
Re-reporting takes you to see the Winter Olympics| hydrogen fuel vehicles, 5G cars, and inventory of the traffic "black technology" of the Beijing Winter Olympics

In the previous series of reports on the Winter Olympics, the Chongqing Daily reporter took everyone to understand the venues of the Winter Olympics and related projects. In today's re-report to take you to see the Series of Reports on the Winter Olympics, the Chongqing Daily reporter wants to talk to you about the traffic of the Winter Olympics. Like the previous venues, the traffic of the Beijing Winter Olympics also practiced the concept of "green Olympics, low-carbon Olympics", not only launching hydrogen fuel vehicles for the first time, but also specially setting up 5G carriages, so that passengers can feel the unique charm of the Winter Olympics anytime and anywhere.

Hydrogen-fueled vehicles debut

In the eyes of many people, the application of hydrogen fuel vehicles seems to have always been somewhat "out of reach". But at the Beijing Winter Olympics, hydrogen-fueled vehicles became a reality. According to the information provided by the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee, 816 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles will participate in the transportation service guarantee during the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. This is by far the world's largest demonstration application of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

Re-reporting takes you to see the Winter Olympics| hydrogen fuel vehicles, 5G cars, and inventory of the traffic "black technology" of the Beijing Winter Olympics

▲Hydrogen fuel new energy vehicles are driving on the roads in Yanqing Racing Area. Xinhua News Agency

"Compared with electric vehicles, hydrogen fuel vehicles transport hydrogen and oxygen into the fuel cell stack through pipelines and runners for chemical reactions, and the current required to drive the car is formed through the continuous transfer of electrons, and the whole process produces only water, which can greatly reduce carbon emissions." The relevant person in charge of beiqi Foton Ouhui Bus Division said in a telephone interview with Chongqing Daily reporter that this batch of hydrogen fuel buses will provide connection services between Zhangjiakou, Beijing Yanqing District and Beijing Urban Winter Olympic venues, and the mileage of each bus will reach more than 600 kilometers, and the hydrogen refueling time will only be 15 to 20 minutes.

In addition to using advanced hydrogen fuel, these buses themselves are also full of "black technology". The Chongqing Daily reporter learned that this batch of hydrogen fuel buses is equipped with "U degree" integrated thermal management technology. This technology can recycle the waste heat generated by hydrogen fuel cells, provide energy support for interior heating and front windshield defrosting and fog removal, and further reduce the operating costs of hydrogen fuel buses.

According to the person in charge, due to the Beijing Winter Olympics, the temperature in Zhangjiakou and Yanqing areas may drop to minus 35 degrees Celsius, and these hydrogen fuel vehicles also use all-weather extremely cold power batteries. "The battery enables the vehicle to start at an extremely cold temperature of minus 30 degrees Celsius, thus providing better service for the players."

In addition, the reporter also learned that in order to ensure the safety of hydrogen fuel vehicle batteries, the hydrogen fuel bus of the Beijing Winter Olympics specially adopted hydrogen-electric collision multiple coupling technology. "This technology can monitor the real-time status of hydrogen and electricity in real time and ensure collision safety, covering high-pressure hydrogen storage cylinders, power batteries, fuel cells, drive motors, collision structure safety design and many other links, with multiple early warning functions, comprehensively escorting the safety of hydrogen fuel cell buses." The person in charge said.

The 5G carriage lets you watch the Winter Olympics in real time

Since the Winter Olympics will be held in Beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou, taking the high-speed rail has become the first choice for many spectators. To this end, the Beijing Winter Olympics specially launched the Winter Olympic train, through the construction of the world's first high-speed rail 5G ultra-high-definition studio, so that passengers can also watch the Winter Olympic games during the travel process.

Re-reporting takes you to see the Winter Olympics| hydrogen fuel vehicles, 5G cars, and inventory of the traffic "black technology" of the Beijing Winter Olympics

▲ On January 6, at the Prince Edward City Station of the Beijing-Zhang High-Speed Railway, a reporter reported live in front of the carriage of the G9981 Beijing Winter Olympics train. Photo by Ju Huanzong, Xinhua News Agency

Chongqing Daily reporter learned that all the Winter Olympic trains use the Fuxing EMU with a speed of 350 kilometers per hour, and some trains use the new Olympic version of the Fuxing intelligent EMU, which adopts the "Ruixue Yingchun" livery, and has a high-speed rail 5G ultra-high-definition studio, intelligent media carriages, ski equipment storage area, high-speed rail mobile theme post office, barrier-free facilities, etc.

"Compared with ordinary trains, the biggest feature of the Winter Olympics train is the construction of the world's first 5G ultra-high-definition studio." Jia Lu, deputy director of the Vehicle Department of the Beijing Bureau of the State Railway Group, said in an interview with the media that the No. 8 car of the Winter Olympics train has been transformed, integrating high-speed rail 5G+4K technology, and building the world's first high-speed rail 5G ultra-high-definition studio, which can realize the live recording and live broadcast of the program in the operation of the train, and also realize the live broadcast of the event, so that passengers can understand the relevant information of the Beijing Winter Olympics in real time.

Re-reporting takes you to see the Winter Olympics| hydrogen fuel vehicles, 5G cars, and inventory of the traffic "black technology" of the Beijing Winter Olympics

▲Prince Edward High-speed Railway Station. Photo by Ju Huanzong, Xinhua News Agency

In addition, the No. 5 car of the Winter Olympic train also has a media workspace. The workspace not only has 12 desks, but also provides international sockets, small tables that can be pushed and pulled, and can accommodate 48 people, allowing the Winter Olympic media to work in real time. "During the Winter Olympics, the media can use the carriage to interview guests and athletes, so as to bring first-hand information about the Winter Olympics to the audience." Jia Lu said.

【Source: Chongqing Daily】

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