
"Double spin the egg, grow up to sit on the big official", the more the child's "head spins", the smarter it is?

Two days ago, when I went to the barbershop to dye my hair, I heard the barber say to the mother of a child: "What about the two spins on your child's head?" Clever! As the old saying goes, double spin the egg, grow up and sit on the big official"

My reaction at the time was a bunch of question marks, what age? How clever! I think it is necessary to write such a popular science article to warn parents who still have this kind of thinking, whether the child is smart or not is not the spin on the head, but your education!

"Double spin the egg, grow up to sit on the big official", the more the child's "head spins", the smarter it is?

The real reason for the head spin

From a medical point of view, the cause of the formation of the vortex on the head is actually affected by the direction of hair growth.

Generally, hair grows in the direction of one side, which is called "hair flow", and when it reaches the top of the head, it can form a vortex with the center outward, which is called "hair rotation", that is, head rotation.

Some parents may ask, "My baby has two whirlpools on his head, how can this be explained?" ”

"Double spin the egg, grow up to sit on the big official", the more the child's "head spins", the smarter it is?

It's too simple! When the baby is still in the mother's belly, it will often move, because in the amniotic fluid, the baby may float in a relatively large posture, therefore, if the posture changes, the fetal hair will also change, so the head rotation appears two is a normal physiological phenomenon.

So to sum up, whether the head spin is two or three, or none, it has little to do with intelligence.

"Double spin the egg, grow up to sit on the big official", the more the child's "head spins", the smarter it is?

Really smart babies have nothing to do with these rumors either

1, eat walnuts are smart, do not eat walnuts become stupid?

Again, walnuts just provide some ingredients that can help the brain maintain normal nutrients. Giving the baby walnuts can supplement the body's needs, but not eating them will not make the baby stupid.

2, the big baby is the smartest?

This topic is a bit awkward, it turns out that the big head son is a smart baby. In fact, a large head only means that the brain tissue is large, not necessarily smart.

"Double spin the egg, grow up to sit on the big official", the more the child's "head spins", the smarter it is?

3. If the baby sleeps on his stomach, will his IQ increase?

How exactly did this theory come about, I'd love to know! Sleeping on their stomachs is just a habit of behavior, and some babies have a sense of security because of the lying position.

However, the lying position is not suitable for babies, not only will it affect breathing, but it will not be good for physical growth in the long run.

Most importantly, it doesn't make your baby smarter.

"Double spin the egg, grow up to sit on the big official", the more the child's "head spins", the smarter it is?

What are some ways to raise smart babies?

In the book "How to Be a Parent of a Gifted Child", more than 40 ways to raise a high-IQ child are mentioned. In fact, a small part of IQ is genetically inherited, but a large part requires parental cultivation and the efforts of the baby.

1. When the baby asks questions

In the age range of 2-7 years old, it is a particularly question-prone age group. When your baby sees what their parents are doing, they ask, "Why?" or "What is this?" ”

At this time, what parents have to do is to maintain patient explanations, never appear to intimidate the child's words and behaviors, and it is best to personally guide the child to find the answer on his own.

"Double spin the egg, grow up to sit on the big official", the more the child's "head spins", the smarter it is?

2. Make reasonable house rules for your child

This is the most important thing! There are three reasons: First of all, the formulation of reasonable family rules can cultivate children, develop the habit of doing things with rules, as the saying goes, "no rules are not square", parents guide children to do this well, not only can let children do things in a disciplined manner, but also have great help for the future to go to society.

Second, having reasonable house rules can train your child's patience and endurance. When the child is not finished, there will be a corresponding punishment. Third, making house rules can help children understand "the meaning of persistence." ”

However, regarding the formulation of "house rules", it is necessary to avoid being too strict as possible, which can be a simple requirement. For example, you can't watch TV for more than a long time every day; don't make a fire at home; or keep a family diary together every day.

"Double spin the egg, grow up to sit on the big official", the more the child's "head spins", the smarter it is?

3. Try things that interest your child as much as possible

When a child is still young, there are many things that will arouse your baby's curiosity. For example, if you go out and play the slide you see, you want to try it? I would love to read pictures and so on when I see wonderful picture books.

When a child starts asking questions, it shows that he has a high interest in the object or the thing. Then parents can guide their children to try what they are interested in.

For example, you can let your child experience the fun of sitting on the slide, and let the child make a small slide by himself to cultivate hands-on ability. Or see a wonderful picture book, you can read it yourself, see what stories are told in the picture book, and let the child repeat it appropriately.

"Double spin the egg, grow up to sit on the big official", the more the child's "head spins", the smarter it is?

4. When the baby has progress, parents should encourage more.

In fact, the ones who know best about the limits of a child's abilities are the parents. Therefore, when the child is encouraged by the parents to do something, even if it is not done well, the parents' encouragement will also cultivate the child's self-confidence.

If the child fails, at this time to receive the language and attitude of the blow, self-confidence is difficult to establish, but also let the child lose the fun of "trying", develop the habit of sitting still.

"Double spin the egg, grow up to sit on the big official", the more the child's "head spins", the smarter it is?

In the era of rapid development of science and technology, scientific parenting has become a hot topic, do not let "superstitious" behavior and rumors hinder the correct parenting concept of parents. Analyzing the baby's personality characteristics and daily behavior, and conducting targeted education for the baby, is the key to cultivating a smart baby.

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