
In the era of "bringing a baby according to law", how should parents carry out anti-sexual assault education

On January 1, 2022, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Promotion of Family Education came into effect, which stipulates that parents or other guardians of minors shall carry out family education according to the physical and mental development characteristics of minors of different ages, and the era of "bringing children according to law" has officially arrived.

In the era of "bringing a baby according to law", how should parents carry out anti-sexual assault education

The so-called family education refers to the cultivation, guidance, and influence of parents or other guardians on minors' moral character, physical fitness, life skills, cultural accomplishment, behavior habits, and other aspects in order to promote their all-round and healthy growth.

The Family Education Promotion Law clearly points out that minors should pay attention to their mental health, teach them to cherish life, and educate them on safety knowledge in various aspects, including preventing sexual assault, to help them master safety knowledge and skills, and enhance their awareness and ability to protect themselves.

Therefore, family education plays a very important role in preventing sexual abuse.

Tips for parents to prevent sexual assault


Respect your child's physical autonomy

In the era of "bringing a baby according to law", how should parents carry out anti-sexual assault education

As adults, we must lead by example and respect our children's physical autonomy. Not having too much intimate contact with the child blurs the boundaries of the body so that in the unlikely event that the child is being sexually assaulted, it is difficult for them to tell whether the actions are hurting them.


Teach your child how to protect themselves

In the era of "bringing a baby according to law", how should parents carry out anti-sexual assault education

As parents, it is your responsibility to teach your children how to protect themselves and prevent sexual assault.

The child's anti-sexual assault education is staged, and in the current situation that sex education is not fully popularized, it can be done according to the following stages:

Kindergarten stage

Parents should tell their children: "The place covered by vests and shorts is a private part, and it cannot be casually shown to people, nor can it be touched casually." If someone touches your private part, you can bravely refuse and come back and tell the parents. ”

Elementary school

1. Tell them the exact name of the part of the body. In daily family education, parents can tell them the exact names of sexual organs, such as penis, vagina, etc., as they teach them to know the nose, ears, etc.

2. Tell them that private parts are special. Parents can tell them in the shower which parts of the body are private and cannot be casually allowed to be seen and touched, not because it is dirty or taboo, but because of its privacy.


What to do if you find your child sexually assaulted

In the era of "bringing a baby according to law", how should parents carry out anti-sexual assault education

Once parents find that their children have been sexually assaulted, please do not scold the children, do not cry in front of the children, let the children feel safe, feel that they can safely talk to you. After that, you can do this:

1. Collect evidence and report to the police in time

If the child is sexually assaulted, the parent should first call the police and seek help from the police. Some parents take the initiative to swallow their anger and privately solve the problem for the sake of face or worry about their children's future lives, which may cause their children to suffer again. It will also indulge the bad guys to continue to abuse the child or cause harm to other children.

2. Timely physical examination and treatment

After a child is sexually assaulted, parents should not immediately bathe or wash their children's clothes. Parents should take their children to the hospital for examination (preferably if accompanied by a police officer). After collecting evidence of the bad guy's crime, timely treatment is required.

3. Seek help from professionals for psychological counseling

After the child is sexually assaulted, the psychology will change greatly. There may be severe psychological shadows and mental disorders. Parents need to always observe the child's psychological state, psychological comfort and counseling. If necessary, seek help from psychologists, social workers, and other professionals.

4. Seek help from all sectors of society

If parents find that they can no longer help their children on their own, under the premise of doing their best to protect their children's privacy, they can contact schools, judicial, media and other institutions to seek school support, legal aid, medical assistance, financial support, etc.


How to prevent online sexual assault

In the era of "bringing a baby according to law", how should parents carry out anti-sexual assault education

In view of the frequent occurrence of online sexual assault, parents should strengthen the supervision of their children's Internet access, establish internal network use norms with their children, and negotiate supervision mechanisms. Communicate with children more about sexual information and sexual attitudes in the online media, and guide them correctly, not to talk about sexual discoloration.

Source / Girl Child Protection

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