
The woman's cosmetics were all damaged by the bear children of the relatives, and all the cosmetics were wasted and they got up and left

In general, where does a child's character development come from? No doubt, from the parents. Many people say that parents are the most important first teachers of children, and children often imitate their parents' temperament and behavior unconsciously, which also proves the importance of parents' words and deeds. But there are always some people who do not realize the importance of educating children, children have no concept of right and wrong, so it is inevitable that there will be wrong behaviors, so their children will become "bear children" that everyone hates.

The woman's cosmetics were all damaged by the bear children of the relatives, and all the cosmetics were wasted and they got up and left

Recently, a lady met a "bear child" at home. It is reported that near the end of the year, the woman's relatives brought two little boys to the home as guests. The woman was not at home at the time, and her mother enthusiastically left her relatives to eat, went into the kitchen to prepare meals, and two little boys were playing in the living room. Generally speaking, boys are more mischievous and bold, always come up with some strange ideas, only to see that the two little boys who were still playing in the living room a few minutes ago are gone, and run to the woman's room without anyone noticing, the children of the two bear children do not know whose idea it is, for fun, they have black hands on the woman's cosmetics.

The woman's cosmetics were all damaged by the bear children of the relatives, and all the cosmetics were wasted and they got up and left

And the woman returned home to find this scene, very angry, cosmetics scattered on the mat and the floor, more infuriating, the two of them ruined all the cosmetics, several bottles of well-known brands of foundation were crowded all over the floor, bottle caps were thrown away. Using a few lipsticks as paintbrushes to paint on the ground, the powder was smashed and thrown on the ground, and many eyeshadows were broken. Anyone who sees their things damaged in this way will be angry and their blood pressure will soar, and it can be seen that most of the women's cosmetics are big brands, and the categories are relatively complete, which is enough to prove that women are very exquisite little sisters. However, the two bear children did not stop there, and threw the remaining snacks and unfinished dolls mixed with cosmetics.

The woman's cosmetics were all damaged by the bear children of the relatives, and all the cosmetics were wasted and they got up and left

When this scene occurred, the parents of the bear child did not say anything, not even a word of compensation, and walked away, leaving the woman alone to bear the consequences. Such a scene can be said to make the woman both angry and helpless. Who let herself have such relatives, she could only admit that she was unlucky and blamed herself for not locking the door. Smart parents will lead by example and raise their children to be polite and cultured, and excellence is not only reflected in learning, but also in all aspects of life.

The woman's cosmetics were all damaged by the bear children of the relatives, and all the cosmetics were wasted and they got up and left

The reason why a bear child is called a bear child is because there is a pair of bear parents behind him, who say that they love the child, but different ways of caring will determine the future of the child, do not form a coddling because you love a child and tolerate him, coddling will ruin a child. In life, there are always people who dot on children in the name of being good to children, but they don't know how badly children are spoiled from childhood, and how fiercely they will be beaten by society in the future. If parents are not willing to educate their children, always think that this is the embodiment of their love for their children, then the society will educate them, and no one will be merciful to his subordinates!

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