
Don't just know how to eat during pregnancy, how important is it to eat than to eat, how to eat? All arranged for you

I often hear some pregnant mothers say that they should supplement nutrition after pregnancy, but they don't know what to eat, what to supplement, when to make up, and they don't know if they eat right. After a meal of operation, some pregnant mothers eat after the fetus is good, but they are also larger.

Don't just know how to eat during pregnancy, how important is it to eat than to eat, how to eat? All arranged for you

So in October, what nutrition should be supplemented every month?

The first month of pregnancy

At 1-4 weeks of pregnancy, pregnant mothers should focus on folic acid supplementation.

Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, prevents anemia in pregnant women, preterm birth, and also prevents fetal neural tube malformations.

In the first trimester, if folic acid is insufficient, it is easy to cause neural tube malformations in the fetus, so folic acid supplementation is needed.

However, because the demand for folic acid after pregnancy is 4 times that of before pregnancy, it is necessary to supplement about 400 units per day, and pregnant mothers cannot reach this demand in a short period of time, so it is best to supplement 3 months in advance and start taking it 3 months before pregnancy.

In addition to taking folic acid tablets normally to supplement, pregnant mothers can also supplement by eating more folic acid-rich foods.

Don't just know how to eat during pregnancy, how important is it to eat than to eat, how to eat? All arranged for you

Foods rich in folic acid are:

Oats, sorghum, rice noodles, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli and other green vegetables.

In terms of fruits, there are also apples, citrus, oranges, bananas and so on.

In addition, animal liver, kidneys, chicken, duck, beef, etc. are also rich in folic acid.

However, it is difficult for pregnant mothers to obtain enough folic acid in food, so be sure to supplement folic acid tablets under the guidance of a doctor and stick to it until the end of the first trimester.

Don't just know how to eat during pregnancy, how important is it to eat than to eat, how to eat? All arranged for you

The second month of pregnancy

At 5-8 weeks of pregnancy, pregnant mothers should focus on vitamin C and vitamin B6 supplementation.

VC can improve the body's resistance, promote the absorption of iron, relieve gum bleeding, etc.

VC-rich foods are:

Celery, green peppers, cabbage, kiwifruit, oranges, lemons and other vegetables and fruits.

Vitamin B6, on the other hand, can relieve morning sickness.

In the second month of pregnancy, many pregnant mothers begin to have morning sickness, and some will vomit more severely, which can supplement vitamin B6 to relieve morning sickness, and eat more foods rich in vitamin B6.

If it is not necessary, when supplementing vitamin C and vitamin B6, it is good to supplement it through food, and if the morning sickness is worse, you can supplement vitamin B6 under the guidance of a doctor.

Foods rich in vitamin B6 are:

Chicken and fish have more vitamin B6 content, followed by animal liver and eggs, peas, spinach, walnuts, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, etc. are also rich in vitamin B6.

Don't just know how to eat during pregnancy, how important is it to eat than to eat, how to eat? All arranged for you

Third month of pregnancy

At 9-12 weeks of gestation, the focus of supplementation is magnesium and vitamin A.

Magnesium, which contributes to the normal development of fetal muscles and bones.

Additional supplements are generally not required and can be obtained in food.

Magnesium-rich foods are:

Magnesium supplement is the first choice of dry moss, 100g of dried moss contains 1257mg of magnesium, in addition, salad oil, green leafy vegetables, nuts, etc. also contain magnesium, you can choose to eat Oh.

Vitamin A has a good effect on the fetus.

It is very helpful for the development of fetal skin, the health of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract and the development of fetal vision.

Foods rich in vitamin A are:

Animal liver, cream, eggs, spinach, carrots, etc.

Pregnant mothers can eat more foods rich in magnesium and vitamin A to supplement it.

Don't just know how to eat during pregnancy, how important is it to eat than to eat, how to eat? All arranged for you

Fourth month of pregnancy

At 13-16 weeks of pregnancy, pregnant mothers should focus on supplementing zinc.

Zinc can ensure the development of vital organs such as the heart and brain of the fetus, prevent the fetal baby from stunting, and pregnant mothers can get the zinc they need from food.

Zinc-rich foods are:

Lean meat, pork liver, fish, egg yolks, etc., especially oysters and oysters, zinc content is the highest, and men who are trying to become pregnant eat more of these foods to improve the quality of sperm Z is also very helpful.

But remember, zinc supplementation to the appropriate amount, about 25mg per day is enough, it is best not to exceed 45mg, excessive amount of words can easily lead to a decline in the body's immunity, affecting fetal development, serious will also cause the middle du.

Don't just know how to eat during pregnancy, how important is it to eat than to eat, how to eat? All arranged for you

Fifth month of pregnancy

At 17-20 weeks of pregnancy, pregnant mothers should focus on calcium supplementation, because calcium can promote the development of the baby's bones and teeth.

The bone development of the fetus in the second trimester is at its peak, requiring a large amount of calcium, and according to the recommendations of the Chinese Nutrition Association, the daily calcium content required by pregnant mothers in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy is 1000 to 1200mg.

Pregnant mothers can supplement calcium through calcium, and at the same time, they can also eat more foods containing calcium to supplement calcium.

Calcium-rich foods are:

Tahini, dairy products, soy products, shrimp, kelp, seaweed, lamb, chicken, eggs, etc.

Don't just know how to eat during pregnancy, how important is it to eat than to eat, how to eat? All arranged for you

Sixth month of pregnancy

21-24 weeks gestation, this month the focus of supplementation is iron.

After pregnancy, the blood volume of pregnant mothers increased by about 30%, and iron deficiency anemia was easy to occur without timely iron supplementation.

The daily iron required by pregnant mothers in the second trimester is 24 mg;

The daily iron requirement for pregnant mothers in the third trimester is 29 mg.

Therefore, iron supplementation should be given at the appropriate time to prevent pregnant mothers from experiencing iron deficiency anemia, and iron supplementation can generally be achieved through food.

Iron-rich foods are:

Animal liver, beef, pork, lamb, spinach, seaweed, etc.

If there is moderate or more anemia, the pregnant mother must find a doctor for reasonable iron supplementation.

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Seventh month of pregnancy

25-28 weeks gestation, this month focus on DHA supplementation.

DHA can promote the normal development of the baby's brain and retina, and pregnant mothers need no less than 200 mg of Dha per day.

Foods rich in dha are:

Fish, fungus, bananas, milk, garlic, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, etc.

Don't think that dhα supplementation is only needed this month, in fact, pregnant mothers should supplement from the fourth month of pregnancy.

Don't just know how to eat during pregnancy, how important is it to eat than to eat, how to eat? All arranged for you

Eighth month of pregnancy

29-32 weeks gestation, focus on carbohydrate supplementation.

Carbohydrates can maintain the mother's own calories, avoiding the ketone bodies that affect the development of the fetal brain when the body breaks down fat due to insufficient calories.

Carbohydrate-rich foods are:

Rice, corn, oats, sugar cane, watermelon, bananas, grapes, carrots, sweet potatoes, etc.

Don't just know how to eat during pregnancy, how important is it to eat than to eat, how to eat? All arranged for you

Ninth month of pregnancy

33-36 weeks gestation, this month focus on dietary fiber supplementation.

Dietary fiber can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, prevent and relieve constipation.

Constipation makes people painful, and when pregnant mothers are constipated, if they defecate forcefully, it is easy to cause excessive abdominal pressure of pregnant mothers, resulting in lack of oxygen or premature rupture of membranes, thus affecting the fetus.

Appropriate supplementation of dietary fiber can alleviate constipation in pregnant women, thus protecting the fetus.

Foods rich in dietary fiber are:

A variety of vegetables, fruits, as well as a variety of coarse grains, such as sweet potato leaves, sweet potatoes, apples, soybeans, oats and so on.

Don't just know how to eat during pregnancy, how important is it to eat than to eat, how to eat? All arranged for you

Tenth month of pregnancy

37-40 weeks pregnant, this month focus on vitamin B1 supplementation.

The fetus is soon full-term and needs to be prepared for childbirth, and vitamin B1 can avoid prolonged labor and make delivery difficult.

In order to be able to give birth smoothly, vitamin B1 supplementation can be appropriate.

Foods rich in B vitamins are:

Pork shank, peanuts, soybeans, black rice, chicken liver, tomatoes, bananas, grapes, pears, etc.

Don't just know how to eat during pregnancy, how important is it to eat than to eat, how to eat? All arranged for you

From the first month of pregnancy to the last month of pregnancy, what nutrients to supplement have been sorted out. Pregnant mothers can adjust the diet structure according to their gestational age, adjust the diet during pregnancy, and supplement the appropriate nutrients at the right time.

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