
Bought the owner of the extreme krypton, what happened later...

Bought the owner of the extreme krypton, what happened later...

The author | gold is not changed

Last April, at the Shanghai Auto Show, Extreme Kr made its debut.

As Geely's latest new energy vehicle sub-brand, Extreme Kr debut is the peak, its first car, Extreme Kr 001, personally led by Geely's helmsman Li Shufu, set a variety of top configurations in one.

Overnight, Extreme Krypton seemed to have a dimensionality-reducing weapon to crush his opponents.

Punch Tesla, kick Wei Xiaoli.

At that time, the major car platforms also triggered a wave of blind booking, and major car owners have posted screenshots of the order of Extreme Kr 001, which is a beautiful scenery.

After its birth, Krypton moved forward very quickly: from brand launch to delivery, it took only a record 192 days. Laterally, tesla delivered the first car in 9 years, And Xiaopeng and Weilai both took nearly 4 years.

Last month, Extreme Kr became the fastest new force to deliver 3,000 units a month.

It soared at a rocket-like speed, and most of the onlookers did not have time to see its true face.

What about performance and service experience?

Whether the shoes fit or not, only the feet know.

Old Jin interviewed fifteen extreme krypton owners, selected three more representative ones, and through their different feedback, restored a real, three-dimensional extreme krypton.

01 Unresponsive

When you try it, it will not work.

The owner of the car, Lao Wang, said helplessly.

Before placing the order, Lao Wang was very interested in Extreme Kr 001. He specially went to the offline display store to experience it, and his deepest impression was:


For example, the vision system can recognize human bones, thereby predicting the driver's behavior and ensuring driving safety.

The whole car has a frameless induction electric door, and when you pull the handlebar, the door can automatically close and open.

There are many similar functions that make Lao Wang feel fresh.

However, after he mentioned that the car had been driving for half a month, he found many bugs:

From smart screens to electric doors, there are cases where the response is not effective.

Sometimes, click the radio play button on the screen, there is no response, and the content is played after more than ten seconds.

Just like the old TV when I was a child, the signal slowly became normal after a hard shot.

Later, he learned that the chip directly determines the fluency of the car-machine system.

The current use of Extreme Kr is the 820A car machine chip released six years ago, which is a huge gap with the high-end chips commonly used now.

It's like having a tractor engine on the plane.

I've heard of chip supply shortages, but I don't have to deal with car owners with outdated things. The lack of core can be understood, but the lack of heart and eye is not right.

More disturbing than the touch screen caused by the chip is the electric door.

He laughed to himself:

Open a car door and make me look like an idiot.

Once, he and his wife and children got into the car at the same time, the front door opened, but the back door could not be opened, and the scene was once embarrassing.

When the car door judges that there is an obstacle outside, it will always wait for a while and then slowly open it again, and the whole process looks very "stupid".

Sometimes an obstacle is detected outside, and the opening amplitude and angle of the door are not enough, or you have to manually push it open by yourself.

And that's not the worst. He specially placed a light pole and a cardboard box outside the car door, and the result was that the electric door was not recognized, and it was directly opened and crashed. If it is in special circumstances, it is very easy to lead to tragedy.

02 The styling is cool

The hobbies of car owners are not the same. Some people pay attention to performance, and some people pay attention to appearance.

Xiao Li is a female car owner, and her extreme krypton appearance makes her speechless.

The first time she saw Krypton, she was attracted by the shape of the hunting coupe:

This is simply the Chinese version of Panamera!

The car is nearly 5 meters long and nearly 2 meters wide, it looks very full, the sides are slender and unobtrusive, and the proportions are harmonious.

In particular, the "frog-eye" shape of the daytime running lights are very recognizable.

It can be described in two words:


"In addition to the appearance, I am more satisfied with its internal structure," Xiao Li said.

In the coupe series, in order to consider the shape of the whole car, the rear space is often compromised.

Friends and businessmen make choices, and krypton choose everything.

In addition to being good-looking, the back row space is also sufficient, and sitting will not be rigid. The rear seats are also slightly higher than the front seats, giving a wider view.

By lowering the back seat, it can be connected to the trunk, and it is directly an oversized double bed.

Everyone has a "dream car" in their hearts.

Although Xiao Li wanted to buy Paramela more, the high price made her dispel this idea.

The shape resembles Paramela's Extreme Krypton 001, which is also a curved dream.

But she also has a little regret that this car would be better if it wasn't called 001.

This name is easily reminiscent of a Japanese family planning brand. Therefore, she was also teased by her friends around her, which made her very embarrassed.

03 A twist and turn

Compared with Lao Wang and Xiao Li, the owner of the car, Ajie, has relatively insufficient funds and has been waiting and watching in the early stage.

And the bizarre operation of the Extreme Kr series has delayed his idea of buying a car again and again.

In April last year, After the brand launch, Extreme Krypton announced two versions and prices of the 001 model.

Among them, the WE version is priced at 281,000 yuan, which is the retail price after subsidies.

He was still in his pocket, thinking about saving money for a few months, waiting until the car was delivered to see the feedback of others.

As a result, after the pre-sale in June, it was found that the price of the WE version of the model had risen to 299,000 yuan.

Many car owners, including Ajay, are dissatisfied:

The price is also going up too fast.

The explanation of extreme krypton is slow and late: after the pre-sale is over, consumers will order again, that is, to buy the car in 2022. At that time, the national subsidy policy was not announced, and the price of "before subsidies" could only be announced.

Ajay's mood fell together, like riding a roller coaster.

In October last year, The Krypton 001 ushered in the first deliveries. Ajie found that three days later, a large number of car owners jointly defended their rights.

The reason for the rights protection centers on the official propaganda of the canopy, which can be switched between transparent and black. But after getting the real car, it was found that it was a cheap industrial blue, and the manufacturer was misleading consumers.

According to the information, Ajay learned that this canopy uses color-changing glass. It can often be seen on the portholes of the Boeing 787's airliner.

As for why it is different from the propaganda, Ajay does not know. But he knew that none of that was the point of angering the owner.

The focus is on how krypton is handled.

After the owner defended his rights, Extreme Kr silently deleted the tianmu demonstration animation and modified the publicity. Many car owners immediately grabbed it, believing that this was a lack of heart destroying evidence.

In the end, Extreme Krypton still admitted that the canopy was indeed blue.

Ajay thought to himself, Extreme Krypton is too unreliable to do things, but the idea of buying a car is still there.

At the end of last year, Extreme Krypton publicized that the subsidy would decline in 2022, and it would be cheaper to order cars years ago, allowing users to place orders early. Ajay saved almost all the money, and finally placed the order smoothly, sitting and waiting for delivery.

However, just after New Year's Day, Extreme Krypton launched a "New Year" offer. If you calculate it, it is more than four thousand yuan cheaper than before the festival.

Ajay is indignant, believing that Extreme Krypton is suspected of false propaganda, inducing himself to sign a contract and hoping to return the order.

At the end of the incident, dozens of car owners jointly signed a letter to defend their rights.

Finally, Yang Xueliang, CMO of Extreme Kr Intelligent Technology, came forward to explain and try to calm the storm.

He said in an interview that the released policies have reached the vast majority of people, and a small number of people may have a little opinion and anticipate that it can be solved through communication.

But Ajay didn't feel that the communication of Extreme Kr was in place, at most it was just an announcement. After more than half a year, the confusing changes have given him a deepest understanding:

Buying Krypton is like buying a blind box.

04 Slow down

The true appearance of extreme krypton is formed in the feedback of the owner.

It's like a junior trying to catch up with its predecessors, pushing too hard and running fast.

This is caused by its special mission. On new energy vehicles, the parent company Geely got up early and rushed to a late set. After successive defeats, he was still unwilling, putting all his hopes on The Krypton, and urgently emphasizing the result.

At the moment, the extreme kryptonian step is getting bigger and bigger. Its 2022 goal: shipping 70,000 units.

If it translates into monthly sales, it will have to complete the task of doubling last year.

Looking further afield, it will ship 650,000 vehicles by 2025, becoming the top three high-end new energy sources in the world.

Too fast is easy to be unstable, and it will often overturn, and the car company is the same.

From its birth to the present, many places are remarkable, but at the same time, various problems have been exposed:

Performance failures, operational chaos, false publicity........

The speed at which user reputation has turned from prosperity to decline is also quite fast. Some car critics have called Extreme Krypton a new energy vehicle with the highest frequency of rights protection.

Weima Car, which is seriously behind, recently wants to retake, the pace is getting faster and faster, and it also overturned the car a few days ago.

Many Wei carriage owners received a gift package from the official: a comprehensive vehicle inspection and a JD card worth 200 yuan. After getting on the road, the owner found that the battery life had shrunk greatly, and questioned WM's "locking electricity". Someone wrote a song to defend his rights, saying:

200 pieces fooled me.

Li Shufu once compared the construction of a car to a marathon: there is no end, only the beginning, no method, only the direction.

Anyone who has run a marathon knows that the early stage is too hard, too fast, often lack of staying power, and it is easy to make mistakes.

In the past 2021, the sales of new energy vehicles have hit a record high, and the uncertainty factors have also risen sharply:

Chip shortage, subsidy decline, intensified competition........

Xu Haidong, deputy chief engineer of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, said that in 2021, new energy vehicles have entered an inflection point from policy-driven to market-driven.

When you turn a corner, you have to slow down.

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