
Years urge people to grow old, feelings also need to be cherished, if you give yourself a chance, love still has a temperature

Author: Zi Mo

Years urge people to grow old, feelings also need to be cherished, if you give yourself a chance, love still has a temperature

In three or nine days, the temperature has dropped a lot, especially after the sun goes down, it is even colder.

The wind was still blowing, and he lifted his collar and walked with his head bowed against the cold wind.

On the street, cars come and go, although the rush hour of leaving work at night has passed, but the dim headlights and the winter Xiao Suo, each other into a scenery, sitting silently, there is a little bit of pain in the depths of their hearts.

Turn a corner and walk into the silent alley. In the distance, under the shadow of the lamp, there was a familiar figure.

Then the heart became soft and warm.

"How did you get here?"

"I haven't walked together for a long time, so I came to pick you up from work today."

The man's eyes were moist, and the lone sail, which had just been drifting, came to shore in an instant, and the two men quietly looked at each other, immersed in this undisturbed harbor.

The woman took the man's arm and walked slowly together...

Although this alley passes day by day, today's moon is particularly round.

Can't help but sigh, their fading figures are the breeze and the bright moon, the sea of stars, and the warmth of the water that can be touched.

This is not only a story, but also the current situation of middle-aged people's marital love, and an effective salvation.

Years urge people to grow old, feelings also need to be cherished, if you give yourself a chance, love still has a temperature

The years urge us to grow old, urge us to continue to move forward, inadvertently, we have entered middle age.

As I get older, I understand the hardships of life more and more, and for emotions, for marriage, it seems that I can no longer rank.

Life has become the main task, the responsibility is on the shoulders, and it seems that the emotions in marriage are no longer important.

For fame and fortune, it is said that it is open, between trade-offs, or can not get rid of the temptation, back to reality, those flashy, doomed is not too much.

Sometimes there is more silence and less joy, not because of fatigue, but because of tiredness; some things are no longer said, but buried deep in the heart. After seeing many sorrows and joys, tasting a lot of sour, sweet and bitter, I feel more and more that life is the most realistic.

Three meals a day can not be lost, but the emotional scenery is less romantic and beautiful.

Ordinary life, when facing reality, you know that chai rice oil and salt is the most important, when love has become a thing of the past, feelings such as the left hand holding the right hand, only left to make it up.

In life, the more you experience, the more you feel the importance of materials, and only when you are materially satisfied, you will reflect on what you need most.

Couples who lack a warm family, let alone happiness, and lack of communication, how can there be warmth?

People are adrift in the red dust, and the years are displaced, who can combine life and marriage perfectly?

When we feel the time, we will have lost something beautiful. Just like in the journey of life, we pick up all the way and lose all the way.

In the vast world, two people who can meet in the years, if they do not cherish, how can they soften each other, warm the time, and warm this fireworks life?

Years urge people to grow old, feelings also need to be cherished, if you give yourself a chance, love still has a temperature

Time can consume the romance of love, and it can also prove the enduring of love. What was once crazy about love, lost yourself for love, all the passions, now gradually subsided.

With the passage of time, everything is precipitated in the years, and it will be felt throughout the world. At that time, I listened to others say that the middle-aged marriage crisis, I felt quite ridiculous, it can be said that I didn't know the meaning of the song at first, and then I listened to it. Some things don't really take you for a certain amount of time.

True love is the thousands of turns of the years, even if it falls into the dust, at the moment of being awakened, it will ignite a raging flame.

Long road of life, vicissitudes and ups and downs. As we get older, under the pressure of life, there are fewer and fewer good times.

The beauty of marriage is not because of the scenery along the way, but the care and love of each other, and the beautiful married life needs to be immersed in emotions and integrated into the truest love.

Tolstoy said: "Happy families are all similar, and unhappy families have their own misfortunes." ”

Happy days require emotional incense all the way, two people all the way warm, each other can read each other's beauty, love in the heart, each other can understand the spirit.

Every happy family has its own reasons and mysteries for happiness, but I read you, you appreciate me, cherish each other, and cherish and do.

Years urge people to grow old, feelings also need to be cherished, if you give yourself a chance, love still has a temperature

In life, good feelings are mutual appreciation, mutual understanding, and mutual support. Those who love you and those who come into your life should be tolerant and cherished.

Only by being grateful to each other can we have the courage to face life, a strong and brave heart, and the courage to fight and the hope of life.

Two people have been married for a long time, and the enthusiasm seems to have faded, and there is no longer a romantic mood when they are in love, so that love has become a family affection, and the marriage emotions have gradually cooled.

If you can give yourself a chance, give life a little sense of ceremony, give love a little sense of ceremony, find the romance of love, marriage will have a temperature.

When people reach middle age, marriage is most likely to occur, at this time, they need to pay each other to jointly maintain this hard-won relationship.

Lin Qingxuan said: "In the years, we have gone through many spring, summer, autumn and winter; in life, we have gone through a lot of cold, warm and cold, I always believe that in deeper and broader places, we must maintain a good heart and an appreciative heart." ”

With a grateful heart, manage a safe and beautiful life, be gentle and sympathetic to each other, let love blossom into bright flowers, treat each other with sincerity, and paint a warm and happy picture with warm time and affection.

Years urge people to grow old, feelings also need to be cherished, if you give yourself a chance, love still has a temperature

On the way forward, support each other, smile together to face life, watch the morning sun rise and dusk together, jointly cope with the cold and warmth of the world, and keep a caring warmth in the hustle and bustle of red dust.

When we have gone through the time of youth and experienced many ups and downs, we understand more and more that the beauty in life and all life is inseparable from love and cherishing.

We should be grateful for each other's inseparable companionship, guarding each other in the long time, because there is love and not loneliness, because of warmth and not wandering, the power of love will make life full of sunshine, warm family, sincere, always unswerving feelings, will give people the courage to live, the sweetness of happiness.

Years urge people to grow old, feelings also need to be cherished, if you give yourself a chance, love still has a temperature

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