
8 of the 10 pregnant mothers have "vomiting", morning sickness is uncomfortable, is there any way to alleviate morning sickness?

Hello, everyone. I'm Tingma.

Recently approaching the New Year, do you have a feeling of returning to your heart like an arrow? Originally, I had bought a ticket to return to my hometown early, but in an emergency, I had to refund the ticket later. Now I can't go back because I can't buy a ticket.

Colleague Xiao Yi told me that she did not return to her hometown during the Spring Festival, because she was pregnant after being checked out not long ago, and now she can't eat and throws up very badly. And now I can't buy a ticket, drive back, long-distance bumps can't stand it, it is estimated that I can only wait for next year to hold my child and go back to my hometown.

8 of the 10 pregnant mothers have "vomiting", morning sickness is uncomfortable, is there any way to alleviate morning sickness?

Then Xiao Yi said in a voice that was about to cry: "It's too uncomfortable to vomit, is there any way to alleviate it a little?" ”

Indeed, when many people are just pregnant, they may have symptoms of pregnancy vomiting, in addition to showing nausea and vomiting, they may also dislike symptoms such as greasy and decreased appetite, and may also have emotional changes, drowsiness, dizziness and other discomforts.

Why do many people have pregnancy vomiting after pregnancy?

According to relevant research data, more than 50% of pregnant mothers will have morning sickness, but the severity will vary.

For example, when I was pregnant with Tingting, it was very slight, but when I brushed my teeth in the morning, there would be some feelings of wanting to throw up, and I usually did not want to eat, but I especially wanted to eat, and I always felt hungry, so I always secretly ate snacks when I went to work. Later, when a colleague saw it, they were quietly talking about whether I was pregnant or not.

At that time, I had a colleague who had been vomiting since 2 months pregnant and had been vomiting, very serious kind, eating what to vomit, and the appetite was not good. It didn't ease until almost 6 months. After that, the appetite also began to recover.

8 of the 10 pregnant mothers have "vomiting", morning sickness is uncomfortable, is there any way to alleviate morning sickness?

The cause of pregnancy vomiting is not very clear at present, but many people think that it is related to malnutrition, hormone levels, liver dysfunction, psychological conditions and other factors. And these are mainly related to the individual's physique.

Morning sickness generally occurs around 6 to 12 weeks of pregnancy, and will gradually improve or even disappear by about 3 months. Of course, there are also a few people who will continue until the second trimester of pregnancy.

Do I need to see a doctor for morning sickness?

If the symptoms of vomiting are mild, like my case, it generally does not need special treatment, and it will naturally relieve by time.

And my colleague's kind is more serious morning sickness, which may lead to weight loss during pregnancy, electrolyte imbalance, dehydration and other situations, this is best to go to the hospital as soon as possible for treatment.

8 of the 10 pregnant mothers have "vomiting", morning sickness is uncomfortable, is there any way to alleviate morning sickness?

Does morning sickness affect the fetus?

The amount of nutrition needed by the fetus in the early stage is not large, and it can be completely obtained from the mother, so even if the pregnant mother does not eat much, the nutrition is enough for the fetus to absorb.

However, if it is very serious morning sickness, resulting in metabolic disorders and dehydration of pregnant mothers, it will endanger the fetus.

Are there any ways to relieve morning sickness?

1. Keep away from irritating odors

In the first trimester, pregnant mothers are very sensitive to odors, and the smell of oil smoke, fishy smell, etc., may cause morning sickness, so it is usually necessary to pay more attention and consciously stay away from those smells that may make them uncomfortable.

2. Eat less and eat more meals to avoid greasy

Although more nutrients are needed during pregnancy, however, do not eat too full, so as not to increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, it is best to eat less and more meals, try to eat lighter food, and avoid too greasy and spicy and irritating food.

8 of the 10 pregnant mothers have "vomiting", morning sickness is uncomfortable, is there any way to alleviate morning sickness?

3. Relax and rest more

Usually pay attention to sufficient rest time, moderate exercise, such as walking, try to relax the mentality, avoid excessive stress, excessive anxiety, etc., these are helpful for relieving morning sickness.

Xiao Yi told me that if I don't go home during the Spring Festival, I can just rest and raise a baby, and I can also learn about pregnancy and childbirth, which is also very good.

(Image source network)

I am @ Ting Ma Alan, a 10-year-old female bao mom, a national certified nursery teacher, family education lecturer, committed to sharing parenting experience in small stories, welcome to pay attention to me, and accompany the growth of children together.

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