
Who is in command of the invincible troops of the Three Kingdoms and the Six Great Powers? Sun Jian and Sun Ce were selected

In the Three Kingdoms era at the end of the Han Dynasty, heroes were born, and there were many fierce generals, among these fierce generals, six generals commanded the troops very powerfully, and the troops under their command were invincible, of which three were Eastern Wu, three were Cao Wei, and Shu Han did not!

Who are these six generals? The following is all based on the records of the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms.

The first, Sun Jian.

Who is in command of the invincible troops of the Three Kingdoms and the Six Great Powers? Sun Jian and Sun Ce were selected

Sun Jian was one of the Kwantung coalition forces that attacked Dong Zhuo, brave and good at war, and fought the hardest against Dong Zhuo, Dong Zhuo was afraid of Sun Jian and wanted to marry Sun Jian, but Sun Jian refused.

Why is it said that the troops under Sun Jian's command are invincible? Where is the evidence?

The "Three Kingdoms Chronicle of Sun Breaking the Enemy" records that Jian also recruited merchants and Huai and Si elite soldiers, and joined thousands of people, and fought with Jun, and marched forward.

The more than a thousand people under Sun Jian's command were invincible. To be invincible means to be invincible.

Second, Sun Ce.

Who is in command of the invincible troops of the Three Kingdoms and the Six Great Powers? Sun Jian and Sun Ce were selected

Sun Ce was the eldest son of Sun Jian, and after Sun Jian's death, Sun Ce borrowed troops from Yuan Shu to lead his father's old troops, and then expanded his power and swept through Jiangdong.

The troops commanded by Sun Ce are invincible, where is the evidence?

The "Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms" records that compared to Li Yang, there were five or six thousand. CeMu first moved from Qu A to Liyang, and then moved to Fuling, crossed the river and turned to fight, and every direction was broken, and he did not dare to be his front, and the military order was rectified, and the people cherished it.

Crossing the river and fighting, every direction is broken, that is to say, where Sun Ce wants to fight, all win.

Third place, Chen Wu.

Chen Wu was a general of Eastern Wu and one of the Twelve Tiger Ministers of Jiangdong, who initially followed Sun Ce and later Sun Quan.

The troops commanded by Chen Wu are invincible, where is the evidence?

The "Chronicle of Chen Wu in the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms" records that Liu Xun was destroyed, and many Lujiang people were expected to be elite, but they took Wu as the governor and went forward.

After Sun Ce defeated Liu Xun, he formed a force and handed it over to Chen Wu to command, and Chen Wu commanded this force, which was invincible. To go forward is to be invincible.

Fourth place, Lejin.

Who is in command of the invincible troops of the Three Kingdoms and the Six Great Powers? Sun Jian and Sun Ce were selected

Le Jin was one of the five sons of Cao Wei and was known for his bravery.

Fifth, Yu Forbidden.

Yu Ban was one of Cao Cao's five sons, and was known for his strict management of the army.

Sixth place, Zhang Liao.

Zhang Liao was one of Cao Cao's five sons, and in the Battle of Hefei, he defeated Sun Quan's 100,000-strong army with 7,000 men and almost captured Sun Quan alive.

The troops led by Le Jin, Yu Ban and Zhang Liao were invincible, where was the evidence?

The "Biography of Zhile Jin of the Three Kingdoms" records that in the eleventh year of Jian'an, Taizu cousin Emperor Han said that Jin and Zhang Liao: "The force is both broad, the strategy is well prepared, the quality is loyal, the discipline is righteous, every time the battle is attacked, it is often the overseer, the strong and strong, the invincible, the self-supporting drum, the hands are tireless." He also dispatched a farewell expedition, commanded the division and brigade, and took care of the people and peace, and was ordered not to commit a crime, and when the enemy made a decision, there was a loss. On the use of merit and discipline, it is advisable to show favor to each other. "So it is forbidden to be a tiger; to enter, to fold and rush; liao, general of langkou."

In the eleventh year of Jian'an, Cao Cao went to the Han Emperor and said that Lejin, Yu Ban, and Zhang Liao, whenever they attacked in battle, were often the governors, and they were strong and strong, and they were not strong, that is, these three generals and the troops under their command were all invincible.

In addition, there is the trapped camp led by Gao Shun, who is invincible.

The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms notes the "Record of Heroes" that the more than 700 soldiers who were sent were called a thousand people, the armor and fighting tools were all refined and neat, and the one who attacked was unbreakable, called trap Chen Camp.

However, because it is not a canonical record, it is not included in it.

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