
How many "spins" on the top of the baby's head hint at different meanings? Put aside the superstition, the scientific explanation that Bao Mama needs to know



Reviewer/Han Han

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Older generations often like to check the "head spin" on the child's head to predict the child's future. To this day, there are still many areas, there are still sayings about head spin: "one head spin essence, two head spin, three head spin fights do not die, 4 head spin dare to collide with the train" and so on.

This saying is catchy, I believe many people have heard it, and many people are convinced of it, especially some elderly people in the family.

How many "spins" on the top of the baby's head hint at different meanings? Put aside the superstition, the scientific explanation that Bao Mama needs to know

But the scientific explanation of "head spin" may not be known to many people. The topic of this issue: How many "spins" on the top of the baby's head hint at different meanings? Put aside the superstition, the scientific explanation that Bao Mama needs to know.

What does the "head spin" on the top of the child's head represent? Is it really like the saying goes? Not really. The number of "head spins" not only represents the child's future, but also does not show the child's personality characteristics.

How many "spins" on the top of the baby's head hint at different meanings? Put aside the superstition, the scientific explanation that Bao Mama needs to know

● What is the cause of the "head rotation" on the child's head?

Don't guess, or even believe in unrealistic sayings and nursery rhymes. The reason why the child's head will form a "head spin" is actually very simple, because of the terrain.

When the child is still a fetus, there is a certain inclination between the hair and the skin. If the child has his head facing down in the mother's stomach for a long time, then the fetus's head will naturally appear "head spin".

How many "spins" on the top of the baby's head hint at different meanings? Put aside the superstition, the scientific explanation that Bao Mama needs to know

If the angle of inclination is relatively large, the number of "head spins" on the fetal head will be more, which is the main reason why the "head spin" will be formed on the child's head. How many head spins a child can form is actually affected by the inclination of the fetal period, not related to the child's future and personality.

● Perhaps many mothers will ask: What is the biggest influence on the child's personality?

How many "spins" on the top of the baby's head hint at different meanings? Put aside the superstition, the scientific explanation that Bao Mama needs to know

▼ The personality characteristics of children are mainly affected by the following factors:

Influenced by the genetic inheritance of parents

According to relevant expert research, the child's personality characteristics are related to the parents' genetic genes. If the child's parents belong to a relatively quiet personality, then the child's personality will mostly be more introverted.

How many "spins" on the top of the baby's head hint at different meanings? Put aside the superstition, the scientific explanation that Bao Mama needs to know

If parents are more extroverted and lively personalities, their children's personalities will mostly be as lively and cheerful as their parents. Moreover, many times it can be seen from the birth of the child.

How many "spins" on the top of the baby's head hint at different meanings? Put aside the superstition, the scientific explanation that Bao Mama needs to know

Influenced by the environment in which it grows

Although a child's personality will be influenced by his parents, it is not completely stereotyped at birth. Some children are just beginning with a personality, introverted and quiet. However, in the environment of growing up, people and things that are often exposed to more extroverted and unrestrained will also change their personalities.

How many "spins" on the top of the baby's head hint at different meanings? Put aside the superstition, the scientific explanation that Bao Mama needs to know

Therefore, the child's personality is not completely doomed at the beginning, and it is also directly related to the growing environment of the day after tomorrow. If parents hope that their children's personality can be more optimistic and cheerful, more positive, parents should pay more attention to the cultivation of their children. It is very necessary to create a loving, healthy and happy growth environment for children.

How many "spins" on the top of the baby's head hint at different meanings? Put aside the superstition, the scientific explanation that Bao Mama needs to know

Influenced by the personality of the parents

The personality of parents will be reflected in the genes, and it will also have a greater impact on the children in the day after tomorrow. Parents are the child's first teacher, and many of the behaviors and habits of most children are basically from the imitation of their parents.

Some children, originally more optimistic, cheerful personality, but because the parents of the child is too strict and harsh, resulting in children lack of self-confidence and even feel that not loved and not recognized, it is likely to lead to changes in the formation of children's personality, from cheerful and optimistic to pessimistic, inferior and timid.

How many "spins" on the top of the baby's head hint at different meanings? Put aside the superstition, the scientific explanation that Bao Mama needs to know

Therefore, as parents, we must be cautious in our words and deeds, and first of all, we must pay attention to the impact of our daily words and deeds on our children. It is even more important to pay more attention to the care of the child's correct education, give the child enough love and companionship, and avoid the child's personality defects.

Parenting Message:

In summary, it is obvious that the "head spin" on the child's head is not directly related to the child's personality and future. Most of the so-called colloquial sayings are more "superstitious" ideas, and Bao Ma does not have to care. The good character formation and excellent future of children are closely related to the education and cultivation of parents.

How many "spins" on the top of the baby's head hint at different meanings? Put aside the superstition, the scientific explanation that Bao Mama needs to know

Small questions in this issue:

How many children have you ever seen with the most "head spins" on their heads? Feel free to leave a comment below and share your experience and opinions with everyone.

Taowatang: Spread the knowledge of mother and baby, family, child-rearing, and educate new concepts! Let's grow with our children.

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