up in fulfilling these responsibilities and obligations. Instead of thinking about giving the best to the child, it is better to cultivate the child's ability to pursue the best of everything.

Teach your child how to be a rich man, instead of just giving him money.

You should tell your child: Son, you will be rich. Use your knowledge to make more money and create your own future life through financial management, but my money has nothing to do with you.

When the child asks," does our family have money?" This dad's answer shocked countless parents

So, when a child asks you the same question, we should also be like that American dad and tell him, "I have money, you don't." I don't owe you anything. So, you have to rely on yourself and work hard for the life you envision. Instead of doing nothing, sit back and enjoy it. ”

Then the child will be very independent and will have many expectations for life; Then what you pass on to your children is not only material wealth, but more importantly, a spiritual wealth. Spiritual wealth will benefit children for a lifetime.

When the child asks," does our family have money?" This dad's answer shocked countless parents

Giving everything about their children to the teacher is a sign of extreme irresponsibility for parents. Because the teacher is good and responsible, he cannot do the following:

1. The teacher cannot guarantee your child's good conduct

Whether a person's grades are good or bad, character is the key! Morality can compensate for the defects of ability, and ability can hardly cover up the defects of morality. But a child's character is largely related to his tutoring. The teacher is only passed on to the teacher, but the parent is the influencer of the child's life. Parents' words and deeds are always greater than the teacher's 45-minute classroom education.

Therefore, if you want your child to have good character, family education is the key, and the teacher can't do anything about it!

When the child asks," does our family have money?" This dad's answer shocked countless parents

2, the teacher can not give your child good habits

Children who grow up at mahjong tables and in front of televisions are definitely very different from children raised by parents who love to read. This is why many parents watch TV while urging their children to read seriously, often receive a strong rebellious psychology. They also don't want to think about how they can force their children to do things that they can't do.

Most of the children raised by parents who are proactive and have good living habits are small adults who love learning and can reasonably arrange their time. Parents will save a lot of heart in education, so when you can't figure out why your children have so many bad problems, first review yourself, maybe you will find the root cause!

When the child asks," does our family have money?" This dad's answer shocked countless parents

3, the teacher can not give your child the interest in reading

Many parents complain that their children do not love to learn and do not love to read. But I didn't ask myself, do you like to read? Children's interest in reading is cultivated from an early age, and two- or three-year-old children should start reading, rather than waiting for school to let the teacher cultivate your child's reading habits.

You have a lot of books at home, and more children read. If the parents play a good role model, the child will follow suit, and conversely, the child can only imitate you to do other things. Whether or not the gap in reading from an early age will be manifested in the later level of knowledge, cognitive ability and writing level.

When the child asks," does our family have money?" This dad's answer shocked countless parents


A good teacher may be able to influence children for three or five years, but the influence of parents is a lifetime!

The child is not the teacher, it is yours, the parent will always be the child's first teacher, but also the child's eternal role model, please be a competent parent!

Say a thousand ways and ten thousand, your child is only one of the teacher's N students, and educating your child is only part of the teacher's job; But you are different, children are your only, educating your own children, will always be your most important career.

Note: (This article is sorted out by the xiaobian network, the copyright belongs to the original author, if there is infringement, please contact me, I will delete it at the first time!)

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