
Grandma forces the child to take a nap, the child does not grow tall for a year, doctor: the reason is not so simple

All along, in the end, the question of whether to let the child take a nap has become a hot topic of discussion among parents, many parents feel that they must let the child take a nap, although the child does not have this habit, and does not like to take a nap, they still force the child to take a nap, in fact, such a practice may bring certain harm to the child.

Grandma forces the child to take a nap, the child does not grow tall for a year, doctor: the reason is not so simple

01 Grandma forces the child to take a nap, the child does not grow tall for a year, doctor: the reason is not so simple

Grandma Liu in Shanxi has been helping her daughter-in-law with her grandson for the past year, because her son and daughter-in-law have to work and can't bring a baby. Grandson has been in the third grade of primary school this year, the usual curriculum is still relatively tense, coupled with the child's parents are more concerned about his academic performance, Grandma Liu is afraid that after she takes the child, the child's academic performance has become worse, so the child's learning is also more attentive.

Grandma Liu thought that if you want to make the child's learning more concentrated, then the daily nap is naturally essential, so she asked the grandson to go to the nap after lunch every day after returning, so that when the afternoon class is held, the energy can be more sufficient.

Grandma forces the child to take a nap, the child does not grow tall for a year, doctor: the reason is not so simple

At first, the little grandson was really unhappy, because he had never had the habit of taking a nap, but Grandma Liu still forced him to take a nap. After being forced like this for about a month, the little grandson also developed the habit of taking a nap, and slept from 12 o'clock to nearly two o'clock in the afternoon every day, and then got up to go to school.

Perhaps because the nap time is too long, resulting in the little grandson not feeling sleepy at night, so Grandma Liu asked him to read, and even saw 12 o'clock in the evening, for a period of time, the little grandson's academic performance improved a lot, which made Grandma Liu happy, even the child's parents praised the grandmother with a way to take the baby.

Grandma forces the child to take a nap, the child does not grow tall for a year, doctor: the reason is not so simple

Just like this, in a school physical examination, the child's mother suddenly received a message from the teacher, saying that the physical examination results came out, and her son's height had hardly grown tall this year, so to wake up, I was afraid that the child's parents had neglected the child's nutrition problems.

The child's mother denied this, after all, the child's daily nutrition is not bad, how can it grow tall? He simply took the child to the hospital for examination. After the test results came out, the doctor learned about the child's diet and work and rest on weekdays, and finally said that the reason was not so simple.

On the one hand, because the child goes to the nap after lunch every day, it is easy to lead to indigestion, which also causes the absorption of nutrients to be incomplete or insufficient, on the other hand, the child's daily nap time is too long, resulting in difficulty falling asleep at night, coupled with problems such as staying up late, missing the key stage of growth hormone secretion, naturally it will not grow high, fortunately, the problem is found relatively early, so it is only necessary to change the habits of life in the future.

Grandma forces the child to take a nap, the child does not grow tall for a year, doctor: the reason is not so simple

02 Not all children are suitable for napping

Many parents in order to make the child's afternoon energy more exuberant purpose, so will ask the child to take a nap, but in fact, not all children are suitable for napping, some children do not like napping, in this case there is no need to force children to nap.

If the child does not nap, the afternoon still has a relatively full energy, then this will only lead to the child's physiological work and rest is disrupted, which makes it more difficult to fall asleep at night, and the time to fall asleep will be postponed a lot, which is actually a disguised stay up late, which is more unfavorable to the child's physical development.

Grandma forces the child to take a nap, the child does not grow tall for a year, doctor: the reason is not so simple

In addition, it should be emphasized that if the child has the habit of napping, it must wait until an hour after the meal to take a nap, otherwise if you go to the nap after eating, the digestion capacity of the stomach and intestines will become weak, then there may be a situation of accumulation of food, which is also easy to lead to indigestion, the child's nutrient absorption will also become worse, and the nutrients needed to grow tall will have no place to obtain.

At the same time, the child's nap time can not be too long, it is best to control about half an hour, if the time is more tense, about twenty minutes can also achieve better results. But once more than half an hour, or even more than an hour, the child may enter a deep sleep, and then wake up will become very tired, but it is easy to affect the state of the afternoon, the whole person becomes very tired, can not lift the energy, for the child's learning is more of an impact.

Grandma forces the child to take a nap, the child does not grow tall for a year, doctor: the reason is not so simple

Finally, some people spread that children's naps can help grow tall, in fact, this statement is wrong, if you really want to help children develop in height, it is difficult to achieve naps alone. The height of the child is not only related to heredity, but also closely related to many aspects of living habits, such as diet, sleep, exercise, etc., and to ensure that everything is covered, if you only focus on one aspect, it is still very difficult to achieve the effect of growing tall.

The child's height development is not achieved overnight, and parents need to wait patiently, while not relaxing any environment in the whole process, otherwise it is difficult to achieve the ideal height development effect.

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