
Sweater worth 14,000 yuan! Just because the broken code is not in stock and not bought, does the child need to be rich?

Recently, a video about grandma knitting 14,000 yuan of the same sweater for her grandson rushed to the hot search, what is going on?

Sweater worth 14,000 yuan! Just because the broken code is not in stock and not bought, does the child need to be rich?

It turned out that a woman from Qingdao, Shandong Province, gave her son a sweater of 14,000 yuan, but did not have her son's size. So, the woman took the picture of the sweater and complained to her mother-in-law about it. Unexpectedly, the mother-in-law gave a big surprise a month later: she knitted the same sweater for her grandson. The woman was very happy at the same time that she felt surprised. The mother-in-law complained: This is the most complicated sweater I have ever knitted in my life, basically a dozen stitches to change the thread, but seeing my grandson dressed so well, no matter how hard it is, it is worth it.

Sweater worth 14,000 yuan! Just because the broken code is not in stock and not bought, does the child need to be rich?

This matter caused heated discussion among netizens, some people said that this is the daughter-in-law asking for money from the mother-in-law, and the mother-in-law directly knitted a sweater when she saw the tricks. This comment is really too dark, the woman is just complaining to the mother-in-law that this dress has no yard, for the family that can see this price of the dress should not be very short of money, the most important thing is that the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not as conspiratorial as the palace, their ultimate purpose is also for the children. With the development of the modern economy, material and spiritual life is gradually enriched, and now raising children, who does not say that it is difficult? Eat to be nutritious, use to brand comfort, learn to play chess and calligraphy. If a child is raised exactly to this standard, it will cost at least a few million! A regular piece of clothing may be more expensive than an adult's.

Sweater worth 14,000 yuan! Just because the broken code is not in stock and not bought, does the child need to be rich?

Some people complained that the children raised in this way were too spoiled. Now parents with economic conditions do exist to pile too much material life on their children, which is excessive enrichment, children grow up under the protection of their parents, often can not bear things, children can not grow up healthily. It is also possible to let children live in extravagance and waste from below, do not know frugality, and do not have a correct concept of consumption. In short, the personality of a child who is over-enriched is unsound. As a parent, you should meet the basic life needs of your children while not letting your children be too far away from the children around you, otherwise it is easy to have inferiority. Of course, it is also necessary for children to establish a correct concept of money. In the process of raising children, parents should look for a balance to properly educate their children.

So, is it a pampering habit for grandma to knit a sweater of 14,000 yuan for her grandson? Grandma's hand-knitting is, of course, priceless, but if a child of a few years old wears the salary of an ordinary person for several months, it is no wonder that many people are uncomfortable. Most of them are woven by grandma, and that is the heart. If you often buy such expensive clothes, do you have to consider the correct way to raise your children?

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