
Doing these three things well will make it easy for you to get through pregnancy

After the expectant mother is pregnant, the physiology and psychology will change, especially the physiological changes may make the pregnant mother feel uncomfortable, in fact, developing some good habits can reduce the fatigue of pregnancy, today Annushi Xiaobian will recommend three tips to make pregnancy more comfortable, I hope to help you!

Doing these three things well will make it easy for you to get through pregnancy

First of all, pregnant mothers must pay attention to their weight during pregnancy, most pregnant mothers are pregnant for the first time, have no experience, and need to spend it by learning pregnancy and parenting knowledge. Generally in the first trimester, the weight of pregnant mothers will increase by 2-4 pounds, at this time there is basically no need to increase calorie intake, and in the second trimester, pregnant mothers need to consume additional calories. According to authoritative data, pregnant mothers can consume 300 more calories in the second trimester. Although it is a person who eats two people to absorb nutrients, it is not a person who needs to eat the amount of two people. After the second trimester, it is recommended to check the weight every week, and the increase should not exceed one pound! Pregnant mothers must prepare a scale during pregnancy. Weight is measured at a fixed time. It is recommended that pregnant mothers can eat less and eat more meals, which can reduce hunger and do not cause a burden on the baby and their own body, such as five or six meals a day. In about 1.5 hours after the meal, you can add some high-fiber and high-protein snacks, such as seafood, meat, egg grains, legumes, dairy products, etc. are good choices!

Sleep must be guaranteed, although there may be morning sickness and other symptoms in the first trimester of pregnancy to cause maternal discomfort, but the drowsiness in the first trimester can supplement some sleep for pregnant mothers, but in the third trimester of pregnancy, the symptoms of drowsiness are reduced, but because the stomach gradually becomes larger, the belly may affect sleep, so pregnant mothers must pay attention to sleep problems! The room should be as quiet and warm as possible, you can listen to some soothing music before going to bed, and don't eat too much food before going to bed! These may help pregnant mothers improve the quality of sleep!

Finally, let's talk to you about how pregnant mothers can relieve stress, psychological counseling during pregnancy is equally important, because changes in the body, changes in hormone levels, and the psychology of pregnant mothers will also have certain changes, especially the sense of urgency before childbirth may compress the nerves of expectant mothers! So be sure to relax and soothe yourself by communicating with your family, walking, and exercising for pregnant women!

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