
New Year's Day, children at this age, the pressure of money must be controlled, he will not give!

As the most traditional festival in the mainland, the Spring Festival is an important moment for people who have been busy all year to stop and reunite their families, so it occupies a vital significance in the hearts of every Chinese. At the same time, it is also the most anticipated and happiest moment for children, because they can receive "pressure money" from their elders to express their concern and love.

New Year's Day, children at this age, the pressure of money must be controlled, he will not give!

Dandan, the grandson of the neighbor's aunt Zhang, is already a junior this year and is about to face an internship. Even so, Aunt Zhang's habit of preparing red envelopes for her grandson every year has not changed, and with the continuous growth of Dandan's age, the amount of red envelopes prepared by Aunt Zhang every year is also increasing.

However, on the issue of whether it is necessary to continue to prepare New Year red envelopes for grandchildren and issue new year money this year, there is a lot of disagreement between Aunt Zhang and Dandan's mother, Sister Wang.

New Year's Day, children at this age, the pressure of money must be controlled, he will not give!

Sister Wang said that her son is already a college student, in a sense has grown up, obviously do not need to continue to press the old money during the Spring Festival. And Aunt Zhang believes that as long as the grandson has not yet worked independently to make money, then, in his heart, he will never have a baby who has grown up, and the "sense of ceremony" of the New Year's money cannot be less. For this reason, the two had different ideas, argued for a long time, and did not achieve a final result that satisfied both sides.

01, the pressure of the age of money is not good, there is an adverse impact on the child

Regarding whether children need to continue to prepare for the new year when they grow up, there has always been a variety of opinions, and there is no unified standard answer. However, it is undeniable that with the continuous growth of children's age, parents must grasp the "degree" in preparing the New Year red envelope, otherwise it will bring a series of adverse effects on the growth of the baby.

New Year's Day, children at this age, the pressure of money must be controlled, he will not give!

1. It is easy to trigger the bad atmosphere of "comparison"

If parents in the process of baby growth, do not control the "degree" of the New Year's money, completely disregard the growth of the baby's age, but blindly prepare the New Year red envelope, the matter of pressing the year money as an indispensable Sense of New Year ritual to deal with, so it is very easy to cause children to have a bad comparison psychology.

At this time, the red envelope behavior that was originally used by the elders to express love will deteriorate and become a capital used to show off, which will adversely affect the development of children's mental health.

New Year's Day, children at this age, the pressure of money must be controlled, he will not give!

2, easy to lead to "dependence" of the undesirable psychology

Suppose that the sense of ceremony in which parents prepare red envelopes for their babies for the New Year has not yet changed when the children have reached an age when they need to have a greater sense of independence and autonomy.

At the moment when it should be up to the baby to obtain what he needs through his own efforts, he or she is still uncontrolled and used to them, which can easily aggravate the dependence of children on their parents. Generally when they reach the age of college, they will not give red envelopes to their children, they have grown up, they can make money through work-study, and it is not appropriate to receive red envelopes.

3. Easy to impact harmonious interpersonal relationships

When the child has grown to the stage of having his own interpersonal circle and independent autonomy, if the parents still treat him or her as a child without restraint.

New Year's Day, children at this age, the pressure of money must be controlled, he will not give!

It is believed that the more money for the New Year," the better, the heavier the sense of the New Year's red envelope ceremony, the better, once the "degree" is not grasped, it is tantamount to inflating the child's conceit.

In summary, the ritual of giving children money in the New Year is obviously not applicable to any age stage in the child's growth process. When the baby has grown up and reached certain age stages (such as after going to college and after joining the work), the behavior of giving red envelopes in the New Year depends on the situation, less or no.

03, the three principles of issuing old money

So, during the Spring Festival, what principles can parents refer to on whether they should prepare red envelopes for their babies and how to correctly give their children money?

New Year's Day, children at this age, the pressure of money must be controlled, he will not give!

Principle one: do not compare, do not blind

During the Spring Festival every year, parents should guide their babies to establish a correct understanding of the traditional ritual of "pressing the old money".

Let them realize that this is the love and care from the elders, and has nothing to do with others, so as to prevent the child from having a bad misconception or blind comparison psychology and other bad habits.

New Year's Day, children at this age, the pressure of money must be controlled, he will not give!

Principle 2: Refer to the age stage and weigh whether to issue red envelopes

For children in middle and high school, at this time compared with kindergarten and primary school, they are obviously more independent and autonomous, and they gradually have self-awareness of things, at this time, while issuing money every year, we must strengthen the guidance of children's correct cognition of this.

For college students who have entered the society with one foot, it is more important at this time to help students cultivate their sense of independence and autonomy, so it is recommended that parents can reduce or avoid the behavior of sending red envelopes as appropriate, so that children understand that they have grown up and can no longer rely too much on parents, but need to gradually become independent.

Principle three: Whether the red envelope is issued or not, it cannot stop the baby's growth

Babies of any age, whether or not they send red envelopes during the New Year, parents need to pass on their children to continue to work hard to recognize.

New Year's Day, children at this age, the pressure of money must be controlled, he will not give!

It is necessary to let the babies understand that the pressure of the old money during the New Year is only a way for the elders to express their love, and it can neither become their financial dependence, nor can it become an obstacle for the children to continue to work hard.

Broken Thoughts:

It is the New Year, I hope that every parent can consider whether to prepare for their own baby to press the old money and send red envelopes while running around for a whole year and full of expectations in their hearts. According to the actual age of their own baby, consider the trade-off, let the tradition of "pressing the old money", which is full of ritual sense, as the source of the children's feelings of the elders to convey love, in a scientific and reasonable way, let the behavior of sending red envelopes become a booster and plus point in the process of children's physical and mental health growth.

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