
The child's favorite receives pressure money to buy these

Now that the year is almost over, if there are half-grown children in the family, they should have received a lot of pressure money at this time. And when the author was a child, the pressure on the old money to support the death of one or two hundred yuan is not the same, now the children press the age of money are a lot, often more than ten thousand, so as a parent, how to buy an interesting thing for the "child"? Little genius watch

The child's favorite receives pressure money to buy these

The little genius's watch itself is actually a phone watch. The core of this product is actually not hardware, but its way of operation, two small genius watches together can be added to friends; parents can fully control the watch, these two points combined, become a popular product in primary school students, this watch has now become a lot of schools in the children's social needs, although the practice you do not necessarily agree, but you also do not like the child is not social, if the children in the class are wearing to buy one for the child, if the child class is not popular this thing, can be ignored.

Game console

The child's favorite receives pressure money to buy these

Speaking of game consoles, most people may still jump out of the PS5 in their minds, in fact, the young console, Nintendo SWITCH is king. Of course, what to buy for "kids", PS5 or XSX is not impossible, depending on what game you like to play. To put it another way, XBOX's Xbox Game Pass Ultimate is too good and worthwhile.

LEGO or Bandai?

The child's favorite receives pressure money to buy these

If it's a girl, you might like Lego a little more, because Lego has Disney Castle. Of course, boys also have favorite technology and mechanical series. Bandai is more testing of the player's love for IP, and the assembled Gundam must have seen the cartoon more feelings, of course, you can also watch the animation and fight the Gundam with your children through the holiday.

The meaning of childhood, the role of parents is actually a lot of times to accompany, play with children, and when they grow up, they will remember that they like to play with his parents, and they will be very happy. Of course, learning can not be left behind, you can even use the game time as a reward mechanism, I had to take the test well when I was a child, and adults will give a few dollars to buy game currency.


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