
The 20 sentences that the teacher most wants to tell parents, every sentence is very important for the growth of the child!

The 20 sentences that the teacher most wants to tell parents, every sentence is very important for the growth of the child!

Parents are originals and children are photocopies. There is no "best" education for children, only "the most appropriate"!

Today's article, recommended teachers to turn to parents to see!


Education should cultivate people's spiritual appearance. The mission of parents and teachers is to let children gradually take responsibility for their spiritual appearance, remove all kinds of impurities that may be contaminated, cultivate the spiritual "seeds" on their bodies, and live with their heads held high.


Make your child a cultured person, starting with punctuality, standing in line, not speaking loudly in public, and not getting angry easily.


Do three things with your child often: one is to eat with your child; the other is to invite your child to sort out toys, furniture or clothes together, and occasionally invite your child to help solve their own difficulties; and the third is to tell a story to your child and invite your child to tell a story on his own.


It is necessary for parents to reason with their children, but when reasoning children around the age of 13, they should pay attention to the posture of their speech, and the posture is more important than the truth. Otherwise, the child will be disgusted and rebellious. Children will feel: What you say is right, but I just don't want to listen to you.


The relationship between husband and wife affects the character of the child. If a dad doesn't respect his wife, then his son may learn not to respect his female classmates at school. If a mother does not respect her husband, then her daughter may have learned to look down on her male classmates at school.


Don't be a parent with knowledge and no culture. Some people have high education, but not necessarily culture. If a parent does not know how to live, does not know how to treat others well, and does not even know how to treat his children well, no matter how highly educated he has, he is also a person without culture.


You should pay attention to your child's academic performance, but you also need to pay attention to your child's character development. Some children have good academic performance and good personality, but there are also children who have good academic performance and have flawed personalities.


Parents need to take on the responsibility of educating their children, but they should not revolve around their children and sacrifice their work and life excessively in order to educate their children. If parents completely revolve around their children and do not have their own life themes, they will often interfere with their children's growth in the name of love. Sometimes, it is not that children are inseparable from their parents, but that parents are inseparable from their children.


Let children know how to be kind. If your child is more generous, please don't laugh at him for being "honest" and "admitting death". People who like to take advantage of small profits often suffer big losses. A person who is willing to suffer a small loss may "take advantage" of him in the future because he is liked.

The 20 sentences that the teacher most wants to tell parents, every sentence is very important for the growth of the child!

Don't worry too much about your child's rebellion. If your child is more maverick during puberty and likes to go off the beaten path, this is normal and you don't have to force your child to obey him. It may not be long before he changes his mind.


Around the age of 3, it is best to have a "laissez-faire" parent by his side. Around the age of 9, it is best to have an "authoritative" parent by his side. Around the age of 13, it is best to have a "democratic" parent by his side. Effective education is strict before loosening, and ineffective education is first loose and then strict.


Having secrets in the heart is a sign of human growth and maturity. If your child has something on his mind and he doesn't want to tell you, then don't force your child to tell his secret.


The main factor influencing a child's performance is often not the school, but the family. Children who excel in school often have a planned and well-behaved mother and a serious, organized, and polite father.


When children are young, they must gradually establish the courage and habits of self-sufficiency. Whatever you can do, you must do yourself, and whatever you should do, do your best.


Tell stories to your child and invite your child to tell the story themselves. Let children start to establish reading and writing habits from listening to stories, let children learn to read independently as soon as possible, and develop lifelong reading habits as soon as possible. Parents who never tell stories to their children may be less responsible.


If it is not particularly difficult, it is best for parents to eat with their children every day. The family's shared values are established during the whole family's meal around a table.


It is important for your child to learn to socialize with others and happily accept other small partners. If parents are dissatisfied with their neighbors, are very picky about their children's friends, or do not let their children make friends with them, so that children feel as if they are very different from others, then it will be difficult for these children to get along with anyone naturally when they grow up.


If the child obeys the child as soon as he cries and makes trouble, then the child will take advantage of this characteristic of the parent to often pestering the parent and making more demands. Therefore, the child is crying, do not obey the child casually, parents should learn to listen to the child's ideas, communicate with the child, and reach a consensus that both parties can accept.


Being born poor or rich does not determine a child's life. Affluence in the family may bring better educational resources, but if the parents do not have good educational skills, affluence may bring disasters to the growth of children. If parents with less abundant family conditions can set their children's ambitions from an early age and provide basic care and cultural information for their children's education, their children will not fall into the abyss of inferiority.


Cultivated parents will say, "I disagree with you, but I swear to defend your right to speak to the death." They reason with their children from the day they are born, patiently seeking their opinions. Don't expect scolding your child to teach your child to obey. The result of killing chickens for monkeys is that monkeys also learn to kill chickens.

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