
Parents insist on taking their babies for swimming, and the ultimate beneficiaries are the children and themselves

Parenting is not an easy task for bao dad and bao mom, it needs to be continuously learned, improve the care and nurturing of the baby, but also spend time and energy to cultivate and educate children, spend time, money, and network relationships, is there any way to become simpler? That is scientific parenting, today we will take the scientific parenting of infant swimming, to talk about what the benefits.

Parents insist on taking their babies for swimming, and the ultimate beneficiaries are the children and themselves

Many parents have recognized that insisting on infant swimming can make the baby eat well, sleep well, be healthy and less sick, swimming can promote the full development of the baby's various physical functions, and has a good role in promoting the healthy growth of the baby, it can be said that the baby insists on swimming, and the ultimate beneficiary is the child and the parent. Why?

First of all, participating in swimming can promote the digestion of the baby's gastrointestinal tract, accelerate food digestion and nutrient absorption, and also improve the quality of sleep, help children develop, and let children develop healthily. This benefit can also allow parents to avoid experiencing the trouble of the baby not eating, eating irregularly, and sleeping irregularly. When other people's parents have a headache because their babies don't eat, and your baby has already taken the initiative to eat and fall asleep quickly, won't you secretly rejoice about it?

Secondly, baby swimming can improve the child's physical fitness and immunity, enhance the baby's adaptability, which and baby swimming can promote blood circulation, metabolism, is conducive to the improvement of blood supply and lung capacity, so that the child's physical fitness is better, but also allows parents to have more time or energy to invest in work or other things, children frequent illness the money spent does not have to invest in swimming less, and children also have to experience pain and affect development, which is good and bad.

Parents insist on taking their babies for swimming, and the ultimate beneficiaries are the children and themselves

Then, swimming to enhance the child's athletic ability, the big athletic ability is more developed, swimming in infancy can exercise the child's balance ability, limb coordination, reaction ability, etc., but also improve the child's sensory system ability, for the child to learn to lie down, crawl, sit, stand, walk, and grow up ball sports, cars, skiing, etc. are helpful. This pride can be strong when parents see their children always ahead of other children.

Finally, infant swimming helps children's brain development, 0-3 years old is the golden period of infant brain development, and swimming is the brain through the nervous system to control the body muscles, bones and participate in the process of exercise, external stimulation and feedback will also be fed back to the brain, enhance the child's sensory system ability, while combining early education courses, teaching aids, etc., so that children in the swimming process brain development at high speed, watching children's learning ability is strong, parents can not be proud?

In addition to the help of infant swimming for children's physical and psychological development, swimming is also the only water sport, so that children have a different experience of activities, but also with other children to communicate, interact, learn, constantly challenge themselves, improve their courage, and even master the anti-drowning, diving, professional swimming posture and other technologies, which is rare for children.

Parents insist on taking their babies for swimming, and the ultimate beneficiaries are the children and themselves

Now infant swimming has been very popular in the country, by parenting experts, parents, pediatricians recognized, the state is also vigorously promoting swimming education, there are dozens of cities have taken swimming as a compulsory sports examination project, and those who learn to swim from an early age, in the swimming test to achieve full scores is not too easy.

Whether it is for the sake of children, or parents' time, money, etc., swimming can save a lot of science, and the value of a swimming card is far higher than the investment, especially for children who insist on swimming, watching children become excellent, healthy and confident, parents will also be happy from the heart.

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