
Relatives bring "bear children" as guests, leaving special gifts for girls, girls: unforgettable

During the Spring Festival, it is the peak period for people to visit relatives and friends. Everyone took advantage of the rest to contact relatives and friends and talk freely.

This time is also the winter vacation, so there are inevitably a few children in the team visiting relatives and friends, the children are innocent and innocent, and they also bring a lot of joy to the adults.

Relatives bring "bear children" as guests, leaving special gifts for girls, girls: unforgettable

The girl encountered the "bear child", and the lipstick turned into crayon powder and shattered to the ground

But not all children have always been naïve and well-behaved, and in recent years, the saying "bear child" has been circulating on the Internet. This is not an empty wind, some children are arrogant and indulgent at home, but other people's homes do not know how to restrain at all, who should be such a special guest, can only be unlucky, who can compete with children?

A girl in Henan almost broke the bear children. Relatives with two little boys suddenly visited. It just so happened that the girl was not at home, and I thought that I did not have to accompany the bear child, which was a disaster, but I did not expect that these two little boys left a special gift for the girl.

Relatives bring "bear children" as guests, leaving special gifts for girls, girls: unforgettable

Everyone knows that children's curiosity is particularly strong, and they will not let go of all kinds of gaps and empty rooms in the home. The two little boys were the same, the two played and played to the girl's bedroom, and after entering the bedroom, the boys seemed to have discovered a new continent. Curious about everything.

After the girl returned home, her relatives had left, and seeing the way her bedroom looked, the girl felt that the world was spinning and she was very broken. My own cosmetics were scattered all over the place. Lipsticks have been turned out, and many have been broken. Powder, highlights and other cosmetics also fell to the ground. Foundation liquid is also not spared, and is used by children as "paint" to brush the ground piece by piece. Lipstick is also used as a crayon to doodle on it. Seeing this scene, the girl felt that this "special gift" really made her unforgettable.

Relatives bring "bear children" as guests, leaving special gifts for girls, girls: unforgettable

Cosmetics for girls, not only a tool for makeup, but also more like their own baby. Some girls will buy some to collect back. And the cosmetics used by girls are not affordable, and some are already difficult to buy, which makes girls more distressed, but after all, the child is still young, think about it, you can only break your teeth and swallow into your stomach.

Netizens are upset about it, and "bear children" should be educated

Netizens are very angry after learning about the incident, some young netizens have the same feeling, some netizens said "I hate bear children the most!" Everything had to be touched, everything had to be played, every time I made a mess of my room, educating them and not listening. ”

Relatives bring "bear children" as guests, leaving special gifts for girls, girls: unforgettable

There are also some parents who already have children who also said, "In the end, this is still a parent's education problem, my own children enter the room to knock on the door, will not touch other people's things, these are home tutoring problems." The connivance of parents has led to annoying bear children. ”

Relatives bring "bear children" as guests, leaving special gifts for girls, girls: unforgettable

The author believes that the common disease of bear children is willfulness, self-esteem, and impoliteness. These are indeed inseparable from the education of their children by parents in ordinary times. When parents educate their children, they are too doting on their children and blindly indulging their children, which will cultivate their children's arrogant character, which is very unfavorable to the growth of children in the long run. For the sake of children's future development, we must also pay attention to the education of children in details.

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