
The Perfect Partner's widowed marriage is too suffocating? Lin Qingkun is exquisite and self-interested, and his wife is a senior nanny!

#高圆圆完美伴侣 #

Text/Luo Xiaoke

The TV series "Perfect Partner", starring Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi, Wang Zhen'er and Wang Yaoqing, is currently airing, and it tells the story of two couples who face a balance between career and family after marriage.

In the play, Chen Shansun Lei and Lin Qingkun Wu Min, these two couples, are very representative in real life, one is the model of "strong women and weak men", and the other is the model of "strong men and weak women", but they all have common problems, that is, how to balance career and family?

Wang Yaoqing plays the domineering male president Lin Qingkun, who is an elite and leader in the industry, with a rich annual income, but his wife Wu Min is always in a state of collapse and cannot extricate herself, and is spat on by netizens as a "widowed marriage", which is too suffocating!

"Making more money" is Lin Qingkun's biggest advantage, while "disregarding the family" is a thorn in Wu Min's heart, and the two always quarrel over work. Wu Min filed for divorce after accidentally miscarrying, so is there anything wrong with the exquisite egoist Lin Qingkun? He takes his career as his life, and his wife is a high-level nanny!

The Perfect Partner's widowed marriage is too suffocating? Lin Qingkun is exquisite and self-interested, and his wife is a senior nanny!

Although Wu Min, a stay-at-home mother, is a bit pretentious and not independent enough in her heart, her husband Lin Qingkun basically has no time to take care of the emotional needs of his wife and children. After repeated disappointments, Wu Min decided to be reborn in Nirvana, and she wanted to start a business to make money and gradually get out of her life difficulties.

And for this, Lin Qingkun is always unaware, he feels that he has earned enough money, why does Wu Min still not know how to know enough gratitude?

In fact, Wu Min's bones are very strong, she wants the respect of the other party and the realization of self-worth, but the identity of a full-time mother cannot give her, nor can she get the recognition and attention of Lin Qingkun.

The Perfect Partner's widowed marriage is too suffocating? Lin Qingkun is exquisite and self-interested, and his wife is a senior nanny!

Marriage is a complex proposition, it is not just a simple exchange of value and resource combination, there are many immeasurable factors, whether it is the matching of personality, or the continuation of the original family, everything is not easy, to do and cherish.

However, in addition to a clear division of labor, a good marriage must also know how to support and compromise with each other, and finally strive to live as a safe haven and energy station for each other.

Lin Qingkun, who runs rampant in the workplace, may have created high value, but he ignored the psychological needs of his partner and simply and rudely thought that it was unreasonable. You know, when Wu Min decided to marry herself, she was a female college student who had just graduated, and she had a vision and desire for the future, but she was limited to the trivialities of life and a chicken feather.

The Perfect Partner's widowed marriage is too suffocating? Lin Qingkun is exquisite and self-interested, and his wife is a senior nanny!

If he can stand in the other person's point of view and think about what she wants, maybe this marriage is still happy and beautiful, and will not be eroded by chai rice oil and salt.

But in Lin Qingkun's value ranking, career is the first, family and children are backward, so he is unwilling to provide emotional value, only considering his own future and decency, which is the root of the problem. How hard is it for a married woman to balance career and family?

The Perfect Partner's widowed marriage is too suffocating? Lin Qingkun is exquisite and self-interested, and his wife is a senior nanny!

I believe that only those who have experienced it can empathize, holding a baby can not hold a brick, holding a brick can not hold a baby, widowhood parenting is very deadly. Dreams are beautiful and messy, reality is cruel and cold, when you have mountains and seas in your heart, but you are confined to the kitchen and love, you can only heal yourself, and finally get out of the predicament.

The way out for a full-time mother is like the movie "Jin Zhiying Born in 82", and finally the heroine has reconciled with herself. She accepted the beautiful and hard identity of her mother, and then cherished and appreciated every minute and second of the moment, and Wu Min's way to break the game was either outstanding, or accepted and reorganized.

Dear relatives, what do you think of the TV series "Perfect Partner" starring Gao Yuanyuan, Zhang Luyi, Wang Zhen'er, Wang Yaoqing and so on? Welcome to leave a message!

Author: Luo Xiaoke, a mother married to Taiwan, writes everything in Taiwan, obsessed with various film critics and drama reviews. Don't forget your original intention, you have to be consistent.

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