
Is the child "socially afraid" or "social cow"? 5 tricks to teach you how to guide your child to socialize

Is the child "socially afraid" or "social cow"? 5 tricks to teach you how to guide your child to socialize

When you were a child, were you a "social terrorist" or a "social cow"? How to guide your child to socialize

Personality (introvert and extrovert) is not good or bad, right or wrong. It is an innate temperament, but "social fear" will affect the growth of children, social fear is that children are afraid of seeing people, and even when talking with acquaintances, they feel nervous, blushing, shy, and unwilling to go to lively occasions; sometimes they will be slurred, stuttering, and dare not look up at people; in serious cases, panic, sweating, rapid heartbeat, helplessness and other phenomena occur in interacting with people. If the child just does not like to talk and is not willing to deal with people, it will not rise to the point of social fear.

If the child is timid and cowardly, withdrawn, and not good at communication, this is the prototype of social phobia, and after a period of development, the consequences will be unimaginable. Therefore, going with the flow is not correct in itself, and parents need to take a comprehensive approach to scientific intervention.

Is the child "socially afraid" or "social cow"? 5 tricks to teach you how to guide your child to socialize

In fact, many mothers feel that their children are too introverted, and they are unwilling to share when they see that the living people are unwilling to say hello and play with children.

So is your child a "social terrorist" or a "social cow"?

This matter can not only look at the surface, let's first understand the child's psychological development law.

0 to 1 years old: Children are trying to explore their own bodies at this stage, trying to understand that their bodies are their own, the movements are their own, as for things outside the body, they can't take care of them for the time being.

1 to 2 years old: what I like is that children of my age, with a certain sense of independence, can also distinguish their relationship with others, but can not distinguish between "your" and "mine" boundaries, in the child's heart, as long as you like something, you can reach out, this period is gentle (to give security) and firm (to establish rules) of the guidance period.

2 to 3 years old: my things you can not touch After the age of 3, with the development of children's self-awareness, they began to realize that their own things were their own, so they wanted to defend their rights and entered the "sensitive period of property rights".

During this period, we must protect the child's sense of property rights and establish a good sense of security, after which you can slowly guide the child to socialize. How do you guide your child to socialize? #如何让孩子摆脱社恐 #

Is the child "socially afraid" or "social cow"? 5 tricks to teach you how to guide your child to socialize

1. Respect the child's wishes. Never force it when you don't want to, and don't put the child on the hat of "impolite" and "too introverted". Adults will still be "socially afraid", why can't children live?

2, the principle of adults leading by example, you want your children to meet people to greet, then you meet acquaintances in the elevator will say hello? How you want your child to be, you need to be.

3. Establish an environment and create opportunities. Have playmates of the same age who can often play together and gradually establish rules. Participate in more group activities to guide children on how to make friends and express their ideas. But for children with social phobia, don't be too anxious to expose your child to strangers.

4, at home as much as possible to praise the child, affirm the child, help him enhance self-confidence, so that the child can see their own advantages.

Is the child "socially afraid" or "social cow"? 5 tricks to teach you how to guide your child to socialize

In short, it is to respect the child, accept the child, feel safe, and sooner or later the child will bravely step out from behind you to establish a connection with the world.

Introverted or extroverted, there is no distinction between good and bad, do not project your own preference for "perfect child" on the child, each child is unique, this sentence is not a slogan, it is really necessary for parents to accept their children from the heart.

Don't be anxious and enjoy the joy of parenting itself.

"Social terror" or "social cattle" are all good and powerful.

Is the child "socially afraid" or "social cow"? 5 tricks to teach you how to guide your child to socialize
Is the child "socially afraid" or "social cow"? 5 tricks to teach you how to guide your child to socialize

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