
How old is the child's appearance "stereotyped"? Parents do 3 things well, and the longer the child looks in the future, the better

Text/Little Snow Mom

Every parent wants their children to have a higher appearance, after all, today is an "era where high appearance can be eaten", good-looking people are popular, and there are more opportunities to find a job.

However, for the parents of small children, they are not sure, after all, the children are so young who knows what will develop in the future? But in fact, it can be roughly divided into three types.

How old is the child's appearance "stereotyped"? Parents do 3 things well, and the longer the child looks in the future, the better

One is to see the big type from childhood, like Huang Lei's daughter Huang Duoduo; there is also an ugly duckling into a white swan, I have a hair when I was a boy, but when I grew up, the female eighteen became more and more beautiful; the last one is the longer and better looking type, many people wonder, why does this happen?

How old is the child's appearance "stereotyped"?

Speaking of children's appearance, "heredity" is an inescapable factor, in fact, in terms of appearance and height, almost all seven points rely on genetics, three points rely on the day after tomorrow, the child's face shape, skin color, eyes, and even single eyelids and double eyelids, to a large extent, have a lot to do with parents.

How old is the child's appearance "stereotyped"? Parents do 3 things well, and the longer the child looks in the future, the better

Just like Qi Wei and her daughter, although the daughter is still relatively small, but from the face shape to the eye shape, which one does not directly exhale "as if". And heredity is not only inherited by parents, but also has the situation of generational inheritance, you are like Teacher Pan Changjiang and his grandson Xiaoshi. There are also Bao Bell's daughter and her grandmother, both of whom have factors that are genetically influenced by generations.

Therefore, generally we can see some traces of parents or elders from the child's face, but the child is still small and has not yet fully grown, and it is difficult to determine what the future will look like when he is a child.

How old is the child's appearance "stereotyped"? Parents do 3 things well, and the longer the child looks in the future, the better

So how big is the child's appearance "stereotyped"? Some doctors pointed out that "before the age of 16, the child's facial bones are still changing, and they are almost fixed by the age of 16 to 18."

Therefore, when the child is about an adult, the appearance value is almost fixed, but this is only most of the case, and there are also cases where the child grows up late, depending on the individual.

Parents should do 3 things well, and the longer the child in the future, the better

First, help your child sleep out of the "high-value" head shape

How old is the child's appearance "stereotyped"? Parents do 3 things well, and the longer the child looks in the future, the better

The impact of the head shape on a person's appearance is still quite large, in addition to the birth, the head shape also has a certain relationship with the "sleeping position" when he was a child, and parents must pay attention to it.

Generally speaking, the more beautiful head shapes are "round" and "flat head", and the round head shape is more three-dimensional, which is also the most in line with the current aesthetic standards from all angles. From the front side, the heavenly court is relatively full, the face shape is more three-dimensional, and from the side and back, all kinds of hairstyles can be well controlled.

How old is the child's appearance "stereotyped"? Parents do 3 things well, and the longer the child looks in the future, the better

Then there is the "flat head", the back of the child's head is slightly flattened, many elderly people like to give the child "sleeping flat head", think this head shape is blessed, but from the side of the words seem to be missing a piece of the same, personally feel that it is not very beautiful.

The last failure is the head shape "sleep off", the child's head shape is not so regular, may belong to the flat on the one hand, the other side belongs to the smooth, this may also affect the child's face shape, so when the child's sleeping position is also very important, parents should pay attention not to let the child sleep for a long time.

How old is the child's appearance "stereotyped"? Parents do 3 things well, and the longer the child looks in the future, the better

Second, maintain a good posture

The overall image and temperament of people are composed of many aspects. Like some little girls may not be particularly outstanding in appearance, but after learning to dance, the posture is particularly stylish, and it will also look very temperamental and beautiful.

And like some boys, they are very tall and beautiful, but they always bow their waists, which makes people look old and dragon clocks have no vitality, but they will not be envied.

How old is the child's appearance "stereotyped"? Parents do 3 things well, and the longer the child looks in the future, the better

Therefore, parents must pay attention to the correction of the child's posture, straighten the body and bow the waist, do not always bow their heads, do not walk inside or outside the eight too strong, and supervise the child to develop a good posture.

Third, stick to the movement

The impact of exercise on children is multifaceted, first of all, children who exercise are healthier, their faces look fuller, and they look particularly energetic. Secondly, more exercise can make the child's personality more cheerful, the whole person smiles more, and optimism is also an important temperament of a person.

How old is the child's appearance "stereotyped"? Parents do 3 things well, and the longer the child looks in the future, the better

In addition, more exercise is also very good for children to grow tall, children's bones are well developed, basking in the sun to obtain natural calcium, growing tall is also an important criterion for a person's image.

Parents must pay more attention to the above points, help children develop good living habits from an early age, which has great benefits for children's physical and mental health, and also has certain help for children's appearance and temperament.

I am Xiaoxue mom, a post-90s mother, pay attention to me, and share scientific parenting knowledge every day!

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