
What should I do if my child is picky eater? The following points are the key! As a parent, you must not be careless

Children's eating problems have always been the most headache for parents and mothers, some children are particularly thin, but also very picky eaters, do not eat this, do not eat that, parents look in the eyes, worry in the heart.

We all know that when children are young, they must develop good eating habits, so that they can obtain enough nutrition through a reasonable diet structure in the future, so as to ensure the normal development of children and the cultivation of a regular life in the future.

Therefore, it is very important to develop a qualified dietary rule for children, when the child is young, what aspects should parents start to guide? Here are a few points to give you advice.

What should I do if my child is picky eater? The following points are the key! As a parent, you must not be careless

First, fixed eating time and regular eating style

Probably before developing good eating habits and time, as a parent of the family, you must agree, such as not allowing your child to casually stuff snacks, so that their eating time is regular. Regular eating habits and time will be good for the child's physical health and development, and can also greatly reduce the time and energy of parents to take care of their children.

In addition to time, set a time and place for your child. For example, let the baby sit at the table with the adult, and when the adult eats, the child can also learn and imitate the behavior of eating.

In addition, when it comes to eating time, if the child really does not want to eat the parents do not force him, do not let the child eat first because the child says that he is hungry. When it is time to eat, adults will eat as usual, to devote themselves wholeheartedly, exuding a state of enjoyment, eating fragrantly, over time the child will naturally be infected.

What should I do if my child is picky eater? The following points are the key! As a parent, you must not be careless

Second, respect the amount of food children eat, and create a comfortable dining environment

Children's food intake is born with a size, as long as the child is not sick and healthy is normal. Don't compare, don't give the child too much food, he doesn't want to eat, don't force it, don't force or coax it.

In addition, to ensure that the child's eating environment is quiet and hygienic, parents do not give them too much burden when the child eats, interfere with their eating situation, and do not let them play with electronic toys because the child eats half-heartedly, let them eat while playing. Only in a healthy and comfortable dining environment can children eat seriously and regularly.

What should I do if my child is picky eater? The following points are the key! As a parent, you must not be careless

Third, do not be picky eaters, to ensure that the variety of food

The child's nutritional development is not good, the most important thing is caused by picky eating, so the baby's food should pay attention to the thickness, nutritional balance and matching, to ensure that the food types are rich and diverse. There are many reasons why children are picky eaters, parents should take the initiative to distinguish the difference, and they can change the style and taste of food under the condition of ensuring the nutrition of the ingredients.

In addition, you can also let the child participate in the cooking process by himself, and instill in him/her the idea that this dish is made by you, and the child will certainly not feel that the dish he makes is not delicious. Sometimes for younger children, some beautiful and fancy tableware can also stimulate children's interest in food.

What should I do if my child is picky eater? The following points are the key! As a parent, you must not be careless

Sometimes parents have a headache because they still have a problem with eating, and when they are angry, they will force their children to eat foods that they do not want to eat. In fact, this practice is easy to form a bad result, which may leave a long-term or even lifelong shadow on this food.

When children learn to eat, parents should not carry too much adult emotion and cognition. Be patient with the child, not be anxious, use other ways to arouse her appetite, perhaps more than simply preaching to cultivate his own good habit of eating.

Disclaimer: The pictures in the article are from ins, the blogger is @darling.children, if you also have your own unique insights in the process of educating and parenting, or encounter problems that confuse you, welcome to discuss yo ~ together

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