
Sales will exceed one million in 2026! Is the new journey of Jietu ambitious?

Whether it is recognized or not, the self-driving tour of the Chinese people has entered a period of rapid development. In the past 2 years, every weekend or holiday, as long as you travel, almost everywhere you see the "surging army" of self-driving tours, tents and egg roll tables supported in the suburbs or Internet celebrity check-in points, or picnics or barbecues or fishing. According to statistics from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, more than 50 million people chose to travel by car in the first five months of 2021, and the number of trips has exceeded the pre-epidemic level.

Sales will exceed one million in 2026! Is the new journey of Jietu ambitious?

Indeed, in the post-epidemic era, domestic self-driving travel is becoming the first choice of more and more people, if compared with the huge base of 281 million cars in China, self-driving travel is in the ascendant stage, and the trillion market prospects need to be developed. So at the same time, we see that almost every car company is launching SUVs, MPVs and even pickup trucks for families and young people, but many have become "self-driving for the concept" products, only superficial. Everyone covets this growing cake, but ignores that it is an easy market to attack and difficult to defend.

On the contrary, the domestic car circle has long been lurking a big guy who is deeply involved in the "travel +" market segment; "latent" is because from the beginning of the establishment of the brand in 2018, it has forward-looking proposed the "travel +" strategy, through the ecological layout of the whole tourism industry chain combining people, cars and scenes, to meet the increasing travel needs of car owners; as a result, this big guy has attracted 6 million fans with 460,000+ sales in less than 4 years, and has also attracted more than 80 people like Qunar, Pathfinder, Fangte, Ningxia Shapotou Scenic Area, etc." Travel +" small partners entered his circle of friends, laying out a "travel +" ecosystem completely different from other independent brands.

Sales will exceed one million in 2026! Is the new journey of Jietu ambitious?

Here Chelizi is talking about Jietu car. The past 2021 is undoubtedly a big year for the development of Jietu Automobile, not only upgrading from a product series of Chery Holdings to an independent brand, but also accumulating sales of 154,000 vehicles in the whole year, an increase of 17.9% year-on-year, and selling more than 10,000 for 12 consecutive months, setting a record for cutting-edge independent brands. Recently, Jietu Automobile announced at the brand night that it will target sales of 200,000 vehicles in 2022, and will achieve annual sales of one million in the long run by 2026.

A new journey of products

The theory of relativity tells us that as we travel close to the speed of light, the time experienced around us slows down. Similarly, as long as the action is fast enough, the time to achieve the goal will be relatively long, and the opportunities will increase.

In Che Lizi's view, Jietu is based on the rapid growth of "Jietu Speed" and seeks a breakthrough in sales. At present, the main sales models are only X70 and X90 series, which has refreshed the growth rate of "460,000+ units sold in 40 months" and newly established independent brands. At the press conference that evening, Jietu proposed to roll out the construction of "4+3+N" product matrix this year: that is, the SUV series (Jietu X-1, Jietu X-2, Jietu X70, Jietu X90), cross-border series (Jietu hardcore off-road, Jietu hardcore pickup truck, Jietu MPV), hybrid series (the whole series of products synchronously planned hybrid and living space series), which means that Jietu's main sales model lineup is at least 3 times larger than now.

Sales will exceed one million in 2026! Is the new journey of Jietu ambitious?

Of course, with a huge product plan, it is natural to have a digital architecture platform first, lay the foundation for quality and output, and Jietu has also unveiled its own new platform architecture - Kunlun architecture, combined with Chery's modular platform and "travel +" positioning. Supporting the iterative capabilities of 5G intelligent driving, using industry-leading central computers and Gigabit Ethernet, it provides a standard expanded port for the "Travel +" intelligent ecosystem.

It is true that the core of the "Kunlun Architecture" was not elaborated too much that night, but from the official information, we learned that the in-depth excavation and expansion of intelligent driving and intelligent ecology is the strength of Kunlun Architecture. For example, the intelligent architecture of the future Jietu model matrix will also be based on the "travel +" use scenario to create and aggregate, such as I-DRIVE Xiongshi Intelligent Driving, I-CONNECT Xiongshi Zhiyun multi-ecosystem, Jietu will work with Xiongshi, Tencent, Mengbo, iFLYTEK, etc., and deeply share the I-POWER intelligent effect total technology and M1X/T1X/M3X modular platform. It can be seen that diversified open compatibility is one of its advantages, intelligent ecological services, healthy cockpits and other fields, Jietu will also work with more ecosystem partners.

Sales will exceed one million in 2026! Is the new journey of Jietu ambitious?

And cross-border series models, the future will also become another important growth point of Jietu automobile, hardcore off-road, intelligent off-road, luxury off-road three dimensions to create off-road "solutions", from the first public appearance of the T-X concept car can be seen, T series broadens the current Jietu "travel +" product boundaries, the future of the series of models, the length of 4.6-5.1 meters, covering 15-30 million price range; and in terms of power, also covers 1.0T, 2.0T, 3.0T fuel version and hybrid, Pure electric and other options, while using a four-wheel drive system equipped with differential lock, including mechanical four-wheel drive and electric four-wheel drive versions, the body also includes load-bearing or non-load-bearing two architectures, can also be extended with the same platform pickup truck. The first model of the T series, the T-1, is expected to be launched in 2023, combining the functionality and scenario-based experience during the travel process to create safety protection and release driving pleasure, which complements the current SUV series. Obviously, Jietu seeks a breakthrough in sales volume, and also exerts its brand upward offensive.

2.0 "Travel +" ecosystem era

In addition to the new architecture, new models, and the shortcut to deepen the "travel +" market, there is also its secret weapon - user co-creation. But this concept that almost every car company is mentioning, what tricks can Jietu play?

Sales will exceed one million in 2026! Is the new journey of Jietu ambitious?

Let's first look at what Jietu has done over the years in addition to selling cars:

1. The number of Jietu APP users reached 340,000, nearly 200 travel peripheral products, and sales of 1 million + pieces;

2. Held 1,800+ travel experience activities, more than 100,000+ people experience, covering more than 20 provinces and more than 100 cities;

3. 35,000 users participated in co-creation, including product, brand and ecological co-creation, including the name of the X-1 model Dasheng, the Jet March and logo, and the Jetway brand LOGO, all of which were co-created with The Jietu fans.


Of course, you can say that these "tricks" are not worth mentioning in front of the sales figures, but it objectively reflects the forward-looking long-term layout of a car company 'fan economy', 2018 is the cultivation period, as self-driving travel gradually becomes a new way of life for Chinese people, the shortcut is not far from the harvest period.

The "China's First Travel + Conference" held together with the Jietu Brand Night can be seen as jietu's "travel +" ecosystem fully entering the 2.0 stage, with a new product strategy, forward-looking concept and market segment achievements, Jietu's circle of friends naturally expanded, and Fangte, Tuju, Ctrip, Qunar and other well-known tourism industry resources integration, the construction of national, branch, local three-level rights and interests, from the construction of travel unit combination to the construction of travel ecological portfolio, in addition to providing users with value-added rights, It is also hoped that through the "travel +" ecosystem to achieve positive interaction with users. Jietu builds a "travel +" travel ecology in the three directions of people, cars and scenes, and through the reach of activities and marketing innovation, the three will interact and define each other in the long run, and realize continuous optimization iteration and virtuous circle.

Sales will exceed one million in 2026! Is the new journey of Jietu ambitious?

Bao Siyu, deputy general manager of Chery Holding Group and general manager of Jetway Automobile, said: "Jetway firmly practices the 'travel +' strategy, continuously expands the 'travel +' ecosystem, enriches the 'travel +' products, expands the 'travel +' station, and upgrades the 'travel +' platform, bringing more surprises and joy to users in the journey, and also broadening the boundaries and horizons of the shortcut, providing more development possibilities."

Sales will exceed one million in 2026! Is the new journey of Jietu ambitious?

In more blunt words, Jietu's "Travel +" ecosystem 2.0 is to make "Jietu users" become "users' Jietu", and the dimensions created by Jietu Automobile and fans are wider and richer. As early as 2021, in a "Peer - Damei China" activity, Jietu began to test the waters of the innovative "Lushu Co-creation Plan", upgrading the one-time purchase of the traditional automotive industry to an in-depth travel experience, which was well received from the effect, and Jietu worked with users to create the first brand of self-driving road book.

"The most understanding of customer needs, the closest to customer marketing, the most pleasant customer experience", Jietu's "three most moats", so that other brands to copy, is quite difficult, especially Jietu has a national distribution network coverage of 1800+, has been in the "travel +" market segment to hold up a distinctive banner. This year, after the efforts of new media channels such as e-commerce, the rhythm of product co-creation, brand co-creation and ecological co-creation of Jietu has become more intense.

Sales will exceed one million in 2026! Is the new journey of Jietu ambitious?

It is worth mentioning that young users are also a group of people to be actively embraced by Jietu's "travel +" ecosystem, in the face of their diversified and personalized consumer needs, Li Xueyong, deputy general manager of Jietu Automobile and general manager of the marketing center, clearly stated that with continuous innovation and research and development to deconstruct and reshape the new generation of travel scenarios, and constantly upgrade the experience and emotional connection of young users: "Jietu Automobile will continue to uphold the user-centered 'three most' marketing concept, understand users at the level of brand co-creation, product co-creation, and ecological co-creation. The offline level is close to the user, pleasing the user at the pre-sales and after-sales level; through 100% direct user, 100% direct connection to the user, 100% user direct evaluation, the establishment of user operation communication mechanism; around the Jietu Auto APP, Douyin, official micro, official Blog and other new media platforms, to create a brand, organized, positional, content of the user operation pattern. ”

Write at the end:

"Defining the journey with action" is the Slogan of Jetto Since its birth.

In the past three years or so, with this resounding brand vision, whether in the dimensions of market sales, brand reputation, user co-creation, etc., Jietu Automobile has shown vigorous vitality, and has opened up its own incremental world in the "Travel +" segment. In the future, the journey of co-creation between Jietu and users will surely be long and far-reaching, and I believe that it will be explored up and down.

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