
What should I do if my child accumulates food? The right medicine is the key!

Have parents with children encountered such problems? Children often disobey, as soon as they arrive at the point of eating, they make trouble, run around, sometimes, it is difficult to eat all the food, and there is a situation of accumulation of food, in fact, this is related to bad eating habits! In the case of accumulated food, the symptoms should be prescribed.

What should I do if my child accumulates food? The right medicine is the key!

There are five conditions in which a child accumulates food:

1. Food accumulation can lead to malnutrition in infants, which in turn can lead to anemia. Infants with food accumulation absorb nutrients slowly. Compared with children of the same age, malnutrition, anemia and other physical weaknesses are often present, mostly caused by long-term persistent food accumulation and not solved in time.

2. Food accumulation will be detrimental to nutrient absorption, resulting in the baby's weakness and emaciation. Babies with weak gastrointestinal function may experience an imbalance in digestion and absorption. Food accumulation will make the nutrients of food unable to be delivered to the whole body, and the baby will become weaker and thinner.

3. Accumulated food is easy to cause pneumonia and repetitive colds, resulting in low resistance of the baby. Children's lungs are weak, and long-term repeated accumulation of food cannot provide a material basis for the healthy development of the baby's lungs, which in turn induces pneumonia and causes various discomforts.

4. Food accumulation can cause gastrointestinal dysfunction and affect the baby's appetite. When your baby accumulates food, the food accumulated in the stomach cannot be fully digested and absorbed. In this case, toxins can accumulate in the body, aggravating the discomfort of food accumulation, thus affecting the baby's appetite.

5. The baby's accumulation of food will lead to restless sleep and easy crying. Chinese medicine believes that the stomach is not harmonious, and the accumulation of food will make the baby's stomach bloat and grind teeth. In most cases, the baby's unexplained crying is caused by accumulated food discomfort, and parents should pay more attention.

What should I do if my child accumulates food? The right medicine is the key!

Long-term accumulation of food will lead to the child's spleen and stomach weakness, poor digestion and absorption capacity, affecting the development of the body, and some trace elements can not be well ingested, will make the child lack of calcium, iron, zinc deficiency:

1. Calcium deficiency

Calcium is one of the essential elements of the human body, and teeth and bone are the main forms of calcium. 99% of the body's calcium is found in the teeth and bones, forming scaffolds and acting as a reservoir of calcium, while the other 1% is present in soft tissues. Extracellular fluid and blood and is involved in many important physiological functions of the human body. Therefore, whether calcium has an important impact on the growth and development of the human body, especially in children aged 1-10 years old in the rapid growth and development stage, calcium deficiency or calcium deficiency will affect the baby's appetite. Sleep quality, intelligent development, etc. are not conducive to the healthy growth of the baby.

2. Iron deficiency

Iron plays an important role in maintaining human health and is an indispensable factor in children's growth. Iron is one of the main raw materials for hemoglobin synthesis and the main role of hemoglobin is to the tissues of the human body. Organs transport oxygen, and iron deficiency in young children is likely to lead to insufficient iron deficiency qi and blood, which has a negative impact on growth status, memory, attention and other aspects.

3. Zinc deficiency

Zinc powder is known as the "flower of life."" The source of wisdom". Zinc is not like calcium and iron, as an essential trace element of the human body, the human body can not synthesize itself, can only rely on supplementation. Studies have shown that zinc deficiency not only directly leads to a decline in children's immune function, affecting growth and development, but also affects the health of adults. At present, the phenomenon of zinc deficiency in children and adolescents has become a serious public health problem worldwide.

What should I do if my child accumulates food? The right medicine is the key!

Children accumulate food, coddling is the original sin, accumulation of food will not only lead to children's spleen and stomach weakness, but also affect the height of children. The following types of foods to avoid:

1. Coarse grain. Such as corn, purple rice, buckwheat, oats, mung beans, etc., good for adult spleen and stomach, children's spleen and stomach may not be acceptable. The child's spleen and stomach are not yet fully developed, and the digestive enzymes in the body are not well secreted! Absorption capacity is relatively poor, if you eat too much coarse grain, it will lead to indigestion of the child, which will increase the burden on the child's spleen and stomach transportation, which is not conducive to the growth and development of the child.

2. Fry food. Fried durian, fried steak, fried oil cake, fried potatoes, fried twist flowers, fried seafood, etc., a large amount of oil and heat will cause a burden on the child's stomach and intestines, easy to accumulate food, not to mention, but also let the child become a small fat mound.

3. Foods with high sugar content. Such as all kinds of candy, snacks, etc., excessive consumption of acidic substances will accelerate the loss of calcium, high sugar is an acidic substance, will accelerate the loss of bone calcium, affecting children's growth; And high-sugar foods can weaken children's resistance and make children more susceptible to illness.

4. Leftovers. Not to mention the carcinogenicity, it also hurts the spleen and stomach. Leftovers are prone to breeding bacteria and carcinogens. These foods are harmful to human health. If the child eats it regularly, it will lead to intestinal flora disorders, causing a series of digestive diseases and damaging the health of the spleen and stomach.

What should I do if my child accumulates food? The right medicine is the key!

Accumulation of food affects the health of the child's spleen and stomach, so what method does parents use to judge the quality of the child's spleen and stomach? First of all, to judge from some basic symptoms:

Children with a weak spleen and stomach often have symptoms such as picky eating, anorexia, nausea or sparse stools, abdominal pain, and laziness.

If spleen deficiency is mixed with food accumulation, symptoms such as frequent hiccups, hiccups, sour breath, dry stools or rot may occur; Long-term spleen and stomach weakness, the body's ability to resist diseases declines, and recurrent respiratory and digestive tract infections may occur.

Children with weak spleen and stomach are often tall, weight lags behind children of the same age, and some may also have symptoms such as yellow faces, green tendons at the root of the nose, obvious eye bags, short stature, thinness, and thin yellow hair.

What should I do if my child accumulates food? The right medicine is the key!

How to improve the situation of children's accumulation of food, picky eating and anorexia in daily life?

First of all, arrange your child's diet reasonably. Children mainly eat light food, try to eat less snacks, drink less drinks, eat less fried foods, and usually eat more fruits and vegetables. According to the principle of seven points of fullness, do not eat enough things, do not overeat, which can reduce the occurrence of food accumulation.

Secondly, supplementary dietary therapy. Choose from vitamin C-rich sea buckthorn that can help with digestive stagnation, indigestion, and bloating. Therefore, if there is food accumulation, picky eating and anorexia, consider Chinese medicine granules containing sea buckthorn.

Finally, seasonal changes can also affect your child's spleen and stomach health. Parents should pay attention to the fact that reasonable dietary conditioning can be carried out in different seasons to avoid food accumulation causing damage to the spleen and stomach.

Children with healthy spleen and stomach will not have indigestion, so if the child's spleen and stomach are not good, it is necessary to consider whether it is related to "accumulated food", which causes spleen deficiency, and will also hurt the spleen and stomach because of the accumulated food, making the body water wet and transport abnormal, careless parents in daily life must pay attention to this problem.

What should I do if my child accumulates food? The right medicine is the key!

In addition to the above scientific knowledge shared with everyone, regular exercise is also very important for children, take children to outdoor sports every day, the intensity does not have to be too large, to have a certain amount of exercise, to maintain a certain frequency. This can help the child to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, reduce food accumulation, and improve the child's physical fitness.

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