
The boy's calf was in excruciating pain, and the cause of the illness was unknown for the rest of the month! Doctor: It's related to it, a lot of kids have it

The 11-year-old boy in Changsha inexplicably had leg pain for more than a month

After going to the doctor, he did not get better

Multi-expert consultation found that this is actually a "heart disease"!

Doctor's Reminder:

The cause is related to it, and many children have...

Don't ignore these triggers!

Inexplicably, my legs hurt for more than a month

The boy went to the doctor unsuccessfully

The boy's calf was in excruciating pain, and the cause of the illness was unknown for the rest of the month! Doctor: It's related to it, a lot of kids have it

Nearly a month

Xiao Tang, an 11-year-old in Changsha, always cried out that his calf hurt

At first, parents thought it was "calcium deficiency"

He gave the child a little calcium tablet

Unexpectedly, the symptoms were not only not controlled, but also became more and more serious

Moreover, the parents took Xiao Tang to many hospitals

No cause was identified

The boy's calf was in excruciating pain, and the cause of the illness was unknown for the rest of the month! Doctor: It's related to it, a lot of kids have it

Diagnosis of psychogenic pain

Use "placebo therapy" to relieve symptoms

After admission

The doctor carefully conducts a comprehensive physical examination of the child

The child is still shown to have no obvious organic abnormalities

Doctor of difficult comprehensive ward of Hunan Children's Hospital

Repeatedly ask for history findings

Xiao Tang's parents have been working outside the home for many years

Children lack parental attention

Eventually, the multidisciplinary federation of experts made several diagnoses

Comprehensive analysis of the child's main causes are

There is indeed a slight myositis on the body

Pain is unbearable to consider being caused by psychogenic factors

The boy's calf was in excruciating pain, and the cause of the illness was unknown for the rest of the month! Doctor: It's related to it, a lot of kids have it
The boy's calf was in excruciating pain, and the cause of the illness was unknown for the rest of the month! Doctor: It's related to it, a lot of kids have it

Then the doctor learned

Growing up

There may be a lack of parental attention and pampering

Psychologically hope to do so

Attract the attention of parents

The boy's calf was in excruciating pain, and the cause of the illness was unknown for the rest of the month! Doctor: It's related to it, a lot of kids have it
The boy's calf was in excruciating pain, and the cause of the illness was unknown for the rest of the month! Doctor: It's related to it, a lot of kids have it

Heart disease also requires heart medicine

Parent-child companionship focuses on mental health

Doctors introduce the occurrence of this disease

It is related to my personality and family environmental factors

Grievances, nervousness, bad psychological cues, etc

can cause seizures

The boy's calf was in excruciating pain, and the cause of the illness was unknown for the rest of the month! Doctor: It's related to it, a lot of kids have it

Meanwhile, the doctor said

Clinically similar to psychogenic pain and discomfort

Not uncommon

It is more common in left-behind children and divorced families

It is generally a juvenile child who is close to puberty or so

Recommended for parents

Pay more attention to your child's mental health and communicate more

Don't criticize or accuse or condone your child

Source: Mango City

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