
Smart parents build 3 worlds for their children

Smart parents build 3 worlds for their children

Today is the 3015th day of intensive reading jun to accompany you throughout your lifelong growth

"3 years old to see big, 7 years old to see old", this old saying intuitively summarizes the law of children's physical and psychological development.

Experts believe that 3-6 years old is the golden age of young children, and it is the golden three years that affect the child's life. During this time period, if parents can effectively educate and guide their children's mental level and ability performance, and cultivate their thinking ability, the brain will be smarter, which will lay a solid foundation for the child's future intellectual development, emotional intelligence improvement, and the cultivation of learning and life ability.

Educator Kalinin said: Mathematics is the gymnastics of the mind, and mathematics is very important for the development of thinking. Having mathematical thinking is a very important ability for our daily work and life.

Montessori believes that 3-6 years old is the most important mathematical sensitive period in a child's life, and parents need to take it seriously and gradually stimulate their children's interest in learning mathematics.

So, how can parents guide their children to discover the beauty of mathematics? How to cultivate a child's mathematical thinking?

Professor Zhang Meiling, an expert in children's mathematical cognition research, "Mathematical Thinking Training for Children to Benefit a Lifetime" helps parents find the correct way to enlighten their children's mathematical thinking, so as to stimulate their children's mathematical thinking and let children combine mathematics and life.


Parents are the irreplaceable first teachers of children

The earliest education a person receives in his or her life comes from the family, from the early education of parents to their children. As the saying goes: "Parents are a child's first teacher". A good mother is better than a good teacher, and has an important responsibility.

How do smart parents enlighten and train their children?

First of all, we must know the four characteristics of the thinking development of children in the 3-6 age group:

From primarily perceiving and acting, to relying primarily on appearances, to transitioning to using concepts.

From intuitive action thinking, to concrete figurative thinking, and then transition to abstract logical thinking.

From reflecting the external connections and phenomena of things to reflecting the internal connections and essence of things.

From reflecting the present to reflecting the future.

That is to say: the order of children's thinking development is from the body to the heart, from the concrete to the abstract, from the present to the future.

Then, we must follow these four characteristics to train children's thinking.

Early education of young children does not mean to teach children knowledge in advance, for the sensitive period of 3-6 years old, it is enough to do a simple education enlightenment, mainly to let children feel that there is mathematics in life, so that children have a simple understanding of mathematics, and the focus is on cultivating children's interest in mathematics.

For example, a kindergarten teacher asks the children, "We don't want numbers in our lives, can we?"

Some kids say, "No, there's no number, how do I press the elevator?"

Some children said, "Then I have a fever, and my mother doesn't know how many degrees the thermometer is."

Some children said, "Without a license plate number, how can I take the bus?"


This is the child has a lot of experience of the numbers in life, and this is the beginning of the enlightenment of mathematical thinking, where the numbers are not abstract and conceptual, but in life, real, useful and indispensable.

In order to do a good job in the cultivation of mathematical thinking in the family, we must also follow the following four principles:

From life

For children to enlighten mathematical thinking, we must follow the principle of "the road to simplicity", experience in life, and apply it to life, and do not let children feel that mathematics is such an unfathomable thing. To let the child observe and contact by himself, in this process, parents can easily enlighten the child's mathematical thinking through guidance.

In fact, in life, there are many opportunities to experience mathematics with children. For example, why the wheels of the car are round and cannot be triangular, why the building block foundation should be large and stable.

Let the child feel that there is mathematical presence everywhere around him.

All we need is a pair of eyes that are good at discovery, and can see mathematics everywhere in life, so that we can enlighten children's mathematical thinking anytime and anywhere.

Gained in experience

Children's growth is obtained in practice and activities, so the best enlightenment is to let children get from their own experience.

This is mainly determined by the characteristics of the child's thinking in this period, allowing the child to experience in the situation, the experience he obtains is much more impressive than the knowledge obtained by rote memorization from books, and it is very helpful for the inspiration of the child's own thinking.

For example, take your child to the supermarket, let the child count what to buy before going, such as buying an apple for each person in the family, 1, 2, 3... 6, buy 6 in total; buy 3 tomatoes and 2 cucumbers for your mother; buy an ice cream for your sister and yourself; and so on. Sticking to it for a while can cultivate a child's sense of number very well.

Parent enlightenment is the first

Parents are the closest people to their children, and from the moment the child is born, they begin to teach their children how to perceive the world. As the famous educator Carl Witt said, "Parental tutoring of children is irreplaceable by any teacher." In particular, the influence of mothers' values, ways of thinking, and education methods on children is very far-reaching.

Mothers don't necessarily have to be math experts, but mothers who are good at using things around them to stimulate their children's interest in learning are far more influential than teachers who teach at a glance at textbooks.

Follow the rules without getting ahead

Be sure to follow the rules of your child's own development! This is very important.

The development of each child's thinking ability is progressive in layers.

For example, the development of classification ability, children will first classify according to the appearance attributes of items, such as color, shape, etc., and then learn to use generic relationships, such as animals, fruits and other classifications.

And the criteria for classification are gradually increasing from one dimension to multiple dimensions. If you do not follow the child's development law, jumping to let the child learn will often play a role in pulling up seedlings and promoting growth.

Prematurely let the child count or graphic problems, the child will only copy the answers, can not really establish the logical concept of mathematics, but also will wear down the child's interest in mathematics.

Therefore, when children are 3-6, they all get perceptual experiences about mathematics from life, and they do not know it. Mom and Dad only need to provide the child with materials and scenes that meet his needs at this age.

For example, toys, picture books, scene games, or conversations about mathematics in life, and that's it.


An effective way to develop mathematical thinking – family games

There is mathematics everywhere in life, and the things around them can become a tool for children to learn mathematics, so that children can discover the beauty of mathematics from it, and can learn and use it.

As long as parents have the heart, the use of household items can enlighten children's mathematical thinking, easy to play mathematics! Parent-child games close to life can further stimulate children's interest in learning mathematics.

For example, take the elevator, play blocks, paper cutting, buy and sell and other parent-child games.

Companionship is the greatest love, which means that parents should be good at discovery.

Nowadays, many parents invest a lot in buying high-end toys for their children, in fact, they can be replaced by living objects that can be found everywhere, and they can play a variety of games with their children that are beneficial to the development of thinking.

Professor Zhang Meiling said: "Effective mathematical thinking enlightenment lies in parents' "how to teach" and "what to teach". From a psychological point of view, cultivating children's interest in thinking is the most important.

Some children do not like to learn mathematics, think that mathematical difficulties are to lose interest in mathematics, from the heart to resist mathematics, children's mathematical performance will not be good. But if the child does not regard mathematics as a subject, but his own interest, the child will voluntarily understand it with a strong enthusiasm!

Therefore, it is important to cultivate your child's interest in mathematics from an early age. This requires edutainment, through some simple games, to expose children to. For example, drawing, contrasting, finding differences, mathematical experiments, etc., to provide mathematical inspiration for children and make children fall in love with learning mathematics.

Education is tomorrow, children are hope. Parents should understand the "one-two-three" of education:

First, effort should be used as the criterion in the educational process. Ordinary people often say that they do their best, which is also the standard for measuring children.

The second is the binary interaction between "love" and "will". For children, it is very important to love learning, but also to be able to learn, education needs to interact with the two, love more, will love more.

Third, the effectiveness of education should emphasize the three-element synergy. One dimension is the school, the family, the community, the other dimension is the teacher, the parent, the child, the two "three elements" to form an educational synergy can be more effective, to help children become the talents needed in the future.


Five self-growth lessons for wise parents

On the road of education, the one who should not be lazy is the parents, and the one who should not be freed is the child.

The growth of children is an irreversible process, as the nurturer of children, we must first understand: who is the child?

The child is himself, the child is childhood. The child is an independent being, and you have to learn to respect him.

Childhood is childhood, childhood is play, it is happiness. A child has no happy childhood, and we are sorry for him. Children have passed the age of three, past the age of six, and will never be so old again.

Children are growing people. Every word and deed of the parents deeply affects the child, and even determines the child's life. As nurturers of children, parents should value their role model.

Therefore, parents should be strict with themselves, know how to learn and reflect, correct bad habits, and lead by example. From the moments of life, set an example for your children. The behavior of parents is the future of children, and we parents can learn well so that children can improve every day.

Children are the future of the country. Parents are the child's first teacher and the child's eternal teacher. Because home is a school where children never graduate. Our children are a mirror for their parents.

Therefore, to educate children, we must first educate ourselves.

To be a wise parent, you must take these five self-growth lessons:

The first lesson – goals

Parents all over the world have a common goal, that is, they all want their children to be more successful and happier than themselves.

So, what is success? Let every child be the best version of themselves.

And to let children become the best version of themselves, parents must first become the best version of themselves.

The second lesson – creating

What is a successful life?

A successful life requires two wings. One is the sunshine psychology, and the other is learning wisdom.

Sunshine psychology is our mental health, and we must figure out how to know ourselves, how to know others, how to know today, and how to recognize happiness.

Learning wisdom, for children, is to learn is not 100 points is to learn well, but the child's lifelong learning wisdom.

The third lesson – construction

If our parents want their children to win at the finish line, then they must construct three worlds for their children. The complete spiritual world, the intelligent world of knowledge, the perfect world of life.

The fourth lesson – good parent-child relationship

This is a major foundation for parents to carry out their education. Building a warm home is a very important point for us to raise our children.

Lesson 5 – Giving

Parents should give their children five golden keys to lay the foundation for a healthy, happy and happy life. These five keys are a healthy physique, flexible thinking, a happy mindset, a colorful stage, and good habits.

I hope that every parent can start from reading this book, grow up with their children, and no longer worry about their children's learning ability.

Author: Su Yun, a member of the Intensive Reading Association. Use time to exchange talents, the harder you work, the luckier you are, don't forget your original intention, you have to be consistent.

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