
The 29-year-old mum conceives her 9th child while taking care of 8 children, a true master of time management

I am a stay-at-home mom, a stay-at-home mom who is constantly fulfilling her self-worth. Reject anxiety, refuse "inner volume", easy parenting, rational treatment of married life, tolerant response to the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, I hope that some of my views can make you suddenly enlightened, can bring you positive energy, and solve your practical problems.

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In my existing experience and understanding, every stay-at-home mother with her own child, if she can take care of her baby well, while being able to take into account her own career or hobbies, is already a master of time management.

I consider myself a good time management guru.

When the baby was 11 months old, he quit his job and became a full-time mother, writing a manuscript while taking the baby, taking into account his career, and not being left behind by the workplace.

The time to write a manuscript every day is concentrated on the baby's nap, and the rest of the time is spent doing housework, accompanying the baby, and taking care of cooking.

In terms of taking a baby, every time I hear the mothers or aunts in the community complaining, I am complacent, after all, I think I am at ease with the baby, and I can also let the baby learn a lot of basic etiquette, take the baby to play puzzles, play with blocks, take the baby to feel the language environment, so that she can be exposed to bilingualism as much as possible.

It wasn't until I saw these "real cow people" moms that I knew what a real time management guru was.

Compared to these Japanese mothers who have a few children, they are nothing at all.

The 29-year-old mum conceives her 9th child while taking care of 8 children, a true master of time management

The 29-year-old mother is pregnant with her ninth child and her life is well organized

Rich daughters-in-law to give birth to several children can not be used as a reference, whether it is a rich daughter-in-law or female celebrities, the real children are very few, most people rely on child-rearing sister-in-law or professional nannies with babies.

The really powerful mother is completely with her own baby and arranges her own family life.

There is a 29-year-old mother in Japan who takes care of 8 children at the same time and is pregnant with her ninth child, so her life is arranged in an orderly manner, so it has attracted much attention.

The mom and the children's dad met on a blind date, when mom was 16 and dad was 18.

The next year, after the two people got married, they gave birth to their first baby.

The 29-year-old mum conceives her 9th child while taking care of 8 children, a true master of time management

Don't be surprised, the current legal age of marriage in Japan is 18 years old, and the previous legal age of marriage for girls was 16 years old.

In Japan, there is a phenomenon that either young people are unmarried and infertile, and carry out "home life" to the end, or they keep giving birth.

But overall, unmarried and infertile young people have the upper hand, which is why Japan's fertility rate is so low and the aging is so serious.

Speaking of this mother, since giving birth to her first child, she has not stopped, until now pregnant with her 9th child, she now has to take care of 8 children alone.

The husband is an architect, earns 5 million yen a year, basically moonlight, and the cost of raising these children is too large.

The 29-year-old mum conceives her 9th child while taking care of 8 children, a true master of time management

In order to make life a little richer, the mother took the baby to shoot a video, and then edited it and sent it to the social platform, alleviating the financial pressure of the family.

While working with the baby, and raising 8 children, how chaotic will the living environment be?

On the contrary, the children's living environment is quite tidy, each child is taken care of very well, seeing the home environment and the children's clothing, it is very appropriate to describe the daily life of this mother with ease.

The 29-year-old mum conceives her 9th child while taking care of 8 children, a true master of time management

Three meals a day is a big project, and according to the video taken by this mother, more than 200 dumplings are wrapped in one meal.

Preparing meals for 8 children is a big project, but mothers can still ensure that their children's meals are nutritionally balanced and allow children to thrive.

This mother is the best time management master.

The 29-year-old mum conceives her 9th child while taking care of 8 children, a true master of time management

It's hard for every "master time management" mom to have a personal time

Although this mother said that although there are so many children, she and her husband have never quarreled, and the two people have a good relationship, because she and her husband attach great importance to personal getting along.

With 8 children, can you still have personal time?

If there is, it is probably only after the children have gone to sleep.

And the mother, who has been tired for a day, probably does not have much time left for her husband.

Another reason this mother was able to keep her life organized was that she extended the battle line, she only slept 5 to 6 hours a day, and when she opened her eyes, she was busy.

The 29-year-old mum conceives her 9th child while taking care of 8 children, a true master of time management

And in the busy ten hours, they are busy for children, busy for families, and there is very little personal time.

Don't envy these "time management masters", whose achievements are based on the complete sacrifice of personal time and hobbies.

Not many girls should be able to do that.

The 29-year-old mum conceives her 9th child while taking care of 8 children, a true master of time management

The number of children raised is still based on reality

If the living conditions at home are good and the deposit is tens of millions, under the permission of the policy, the children you like can certainly have more children, and there is no problem at all.

But if the family living conditions are average, both people are working-class, belong to the middle class, or the family income is less, the number of children can not be based on preferences alone, or priority should be given to family realities.

People's pursuits are different, we can't just look at the beauty on the surface, outside the lens, how much heartache is not seen by others.

The 29-year-old mum conceives her 9th child while taking care of 8 children, a true master of time management

We can't take The Japanese mother as an example, many women in Japan are still based on family and husband, and their patience is still very high.

In this era, parents are striving to provide their children with better educational resources in the context, the competition is not the number of children, the competition is the effort to raise children and the future of children.

Although the three children have now been opened, but for most families with an annual income of about 200,000, if they live in a big city, raising one child is enough, raising up to 2 children, really can not be too willful, otherwise even if there is a good time management ability, the last sad is still their own.

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