
Is it true that male premature women are lazy? Doctor: Depends on 3 points

Whenever the due date is approaching, pregnant mothers are always full of expectation and fear in their hearts. I am both looking forward to the arrival of my baby and afraid of what accidents will happen during childbirth.

If the baby comes out before the expected date of delivery, or after the due date and does not come out, it will make the pregnant mother anxious and worried.

For this situation, the elderly often say that there is not a saying "boys are born prematurely, girls are lazy", what is going on?

Is it true that male premature women are lazy? Doctor: Depends on 3 points

In fact, it is because some old people are superstitious, saying that boys are more naughty and always come out before the expected date, while girls are more quiet and will come out after the expected date, so many people use this to judge whether they are boys or girls.

Is the term "male premature female lazy moon" accurate? The doctor said bluntly: the main thing is to look at these reasons.

Is it true that male premature women are lazy? Doctor: Depends on 3 points

1. Established under the same conditions as pregnant women

Because boys and girls have different levels of sex hormone development, in general, boys' sex hormone development levels are higher than those of girls, so they will develop faster in the mother's womb and come out a little earlier in the final delivery.

But this situation requires that all aspects of the body data of both pregnant women be the same in order to produce such results.

Different mothers have different physiques and different living habits, so there is no scientific basis for the statement that "male premature female lazy moon".

Is it true that male premature women are lazy? Doctor: Depends on 3 points

2. The expected date of delivery can only be used as a reference

The due date of delivery is the date calculated by the doctor based on the last menstrual period of the pregnant mother, which can only serve as a reference.

When the baby will be born has a lot to do with the physical condition of the pregnant mother, the development of the fetus itself and the external environment, so mothers only need to be at ease to give birth.

The expected date of delivery also provides pregnant mothers with a standard date of birth, which is normal for two weeks before and after the expected date.

However, less than 37 weeks indicates that the fetus has a preterm birth, and greater than or equal to 42 weeks indicates that there is a dangerous condition of a expired child.

Is it true that male premature women are lazy? Doctor: Depends on 3 points

3. The birth of the fetus has nothing to do with gender

Each child's personality is different, from the boy naughty, the girl quiet to infer "male premature female lazy moon" is very unscientific, after all, boys also have a calm personality, girls also have lively and active.

And the sex of the child is already decided at the moment of the formation of the fertilized egg, so this statement is not accurate, and it is best not to be gullible.

The baby's date of birth depends mainly on the mother's physical condition. Therefore, during pregnancy, mothers should eat reasonably and exercise appropriately to maintain the healthy development of the fetus and the stable development of the mother herself.

Pregnant mothers in particular should avoid obesity due to too much supplementation, which will not only affect the child's date of birth, but also produce unpredictable emergencies during childbirth.

Bao Mom should also keep her mood comfortable, do not get more and more anxious when the due date is approaching, and the family should also do a good job of psychological counseling.

Although "male premature female lazy moon" sounds reasonable, it is actually just an isolated phenomenon, and mothers must not believe it, and if there is a problem, they should go to the hospital in time to deal with it.

And whether it is a boy or a girl, it is the treasure of the parents, as long as it is more important than anything else.

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