
The unique dynasty of ancient times, 7 consecutive generations of Ming emperors, beat the foreign races and did not dare to invade

The winds were blowing and the clouds were blowing, and the Anders were guarding in all directions, and Wei Jia Hai was returning to his hometown. ——Liu Bang, "Song of the Great Wind"

Since the establishment of the Xia Dynasty in 2072 BC, China has gone through 5,000 years of years. Since Qin Shi Huang created the emperor system, countless unified dynasties have risen and perished in the Central Plains, singing and appearing like a marquee, including many admired emperors of the ages, and naturally there are also tyrannical emperors who are spurned by people.

The unique dynasty of ancient times, 7 consecutive generations of Ming emperors, beat the foreign races and did not dare to invade

Speaking of the dynasties of the Ming Dynasty, we have to talk about the Han Dynasty, to be precise, the Western Han Dynasty. From 202 BC, Gaozu Liu Bang Chang'an Dingdu began, to 8 BC when the baby was deposed. The Western Han Dynasty experienced twelve emperors, of which seven consecutive generations were Ming Jun, known as the most Ming Dynasty in China's history. Therefore, "Han" has become a symbol of the Chinese nation and a title for China's foreign countries.

Gao Zu Liu Bang

As a pioneer of the founding of the dynasty, Liu Bang knew that it was easy to fight the Jiangshan and it was difficult to defend the Jiangshan, so before his death, he mentioned his son Liu Ying to remove all threats. From Han Xin to Yingbu, all the kings of the opposite sex were basically cleaned up. In terms of policy, internally, Liu Bang learned the lesson of the fall of Qin and lightly dispensed with the three chapters of the Law of Contract. Opening up border cities to the outside world, since the Xiongnu could not be solved, they eased relations and entrusted this task to the next generation. Under his rule, the Great Han gradually showed a prosperous situation.

The unique dynasty of ancient times, 7 consecutive generations of Ming emperors, beat the foreign races and did not dare to invade

Huidi Liu Ying

Liu Ying did not reign long, only living for 23 years, but it can be seen from his nickname "Hui" that historians do not have a low evaluation of him. Liu Ying continued the policy of his father Liu Bang, advocating and living with the people, and also abolished the policy of not allowing people to collect books, and re-created the idea of the Hundred Sons and Hundred Families.

The unique dynasty of ancient times, 7 consecutive generations of Ming emperors, beat the foreign races and did not dare to invade

The reign of Wenjing

The father and son of Emperor Wen of Han and Emperor Jing of Han have a position in history that of Gaozu Liu Bang, and historians agree that the Han Dynasty under Wen Jingzhi was the richest period. Emperor Wen advocated frugality, the clothes of concubines in the palace could not be mopped, luxury was strictly prohibited, and many punishments such as sitting together were abolished. He also treated his courtiers with great trust and respect, and Zhou Yafu gave him a face in the Xiaoliu camp, but he praised Zhou Yafu for his strict rule of the army.

Emperor Jingdi of Han quelled the Rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms internally, and pacified and defended the Xiongnu externally. At the same time, he paid attention to accumulating wealth, laying a rich economic foundation for his son Emperor Wu of Han to pacify the Xiongnu in the future. The "Records of History" records that during the Jing Emperor's period, the grain in the warehouse was rotten, and the copper coins in the treasury were too much to penetrate with rope.

The unique dynasty of ancient times, 7 consecutive generations of Ming emperors, beat the foreign races and did not dare to invade

Emperor Wu Liu Che

Emperor Wu of han was the most famous emperor of the Western Han Dynasty, and the Wenzhi martial arts were all called the first emperor of the ages, so they were often compared with Qin Shi Huang and collectively called "Qin Emperor Han Wu". Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty weakened the feudal power and actively developed economic agriculture. Externally, Wei Qinghuo was reused to get sick, expelled the Xiongnu to recover the Hexi region, opened up the western region, and recovered South Vietnam.

The unique dynasty of ancient times, 7 consecutive generations of Ming emperors, beat the foreign races and did not dare to invade

Emperor Zhao's Liu Fuling

Although Emperor Han Zhao's reign was also not long, with the assistance of Huo Guang, he also achieved the ability to lightly control the thin endowment, rectify the rule of officials, resist foreign tribes in the north, and rebel in the south. The most crucial thing is to solve the problems left by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty over the years, so that the political economy can be developed again.

The unique dynasty of ancient times, 7 consecutive generations of Ming emperors, beat the foreign races and did not dare to invade

Emperor Xuan inquired

As the last promising prince of the Western Han Dynasty, Liu Qian was often compared with Emperor Gaozuwu, who during his reign established the Western Regions Capital Protectorate, greatly destroyed the Wusun Xiongnu, recovered the Western Qiang, and truly returned the Han Dynasty to a period of prosperity and stability. During his reign, he was also known as "Xiaoxuan Zhongxing", which was the last prosperous era of the Western Han Dynasty.

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