
"Guo Jia does not die, The Crouching Dragon does not come out", if Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia compete, who is better?

Guo Jia had no record of defeat in his life, chasing han xin, while Zhuge Liang failed to go out of Qinling after five northern expeditions, who was better? Let's go to each other.

The so-called Guo Jia does not die, wolong does not come out, in fact, it is a coincidence, the year of Guo Jia's death, just happened to be Zhuge Liang's fledgling.

Cao Cao loved Guo Jia the most, so how godly was Guo Jia? The god of Guo Jia is that whenever Cao Cao is faced with a choice, Guo Jia can often use his strength to overcome public opinion and give Cao Cao another way, and Cao Cao can succeed every time after taking his advice.

"Guo Jia does not die, The Crouching Dragon does not come out", if Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia compete, who is better?

So, can we think that Guo Jiashen has never come after the ancients? Non also.

First, know oneself and know the other without losing a hundred battles

If you look closely, you can find that almost all the wars that Guo Jia participated in planning in his life were related to Yuan Shaofang. Yuan Shao was Guo Jia's first boss, and when he found out that Yuan Shao was nepotistic, indecisive, and self-conscious, he soon left him.

The so-called knowing oneself and knowing the other is invincible, when a person's personality is seen through, it is easy to be played with by people in applause. The best example is Xiang Yu, Chen Ping and Han Xin both come from his team and know him well, and when Liu Bang got these two talents, Xiang Yu began to decline.

"Guo Jia does not die, The Crouching Dragon does not come out", if Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia compete, who is better?

Chen Ping and Han Xin thus defeated Xiang Yu, and so did Guo Jia.

Whether it was Yuan Shao, the infighting between his two sons, or even the contradictions between his advisers, Guo Jia knew it all. Of course, Xun Yu, who was also from Yuan Shao's team, also knew. Therefore, Guo Jia put forward the famous theory of ten wins and ten losses, and Xun Yu also proposed a similar theory of four wins and four losses.

Similarly, at the time of Cao Cao's Northern Expedition, most people were worried that Liu Bei Liu Biao would secretly attack Xu Du, but Guo Jia decided that Liu Biao would not do so. In the end, as Guo Jia expected, Guo Jia was once again canonized. In fact, Liu Biao's inner thoughts had long been made known to the world during the Battle of Guandu, and that was a corner of peace. If Liu Biao had ambitions, at that time, as long as he used troops against Cao Cao at the same time, Cao Cao would undoubtedly be defeated. Such a good opportunity, Liu Biao easily let go, how dare he use troops against Cao Cao after Cao Cao pacified Yuan Shao, for Liu Biao, he would think that it was a fire. Didn't Guo Jia boldly deduce from Liu Biao's past performance that he did not dare to use troops against Xu Du?

"Guo Jia does not die, The Crouching Dragon does not come out", if Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia compete, who is better?

Rather than forcibly viewing this as Guo Jia's clever calculation, it is better to say that it is the basic quality of the counselor - to know people.

Second, if Guo Jia is the most divine place, it is to calculate that Sun Ce will die.

Is this really the case?

Guo Jia believed that Sun Ce must have died at the hands of Hao Jie, so there was no need to guard against him. Sun Ce prides himself on his martial arts and is unguarded, and this statement is not false.

However, Xu Gong was killed by Sun Ce and died before 197 AD, and Sun Ce was assassinated by Xu Gong's protégé in 200 AD.

In the 3 years after Xu Gong's death, Sun Ce was safe and sound, so why did he die on the eve of the Northern Expedition against Cao Cao? How can Guo Jia accurately predict this point in time? Unless Cao Cao sent a killer, or bought Xu Gong's protégé to kill sun ce before his Northern Expedition, was it possible?

"Guo Jia does not die, The Crouching Dragon does not come out", if Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia compete, who is better?

Third, the final battle

Guo Jia's last battle made me see the shadow of Chen Cang in the darkness of the Ming Xiu Trail, also because of the use of the local guide Tian Domain.

Attacking the land of Yan You, such cases are countless in the Chu-Han war, or during the Spring and Autumn Warring States. Lian Po's attack on the Yan kingdom was also like a bamboo, when the Qin King's government swept through the Yan kingdom, it was like an autumn wind sweeping away the leaves, and the Yan king Zang Di saw Han Xin coming and fell without a fight, and attacking that place could not see how powerful it was.

What about Zhuge Liang? Zhuge Liang's greatest contribution to Liu Bei's clique was to put forward the Longzhong pair when Liu Bei was most confused, and found a strategic goal for him to strive for.

"Guo Jia does not die, The Crouching Dragon does not come out", if Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia compete, who is better?

First, when Liu Bei was alive, Zhuge Liang helped him manage his internal affairs and develop the economy more, similar to Xiao He.

Second, after Liu Bei's death, Zhuge Liang took over Liu Bei's heavy responsibility, opened up territory for the Shu state, and northernly explored Guanzhong.

Although Zhuge Liang did not achieve the great cause of restoring the Han Dynasty in the end, it was not because of his incompetence, but the north-south dividing line between Huaishui and Qinling was the most difficult fortress to fight for thousands of years, and later people continued to prove this with facts.

Zhuge Liang could not defeat Guanzhong, and Cao Cao was so resourceful that he could never break through Yizhou. It can be seen that the difficulty of the Shu Dao is not determined by manpower, if it were not for the final infighting in the Shu Kingdom, how could Deng Ai easily win?

"Guo Jia does not die, The Crouching Dragon does not come out", if Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia compete, who is better?

Third, the reason why Shu Han quickly slid down the altar after the Battle of Hanzhong had a lot to do with Liu Bei.

At that time, Zhuge Liang advised Liu Bei not to give Huang Zhong the title of general because he was very aware of Guan Yu's personality and was worried that he would do something radical because he was dissatisfied. However, Liu Bei did not think so. Guan Yu did not know that Liu Bei would launch the Battle of Fancheng, which was somewhat related to this matter, and he wanted to prove that he was a brother in Liu Bei's team.

After Guan Yu carelessly lost Jingzhou, Liu Bei launched the Battle of Yiling against Eastern Wu, and after the defeat, Zhuge Liang lamented that if Fa Zheng could definitely prevent this from happening, it can be seen that Zhuge Liang was also powerless to stop Liu Bei, who was proclaimed empress.

"Guo Jia does not die, The Crouching Dragon does not come out", if Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia compete, who is better?

On the other hand, if Liu Bei had adopted Zhuge Liang's words, would Shu Han have been so passive?

Conclusion: Guo Jia is the talent of the general, and Zhuge Liang is the talent of the general, and their success lies in the attitude of the boss. The boss takes their advice and wins more and loses less, and vice versa.

Cao Cao knew people and was good at their duties, and completely adopted Guo Jia's words, which led to many victories. When Liu Bei was in Jingzhou, he listened to Zhuge Liang's words and occupied Jingzhou to take Yizhou, but when he claimed that Wang had ascended the throne, he did not listen to Zhuge Liang's advice, and Shu Han was like a trapped beast from then on, and it was difficult to make a breakthrough. Guo Jia or Zhuge Liang who is better? What do you think?

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