
Excellent children, all have these skills, parents hurry up to cultivate it

Instead of always envying other people's children, it is better to cultivate their own children with their hearts, which is the best advice for parents. You know, no matter how good other people's children are, in fact, they don't have much to do with themselves. It is said that educating children is like planting crops, as long as you fertilize and water carefully, the final harvest will not be bad.

Excellent children, all have these skills, parents hurry up to cultivate it

Excessive comparison by parents will only suppress the child's self-confidence and turn him into serious self-doubt. In the end, it is likely to give up on itself, a broken jar and a broken psychology. Anyway, it is not as good as others, so why try harder? Therefore, parents should be cautious in using comparative vocabulary.

You know, each child's endurance is different, and perhaps the original intention of parents is to motivate them to see the gap and then continue to work hard to improve. But as a result, because of its own poor endurance, it will be counterproductive. Not only is there a loss of self-confidence, but it may also produce jealousy, which is really not conducive to the child's mental health and growth.

Excellent children, all have these skills, parents hurry up to cultivate it

Learn these skills to make your child's excellence uninvited

1. Interpersonal skills

In life, the most important thing is to interact with people, even if it is a child, it is necessary to have a certain social ability. From kindergarten, children need to open their own social circles, interpersonal communication is not simply communication, chat, but also need to learn to share, cooperate and so on.

Intentionally cultivate your child's social skills so that he has the ability to communicate and cooperate with his peers. Only in this way can we gain a firm foothold in interpersonal relationships and not wronged ourselves.

2. The ability to live independently and take care of yourself

With the help of parents, it can only show that the child is very happy, but he will always live in the greenhouse, and the road of life will be particularly difficult. Too much protection from parents will make children form inertial dependence thinking, and big and small things are waiting for parents to do, and they will not take the initiative at all, and may not even have the ability to take care of themselves.

Excellent children, all have these skills, parents hurry up to cultivate it

Just imagine, if the child even has a difficult life, then his academic performance will certainly be bad, and he will not be able to do anything well in the future in society and work.

3. The ability to take responsibility and solve problems independently

In fact, children's mistakes are normal phenomena, and the saddest thing is that they dare not take responsibility and habitually evade responsibility. If the child does not even have the courage to admit his mistakes, it means that he does not have a sense of responsibility and responsibility, even if it is a simple thing, it is difficult to do well.

The ability to solve things independently is an indispensable and important skill on the road to children's growth. Because the ability of parents is limited, children need to face difficulties and setbacks alone in the future, and must have the ability to be independent.

Don't always envy other children, their achievements are also the result of continuous efforts. I believe that as long as you cultivate these three abilities of your own children, they will also become the object of envy of others.

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